Sunday, May 24, 2020
Persuasive Essay On Bullying - 1011 Words
Bullying, bullying has been around for a long time. Bullying has been in America since the country’s founding. Created from a competitive environment, bullying has remained a relevant issue throughout the years. Cyberbullying, has allowed the problem to expand, the thought to survive is an instinct and is common among all humans. Survival is associated with competition due to the large amount of species and limited resources on the planet. Since the dawn of time there has been a constant thought to do better than others and overcome obstacles. This survival instinct, along with a competitive atmosphere, has stayed the same as the human race has evolved. Both of these forces have flowed over into the educational, and social environment,†¦show more content†¦Preforming cyber bullying is very easy and that is why it happens so often, cyber bullying happens over the internet when you text people bad things or say bad things online. Bullying can happen from a variety of things. One of those things is race, if someone is racist they may shun you for your race. For example, lets say that your race is whatever your race is at this point, there will always be racial slang against whatever race you are. Another root of bullying could be a dysfunctional home where the child because of problems with the parents relationship. Problems with the relationship could include a child being neglected or not treated as a child from anyone should be. One root is also low self-esteem. When a bully has low self-esteem they will sometimes bully other children to make the bully feel better about themselves, though it is sad it usually works for the bully and the bully feels better about themselves. One of the effects of bullying is suicide. Suicide is when someone or something hurts you to the point of wanting to kill yourself and for a bully to sit and hurt someone so bad where they want to kill themselves, that is just terrible. Another effect of bullying is depression, depression is when you feel so sad that it isnt even sadness anymore, its like when you are so sad... it gets to the point where you dont feel like living anymore, and you dont really feel like waking up in the morning. Another side-effect of bullying is notShow MoreRelatedBullying Persuasive Essay730 Words  | 3 PagesBullying is a problem that happens in almost every single school and it can have many different reasons and ways. Bullying can happen online or at schools. It is becoming a big problem because it is worldwide and it is not good for kids to get bullied. Kids can become depressed when they are being bullied. Also they can have mental health problems later on. It already has a lot of attention but it needs more so it can be stopped. Bullying needs a lot more attention because too many kids are beingRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying1203 Words  | 5 Pagesfather had been jailed for hitting her†(Goad). Bullying has been a major problem in our society. The power of bullying can ruin someone’s life. Nothing good can ever come from bullying no matter how it happens. Bullying has been around for a long time, and it must come to an end. Bullying should be stopped because of the terrible and heartbreaking outcomes. To begin, the power of bullying is disgraceful land will always have a negative outcome. Bullying occurs when someone is repeatedly harmed by someoneRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying865 Words  | 4 PagesThis was said during a period of time where bullying was not as big of an issue as it currently is. Whether someone has been bullied, been a bully, or have seen bullying happen, it has come up in some way at a point in their life. Bullying has affected various generations of people in many ways, causing a lot of different problems throughout the world. Some of these may include mental and physical health issues which can also lead to suicide. Bullying must be stopped in order to improve our livesRead MoreBullying Persuasive Essay718 Words  | 3 Pagescommunities filled with individuals who are being affected by bullying from a range of young children to adults. According to the internet, bullying is the use of superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typic ally to force him or her to do what one wants. Therefore, bullying can affect everyone for those who are affected by the bullying, those who cause the bullying, and those who witness the bullying. In other words, bullying can have a crucial influence on mental health and in extremeRead MorePersuasive Essay on Bullying1241 Words  | 5 Pagesthey think about classes, friends, and books. They think about the minor struggles of drama and studying for next week’s big test. For them, school is just school. It’s something that has just become a part of life, not good or bad. For victims of bullying, school is a living nightmare. School is harassment, and pain, and a whole series of struggles too much for the normal person to comprehend. Schools have created this image of â€Å"normal†that many people strive to fit into. But when there is someoneRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying1259 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout my childhood, I was bullied. This bullying lef t physical and mental scars, as well as me lacking self-confidence. Whenever I attempted to defend myself or tell someone of the situation, it never worked. Either I would get bullied more by both students and teachers, or be ignored completely. This is when my father grew tired of me coming home sad and injured, he consulted the school, but they suggested settling it out with the bully’s parents. This resulted in my father meeting the parentsRead MoreBullying Persuasive Essay1247 Words  | 5 Pagessame†- Thirteen Reasons Why. Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. Bullying is a serious offence and shouldn’t be taken lightly, students around the world should be aware of what bullying does and how it affects the other person. Seventeen percent of American students report bullying two to three times a month or more within a school semester. Bullying has been occurring for years and bullying in schools was one of the first manifestations. Kids go home every dayRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying834 Words  | 4 Pagesenvironment. Bullying effects millions of students in schools each year. This can lead to heartbreaking consequences to the victim and their families. Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers College, took his own life by jumping off the George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River in New York City, after two of his fellow classmen allegedly streamed live video on the internet of him and another fellow student, who was male, in a sexual encounter (Billiterri, â€Å"Preventing Bullying†1015). ThisRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying841 Words  | 4 Pagesbecause they don’t agree with who they are. Bullying LGBTQ is wrong because no one should be subjected to cr uel treatment. Many LGBTQ human rights are being violated through harassment and cruel treatment. By bullying LGBTQ people are taking away many LGBTQ’s human rights. And as article 5 states that â€Å"No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.†Studies show that LGBTQ students receive 24% more bullying per day than a non LGBTQ. Because some LGBTQRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying1352 Words  | 6 Pagesgetting bullied, would you try to stop it, or would you ignore it and walk away? Bullying is a big problem, especially in the United States. There are active efforts to stop it, but many studies show that a simple intervention from a bystander can work wonders. In fact, a study done by Hawkins and Pepler from York University, along with Craig from Queen’s University, shows that a whopping 57% of interventions (in bullying situations) are effective. A few days ago, during my stay at the Avera-McKennan
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