Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Enviromental engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Enviromental building - Essay Example Synthetic or organic procedures can help explicit wellsprings of phosphorus as from wastewater treatment plants (Henze and Van Loosdrecht 155). Natural supplement evacuation forms in the treatment of waste waters lead to ecological, operational and monetary advantage. For this reason, stricter guidelines are being executed for expelling phosphorus from squander water. The diverse supplement evacuation forms are substance, physical and natural. Different natural strategies are accessible for evacuating both nitrogen and phosphorus. The procedure of organic supplement expulsion or BNR depends on a chain of biochemical responses that convert nitrogen to another structure. The primary changes are nitrification and denitrification. â€Å"Nitrification is the change of ammonium, NH4+ to nitrite, NO2-, lastly to nitrate, NO3-â€Å" (PWTB A-4). Denitrification is the procedure by which, without broke down oxygen microbes use nitrate as a terminal electron acceptor and convert it to nitrogen gas. Denitrification happens quickly when an outside substrate like wastewater or methanol is available for bacterial development. Denitrification happens gradually in case of microscopic organisms utilizing nitrate without an outside substance source. This is likewise named as endogenous-level denitrification. The denitrification rates at endogenous level rely upon muck age and the dynamic mass part of denitrifying microscopic organisms (PWTB A-4). The viability of the natural supplement evacuation framework is affected by the â€Å"characteristics of the waste water influent to each zone of the process†(PWTB A-13). Both natural nitrogen expulsion and organic phosphorus evacuation can be done effectively just within the sight of satisfactory biodegradable natural substrate. The effectiveness of the natural phosphorus expulsion process varies as indicated by the particular natural compound accessible in the anaerobic zone. There is diminished proficiency of nitrogen
Saturday, August 22, 2020
SOM Assignment Essay Example
SOM Assignment Essay Question no. 1 Which of the eight components of the administration promoting blend are tended to for this situation? Give instances of each â€Å"P†you recognize. Answer. Item Element: Beckett’s center item is dentistry benefits in a quality situation. All encouraging beneficial administrations increment the estimation of her center item. She attempts to separate her center item from her rivals as far as quality. Spot Element: Place is the Dr. Beckett’s Dental Office. Time can be the working hours of the workplace. Procedure Element: Patient is the immediate beneficiary of dental assistance, so it is a people handling administration. Patients must be genuinely present to get the administration. We will compose a custom exposition test on SOM Assignment explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on SOM Assignment explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on SOM Assignment explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Profitability Element: She needs to separate her administration as far as the quality. She moved another office to give a productive domain to representatives. Individuals Element: Dr. Beckett workers are her kin. She spurs her staff with preparing, excursions. She offers significance to her staff’s recommendations and staff‘s inspiration increments. Physical Environment: Dr. Beckett’s new office is current and appealing. Herâ staff wears regalia which coordinate with the improvement of office. Value Elements: Price is higher than different contenders. Other than monetary costs, patients have non-money related costs which can be recorded as: physical, mental and time uses. Advancement Element: There is no promoting. Fundamental device is â€Å"word of mouth†. They use VCR to show the dental procedures. Additionally a writing is accessible for the patients about after treatment methods. Question no. 2 For what reason do individuals loathe going to dental specialist? Do you feel Dr. Beckett has tended to this issue successfully? Answer Patients can have nonfinancial expenses in dental assistance. These are mental, physical and time cost. Indeed, I think Dr. Beckett has tended to this issue successfully. She realizes that patient must have a dental treatment and attempts to do the best occupation and make them as agreeable as could be expected under the circumstances. Question no. 3 How do Beckett and her staff instruct patients about the administration they are accepting? What else would they be able to do? Answer  Dr. Beckett and her staffs give recordings about the dental activity to teach patients. They can have when treatment photograph collection for new patients and this might be decrease their dread. Additionally pamphlets can be helpful to teach patients. Aside from teaching the client, possibly she can have a dental specialist accomplice to adjust the abundance request. Question no. 4 What valuable administrations are advertised? How would they improve administration conveyance? Answerâ Both encouraging and improving valuable administrations are advertised. Encouraging valuable administrations: Beckett’s patients know dental systems before the treatment. (Data) At the point when patients make an arrangement for dental consideration (request taking) Upgrading beneficial administrations: There was a little gathering room with toys for youngsters. They can play with toys when their parent’s getting dental help (supervision) When treatment, Dr. Beckett and her representatives talk with patients. They counsel them about how to augment their treatment results. (Meeting) Dr Beckett’s office gives an agreeable and present day condition to patients. Patients can listen old style music, drink some espresso, and sit on agreeable seats. Likewise representatives make follow-up calls to patientsâ after treatment which is an upper hand in administration Question no. 5 Difference your own dental consideration encounters with those offered by Beckett’s practice. What contrasts do you see? In light of your audit of this case, what guidance would you offer (a) to your present or previous dental specialist and (b) to Dr Beckett? Answer My dental consideration experience is totally not quite the same as Beckett’s practice. My dental specialist office is ineffectively planned and there is no rescheduling alternative. She generally makes me stand by more than 30minutes. There is no earphone, traditional music or rich of blossoms. She has what she needs. In any case, her dental practice is great; I feel no agony when I have tasks. a)Although in the event that she overhauls her office and give more f acilitating and improving valuable administrations, I will be progressively glad. Obviously there is a tradeoff between the modest expense and costly expense. On the off chance that you need to be in an agreeable domain, you should pay more cash. b)From my perspective, Dr. Beckett offers her support in a quality domain. May be she can offer pet consideration for patients who have pets. Additionally a stopping spot can be a smart thought.
Effective Organizational Transformation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Viable Organizational Transformation - Essay Example Henceforth, it is basic for the associations to be mindful of the innate intricacy of a hierarchical change, to maintain a strategic distance from any disarray or potential dissatisfactions. Authoritative change for the most part influences a whole association and do acquires plentiful disarray and confusion afterward. Along these lines, the included partners should be willing and arranged to act and work in a domain characterized by sufficient change, nebulousness and vulnerability. In addition, there nothing to be an ideal mindfulness at all the levels inside and association in regards to the numerous periods of progress and the information, mentality and aptitude required to deal with every particular stage. In the given setting, an affirmation of some key components including authoritative change helps. Vision-Any effective authoritative change generally is subject to an unmistakable and clear vision. A faultless vision happens to be a basic element of any very much oversaw hierarchical change.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Italian Neorealism and National Cinema
The inquiry whether to consider a specific film some portion of national film is as yet unanswered. What is national film? What isolates it from different types of film sorts? What makes it part of ones culture and how can it enlighten personality and nationalism? Movies are frequently portrayed as society’s reflections or portrayals. As a result of films’ usage and verbalization of visual symbolisms, narrating turns out to be increasingly striking and solidly introduced. Notwithstanding that, the nearness of alive entertainers and on-screen characters makes film more in contact with the real world. This is one bit of leeway that movies have over other national craftsmanship and fortunes, for example, writing and music. The reality of the situation is, it is a blend of both writing, music, visual and performing expressions. In the event that the network renders such ideas about national film, at that point the directs of rationale and reason promptly show that every single highlighted movie appeared in large screens are portions of a greater picture known as national film. In any case, the issue is that individuals from the academe and researchers the same appear to be awkward in settling to such a thought. National Cinema Keith Cameron noticed that in talking about national film, there are â€Å"axis of reflections†that ought to be considered [1]. These are the way wherein films are â€Å"enunciated.†[2] The subsequent one relates to various messages and pictures that these movies need to advance or imply.[3] The last however unquestionably not the least, is the manner by which to find these movies inside the national context.[4] These three angles are critical to this specific conversation. This would bring a superior contextualization of De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves and how it fits in into the national film class. As indicated by Cameron, there are three different ways to articulate movies and that depends on the real structure and substance of the film in question, the investigations and conversations that are given to it and the establishments in which these movies are appeared and made accessible to general society. [5] With this respect, Cameron questions the separation of famous film from national film. Above all else, Cameron appear to suggest that albeit a few movies or creations are upheld by the legislature or regardless of whether the nation include, for example, France for instance discharges enormous quantities of film, these by themselves can't generally characterize national cinema’s genuine importance. In the event that such is the situation, it appears that the term national film is excessively incorporating yet excessively explicit. It is enveloping since, it fundamentally includes films inside the district and explicit, since every one of these realistic creations experiences according to different pundits and individuals from the scholastic scholarly people. This carries us to the second method of articulation which has something to do with the talks that are credited to a specific film. As a rule, to decide if a film would best fit under the national setting depends on the examinations that deconstruct each fixing that epitomizes a privately delivered film. Then again, Cameron appear to suggest that specific associations which are effectively engaged with saving these movies assume a significant job in film classificationâ€so much along these lines, that a neighborhood film can't be considered as a major aspect of national film except if these foundations tells so. Going to the subsequent pivot, it is essential to take a gander at various images and symbolisms that are implanted in the film. National film will in general portray cultural and fundamental issues. Such promptly advances patriotism, personality, culture and history. In any case, there are additionally events wherein the political structure of a nation or express, that are regularly apparent in control runs likewise influence the entire story. Political strife can either strengthen the consideration of nationalistic promotions and developments in film components or it can quiet these centerpieces and change it into minor wares. Concerning the instance of the third hub, Cameron noticed that finding films inside the national setting ought to be analyzed as a blend of various film classes that are available inside the nation. Majority appear to be a significant factor in characterizing films as a component of national film that are separated by six typologies, for example, the accompanying: â€Å"narratives, classes, codes and shows, gesturality and morphology, the star as the sign and the film of the middle and of the periphery.†[6] Italian Neorealism and National Cinema Given this circumstance close by, there is no uncertainty that national film, most particularly in Italy has taken the consideration of many. Angelo Restivo clarified that an examination films that are not created in Hollywood promptly shows that broad investigations and inquires about has been directed towards Italian cinema.[7] Based from this contention, obviously, Italian movies embody the second method of articulation wherein it concerns the talks that rotate around the movie in essence. Probably the greatest commitment of Italy in the artistic world is the ascent of a kind all the more prominently known as Neorealism. [8] The characterizing qualities of Neorealism are its solid accentuation on social and monetary just as political delineation of society. [9] Maria Prammaggiore and Tom Wallis clarified that the ascent of this film sort happened during World War II’s result. Roberto Rossellino, Vittorio De Sica and Luchnio Visconti are considered as the fundamental advocates of the said film development. [10] This has promptly contributed into the development and advancement of craftsmanship films that are being offered in people in general. With this respect, there is a need to comprehend national film and its apparently inescapable combination with Neorealism. On the off chance that Neorealism started during the time whereinâ networks are torn with war and neediness, at that point the film class is required to be a piece of a much differing classification, which is obviously national film. An assessment of De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves appears to mirror the social situations that are available in Italy. The Bicycle Thieves is an account of a battling man who is frantic to find a great job in the city. He has a family to raise and regular costs are equivalent to ordinary condemnations. Ricci, who is the fundamental hero of the story, is in desperate need of a bike since it is one of the job’s essential prerequisites. Openings for work are rare and there are additionally different candidates who are promptly equipped for the position. So as to land the position, he and his significant other pawned a portion of their valuable belongings to get a bicycle. The world actually disintegrated during the war. Economies dropped down and more people were denied to have a not too bad methods for living. This is all around verbalized in the film. Ricci’s endeavors speak to the encounters of a person that is in extraordinary neediness and urgency. In this manner, it tends to mirror the conclusions of people who are additionally inundated in such circumstance. Italy isn't saved from the war’s effect and De Sica indicated that even an incredible city experience serious issues. In this way, the social and monetary part of national film for this situation is now showed. Besides, since Neorealism, as the term authenticity delineates, stresses catching reality on screen or if nothing else being shut to reality as such. So as to achieve this, conversational language and common settings are promptly used to permeate the â€Å"real†impact. [11] In the main scene alone, Ricci’s condition as of now shows outrageous destitution. Characteristic sounds are essentially not altered or cleaned so as to introduce the real factors of the movie’s setting and hence its phony is promptly diminished. The striking strategies of authenticity and simultaneously, the cases of national film make an ideal mix. Maybe it tends to be best clarified that Neorealism falls under the class of national film. Out of the need to live and endure, Ricci turned into a bike cheat as well. Evidently, this circumstance shows war’s leftovers. There is the battle to live all through the entire war in essence. Yet, the fight is considerably harder when on the most proficient method to proceed with life after the occurrence. The utilization of close-up shots in the film further elevates the dramatization that is introduced in the film. Be that as it may, De Sica doesn't appear to put a lot of significance on dramatizations that are filled sentimental notionsâ€but rather on what is obvious on the planet. Linda Badley, Barton Palmer and Steven Schneider [12] clarified that inquiries concerning Neorealism have something to do with deficient subsidizing. The crude and natural styles that it highlights are due to legitimate need as opposed to unadulterated expressive and tastefully related procedures, as per its faultfinders. In any case, of course, Badly, Palmet and Schneider talked about that â€Å"on-location†shoots are much progressively costly since certain variables, for example, the climate and lighting can't be controlled and that it ought to experience a progression of completing contacts for it to catch the ideal impact. [13] National film as recently talked about is a festival of society’s ordinary undertakings. De Sica and his incredible intrigue and enthusiasm want in advancing Neorealism is a solid case of a great national film. For the last time, the negligible truth that Neorealism manages reality basically implies that national qualities and encounters are featured. The visual symbolisms that are utilized in Bicycle Thieves indicate a solid introduction of Italy’s past political and social changes that must be gone up against. The mean to portray this reality goes connected at the hip with the target to promptly support a crucial change that is basic in Italy’s people group. Because of this, national film changes into a fine art deserving of acclaim and acknowledgment. Reference index Badley, L, R Palmer& S Schneider. Customs in World Cinema. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2006 Cameron, C,  National Identity. Keenness Books, Great Britain, 1991 Prammagi
Sunday, August 16, 2020
The New LinkedIn Recommendations Section What You Should Know
The New LinkedIn Recommendations Section What You Should Know You might have noticed that a few weeks ago, chaos reigned with LinkedIn Recommendations. You could request a recommendation, but the intended recipient did not receive the request. You could accept a recommendation, but you couldn’t ask for a revision â€" and the recommender could not submit a revised LinkedIn recommendation. Yes, this happened to me. All of it. Thankfully, these issues have been resolved with the new LinkedIn Recommendations section â€" well, mostly resolved. My new edition of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile will have all the updated information that you need. Here are the basics of how LinkedIn Recommendations works now. There’s more in the book! The New LinkedIn Recommendations Interface From anyone’s profile, you will now find the option to request or offer recommendations by clicking on the “More†button, or (depending on your version) on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the person’s top information box: If you want the person to recommend you, choose “Request a recommendation†and you’ll be brought to this screen: Or, scroll down to the Recommendations section of your profile and click on the Ask to be Recommended button: Write a friendly note to the person and ask if she would be willing to write you a recommendation. If you havent been in contact for some time, be delicate. Maybe start with a phone call. And at some point you might want to remind the person of something that will refresh their recollection of your skills and accomplishments. Then ask your recommender to tell a clear, specific story or two about you. Accepting or Revising Recommendations Once you receive a recommendation, you should be notified in your inbox. You can also check your pending recommendations by clicking the link in your Recommendation section: Or visit this direct link: You’ll have the opportunity to accept or dismiss the recommendation. If there is an error or something youd rather that someone say differently, you can ask your recommender to correct it, which I encourage you to do if what they wrote is not exactly the way you want it! Most people are very cooperative when you make a request for a replacement. Unfortunately, LinkedIn eliminated the feature that allowed the recipient to request a replacement recommendation, so if you need a revision, youll have to Dismiss the original recommendation and request a new one. Accompany your request with a copy of the original recommendation and your suggested changes so your recommender does not have to start from scratch. Recommendation Challenges Here are some issues that commonly come up with people seeking LinkedIn Recommendations: 1. I havent talked to my recommender in 5 years I would be so embarrassed to ask! In this situation, think about how you would respond if the tables were turned. Wouldnt you be happy to hear from someone who did good work for you or who was a great boss or colleague 10 years ago? I say it’s always worth asking if you think they will say something valuable! 2. My recommenders arent on LinkedIn. In this situation, there are at least three options that can address the issue: Invite the person onto LinkedIn. It might be just the nudge your recommender needs to join the millions of LinkedIn users! Attach your recommendation under the relevant job as a link or file. Include the recommendation in the summary or experience section of your profile. 3. My previous company has a policy against recommendations. If your past supervisors are precluded from recommending you due to company policy, you might have hit a dead endâ€"but your coworkers might still be able to write a recommendation; and keep track of those supervisors, as they might move to a new company and be freed up to write a recommendation for you. Pay attention to the daily emails you receive with updates and look for news about potential recommenders! Show or Hide LinkedIn Recommendations You can display the LinkedIn Recommendations you choose at any given time. To show or hide your recommendations, click on the pencil icon: If you do not want to display a recommendation, click the Show slider to change it to Hide and the recommendation will be hidden (see example below). Giving Recommendations I encourage you to recommend people as well as to request recommendations. Here’s how: If you want to recommend Nancy, go to her profile and click “Recommend Nancy.†You’ll be brought to this start box: Tracking Your Recommendations Want a quick run-down of all your received and given recommendations? Scroll down in your profile and here’s what you’ll see: Or, want to see all the recommendation requests people have sent you? Go to Looking Good in Your LinkedIn Recommendations Section By accumulating recommendations, you will gain the trust of potential employers, clients, and whomever else you want to impress on LinkedInâ€"trust that can translate into business or into a job. I have had many people choose to work with The Essay Expert based on the strength of the recommendations posted on my LinkedIn profile. Imagine, if you are a business or sales person, having clients come to you already having decided youre the person they want to work with! Recommending people can also get attention from recruiters. It’s a little-known fact that recruiters search on the recommendations you’ve given, not just on the ones you receive! In summary, the strength of your recommendations can get you your next client or your next job. What are you waiting for?
Monday, June 29, 2020
The Use of Jail as a Dumping Ground for the Mentally Ill and the Failures - Free Essay Example
The absence of emotional wellness ailment has kept on declining as I would see it. Because of people who experience the ill effects of a psychological maladjustment and left untreated, many are captured due to their ridiculous conduct; the prison has fundamentally turned into a dumping ground for the rationally sick. As per the NY Times article Psychological instability, Untreated Behind Bars, a gathering was held at the White House and the point in regards to the rationally sick was drawn out into the open. An individual from the National Sheriffs Association expressed that the rationally sick has filled our correctional facilities yet it would be ideal if successful treatment was given to those people (The Editorial Board, 2017). The leader of the United States has recognized that jail is the wrong spot for a rationally sick individual and that his organization would endeavor to address this issue. One great begin that the article referenced is broadened the general wellbeing framework into the correctional facilities and jail (The Editorial Board, 2017). As expressed previously, emotional wellness is an issue that presently cant seem to be fathomed inside nearby correctional facilities and penitentiaries and has expanded because of the way that the essential factor regarding why they have wound up in prison or jail was a result of their untreated hostile direct. Sheriff John Layton of Martin County raised the worry about the rationally sick being imprisoned, expressed, Frequently rationally sick individuals are imprisoned, not on the grounds that they represent a danger to open wellbeing, but since their practices are irritating to officers and people in general. Of the 2,300 detainees in his district, an expected 40 percent experience the ill effects of psychological maladjustment, almost 8 million a year is spent on dealing with the rationally sick (The Editorial Board, 2017). To break this cycle with regards to the rationally sick, numerous regions have or will sign the Stepping Up activity which is supported by the Council of Sta te Government Justice Center, the National Association of Counties and the American Psychiatric Association Foundation (The Editorial Board, 2017). The reason for the Stepping Up activity is to enable neighborhood offices to create strategies for lessening the number of individuals with psychological instability in prisons (The Editorial Board, 2017). Simply a year ago, Congress passed the Comprehensive Justice and Mental Health Act, which approved a large number of dollars for state and nearby endeavors to lessen detainment of the rationally sick and furthermore grows treatment for the individuals who are returning back to society (The Editorial Board, 2017). With these strategies being passed, its principal objective as expressed before is to lessen the rate of the rationally sick from going to jail. In spite of the fact that the wrongdoing submitted by the rationally sick may have been crazy or deadly, despite everything it ought not to deny them with the most proper, viable treatment. Examination of the Failure Issues that rung a bell while perusing the news article was the absence of preparing the Officers are given while drawing in with the rationally sick. In the article, one officer expressed, regularly rationally sick individuals are imprisoned, not on the grounds that they represent a danger to open security, but since t heir practices are irritating to officers and people in general (The Editorial Board, 2017). I thought it was intriguing that the officer supported putting a rationally sick individual to imprison because of his conduct being irritating. To me, that just demonstrates the absence of preparing officers to get for managing the rationally sick since they follow up on dissatisfaction. In the event that I needed to put a fault on this issue, I would state that the legislature assumes a major job about why the framework has fizzled the rationally sick. The motivation behind the administration is to build up equity for all, to ensure the privileges of the nationals. They can authorize laws and make laws that are reasonable for the residents. In spite of the fact that, the president knows about this issue and has tended to it, it turns into an issue that has been brushed under the floor covering. In spite of the fact that my news article was not explicit regarding who to fault for this issue, one article agreed with me as officers as one of the components because of the absence of pr eparing they have got when managing the rationally sick. The correctional facilities are running the biggest emotional well-being healing facilities and they dont know it. The rationally sick needs greater treatment alternatives than simply imprison however without the correct rule regarding how to deal with a circumstance like this and add the absence of asset accessible, it is hard to determine this issue. In the event that specific arrangements are not set up, officers will keep on doing what they are prepared to do. With everything taken into account, the rationally sick is a delicate theme and in addition a troublesome errand to comprehend because of the unpredictability of the issue. Edmonson said it better when she expressed that frequently transient arrangements are regularly utilized for complex issues. The writers in this article examined the expense of psychological instability and substance use for people who are in treatment. The information for this examination originated from a three-year investigation of 203 people who are selected in some kind of treatment. With everything taken into account, they found that viable treatment of substance maltreatment among the rationally sick seems to decrease detainment. The creators likewise discovered that lodging could lessen the quantity of capture with respect to the rationally sick. This point, in spite of the fact that examines rationally sick prisoners would not be a decent source to pick up data from. The article goes way out of my subject while examining the elements and cost in the lawful framework. This would not improve my theme for the basic certainty that it is out of point. Finn, P. (1989). Organizing Services for the Mentally Ill Misdemeanor Offender.Social Service Review,63(1), 127-141. The creator gives some suggestion with respect to how the medicinal services office and the law authorization can work together to shape a superior framework concerning the rationally sick. Periodically, policed officers will in general transport wrongdoers who may experience the ill effects of a psychological sickness. Generally, the procedure for an officer to concede a wrongdoer to an emotional well-being office takes some time because of an assessment, which is the reason numerous officers will, in general, take the guilty party directly to prison to spare time despite the fact that the correctional facility isnt prepared to treat the wrongdoer. The creator isnt just putting the fault on law implementation yet additionally the human services offices for not getting included with the criminal equity framework. The creator trusts that with the best possible social administration organizations and office executives, new methodologies can be produced by existing systems to build up their very own game plan with the police concerning taking care of the rationally sick crime guilty party. Petrila, J. (2013). Psychological wellness courts may work, yet does it make a difference in the event that they do? In R. L. Wiener and E. M. Brank (Eds.). Critical thinking courts, 133-146. The creator talks about the psychological wellness court and how it tends to be effective. The creator presents three contentions with respect to how the psychological well-being court has been effective. In spite of the fact that my point talks about rationally sick detainees, my spotlight isnt exclusively on the emotional wellness court in this manner brin ging about this article as not being strong of my subject. This presents article will probably examine if either the psychological well-being courts work and if so it even issues? In spite of the fact that there is some essential data in this article, I dont have the correct data that will bolster imprisons as dumping ground for the rationally sick. References Clark, R. E., Ricketts, S. K., and McHugo, G. J. (1999). Lawful framework association and expenses for people in treatment for extreme psychological sickness and substance use disorders. Psychiatric Services,50(5), 641-647. Finn, P. (1989). Planning Services for the Mentally Ill Misdemeanor Offender. Social Service Review,63(1), 127-141. Petrila, J. (2013). Emotional wellness courts may work, yet does it make a difference on the off chance that they do? In R. L. Wiener and E. M. Brank (Eds.). Critical thinking courts, 133-146. Commented on Bibliography Clark, R. E., Ricketts, S. K., and McHugo, G. J. (1999). Lawful framework association and expenses for people in treatment for extreme psychological maladjustment and substance use disorders.Psychiatric Services,50(5), 641-647.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Persuasive Essay On Bullying - 1011 Words
Bullying, bullying has been around for a long time. Bullying has been in America since the country’s founding. Created from a competitive environment, bullying has remained a relevant issue throughout the years. Cyberbullying, has allowed the problem to expand, the thought to survive is an instinct and is common among all humans. Survival is associated with competition due to the large amount of species and limited resources on the planet. Since the dawn of time there has been a constant thought to do better than others and overcome obstacles. This survival instinct, along with a competitive atmosphere, has stayed the same as the human race has evolved. Both of these forces have flowed over into the educational, and social environment,†¦show more content†¦Preforming cyber bullying is very easy and that is why it happens so often, cyber bullying happens over the internet when you text people bad things or say bad things online. Bullying can happen from a variety of things. One of those things is race, if someone is racist they may shun you for your race. For example, lets say that your race is whatever your race is at this point, there will always be racial slang against whatever race you are. Another root of bullying could be a dysfunctional home where the child because of problems with the parents relationship. Problems with the relationship could include a child being neglected or not treated as a child from anyone should be. One root is also low self-esteem. When a bully has low self-esteem they will sometimes bully other children to make the bully feel better about themselves, though it is sad it usually works for the bully and the bully feels better about themselves. One of the effects of bullying is suicide. Suicide is when someone or something hurts you to the point of wanting to kill yourself and for a bully to sit and hurt someone so bad where they want to kill themselves, that is just terrible. Another effect of bullying is depression, depression is when you feel so sad that it isnt even sadness anymore, its like when you are so sad... it gets to the point where you dont feel like living anymore, and you dont really feel like waking up in the morning. Another side-effect of bullying is notShow MoreRelatedBullying Persuasive Essay730 Words  | 3 PagesBullying is a problem that happens in almost every single school and it can have many different reasons and ways. Bullying can happen online or at schools. It is becoming a big problem because it is worldwide and it is not good for kids to get bullied. Kids can become depressed when they are being bullied. Also they can have mental health problems later on. It already has a lot of attention but it needs more so it can be stopped. Bullying needs a lot more attention because too many kids are beingRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying1203 Words  | 5 Pagesfather had been jailed for hitting her†(Goad). Bullying has been a major problem in our society. The power of bullying can ruin someone’s life. Nothing good can ever come from bullying no matter how it happens. Bullying has been around for a long time, and it must come to an end. Bullying should be stopped because of the terrible and heartbreaking outcomes. To begin, the power of bullying is disgraceful land will always have a negative outcome. Bullying occurs when someone is repeatedly harmed by someoneRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying865 Words  | 4 PagesThis was said during a period of time where bullying was not as big of an issue as it currently is. Whether someone has been bullied, been a bully, or have seen bullying happen, it has come up in some way at a point in their life. Bullying has affected various generations of people in many ways, causing a lot of different problems throughout the world. Some of these may include mental and physical health issues which can also lead to suicide. Bullying must be stopped in order to improve our livesRead MoreBullying Persuasive Essay718 Words  | 3 Pagescommunities filled with individuals who are being affected by bullying from a range of young children to adults. According to the internet, bullying is the use of superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typic ally to force him or her to do what one wants. Therefore, bullying can affect everyone for those who are affected by the bullying, those who cause the bullying, and those who witness the bullying. In other words, bullying can have a crucial influence on mental health and in extremeRead MorePersuasive Essay on Bullying1241 Words  | 5 Pagesthey think about classes, friends, and books. They think about the minor struggles of drama and studying for next week’s big test. For them, school is just school. It’s something that has just become a part of life, not good or bad. For victims of bullying, school is a living nightmare. School is harassment, and pain, and a whole series of struggles too much for the normal person to comprehend. Schools have created this image of â€Å"normal†that many people strive to fit into. But when there is someoneRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying1259 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout my childhood, I was bullied. This bullying lef t physical and mental scars, as well as me lacking self-confidence. Whenever I attempted to defend myself or tell someone of the situation, it never worked. Either I would get bullied more by both students and teachers, or be ignored completely. This is when my father grew tired of me coming home sad and injured, he consulted the school, but they suggested settling it out with the bully’s parents. This resulted in my father meeting the parentsRead MoreBullying Persuasive Essay1247 Words  | 5 Pagessame†- Thirteen Reasons Why. Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. Bullying is a serious offence and shouldn’t be taken lightly, students around the world should be aware of what bullying does and how it affects the other person. Seventeen percent of American students report bullying two to three times a month or more within a school semester. Bullying has been occurring for years and bullying in schools was one of the first manifestations. Kids go home every dayRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying834 Words  | 4 Pagesenvironment. Bullying effects millions of students in schools each year. This can lead to heartbreaking consequences to the victim and their families. Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers College, took his own life by jumping off the George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River in New York City, after two of his fellow classmen allegedly streamed live video on the internet of him and another fellow student, who was male, in a sexual encounter (Billiterri, â€Å"Preventing Bullying†1015). ThisRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying841 Words  | 4 Pagesbecause they don’t agree with who they are. Bullying LGBTQ is wrong because no one should be subjected to cr uel treatment. Many LGBTQ human rights are being violated through harassment and cruel treatment. By bullying LGBTQ people are taking away many LGBTQ’s human rights. And as article 5 states that â€Å"No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.†Studies show that LGBTQ students receive 24% more bullying per day than a non LGBTQ. Because some LGBTQRead MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying1352 Words  | 6 Pagesgetting bullied, would you try to stop it, or would you ignore it and walk away? Bullying is a big problem, especially in the United States. There are active efforts to stop it, but many studies show that a simple intervention from a bystander can work wonders. In fact, a study done by Hawkins and Pepler from York University, along with Craig from Queen’s University, shows that a whopping 57% of interventions (in bullying situations) are effective. A few days ago, during my stay at the Avera-McKennan
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Martin Luther Kings Letter From Birmingham Jail - 1340 Words
On April 16, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter from Birmingham Jail after he had been arrested for nonviolent protests. In this letter he addressed a few of his fellow clergymen who had commented on King’s work in Birmingham and how they perceived it to be â€Å"unwise and untimely.†He told them that he had, in fact, been issued an invitation to help the people of Birmingham and that he was â€Å"compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond [his] hometown.†King assured the clergymen that he and his comrades were using the proper approach and are thinking out their movements very carefully. He then gave the clergymen the reasons behind the laws that had been broken. King then moved into a section where he â€Å"called out†white moderates,†¦show more content†¦This sentence was intended to make the white moderates feel truly guilty, almost dirty, for their lack of support. King was able to put so much emotion into a few sentences. He exuded copious amounts of disappointment in the white moderates that present day readers must also feel some amount of shame for what the people of the past did, or rather did not, do. King continued his guilt trip with one simple sentence, â€Å"Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection†(432). He used a single sentence to make the entire group of white moderates feel guilt for their lack of action. He stated that outright rejection made more sense to him than sideline acceptance. He showed that they would be better off shunning the movement completely instead of confusing everybody by showing half support occasionally. King did not hide his chagrin for their very limited support. He wanted their full support or nothing from them. King then circled back around to using shame as an appeal. He must have really wanted to push this feeling in deep because he said â€Å" I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that the present tension of the South is merely a necessary phase of theShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther Kings Letter From Birmingham Jail839 Words  | 4 Pages1960’s one of the most well- known civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested and was placed into a jail in Birmingham Alabama for eleven days (Westbrook 1). Martin Luther King did not commit a crime that was in violation of any law in the U.S Constitution. King was arrested for taking a direct action for the Black community that was harassed and judged every day for there color of their skin. In King’s Letter From Birmingham Jail on the 16th of April 1963 he illuminates the daily brutalityRead MoreRev. Martin Luther Kings Letter From Birmingham Jail950 Words  | 4 Pages15 November 2017 â€Å"No, baby, no, you may not go, for the dogs are fierce and wild, and clubs and hoses, guns and jails, aren’t good for a little child.†(Allusion - referring to another work to apply symbolic meaning). This quote from â€Å"Ballad of Birmingham†illustrates the horror and cruelty of how African Americans were treated at that time, as no place was safe or free from racism; there was no limits to the violence that came with it. The 1950’s and 1960’s was an era where the Civil RightsRead MoreSummary Of Martin Luther Kings Letter From Birmingham Jail1159 Words  | 5 Pages Martin Luther King lived in a time where Negro people were faced with a multitude of social injustices. King was actively participating in passive protests opposing the laws which upheld these injustices. In his â€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail†King replies to the criticism of eight clergymen, who called him and his companions extremists and law breakers (King 18 7). In his letter of response, King both shows his disappointment with these men, as well as plead with them to see his side. King wantsRead More Martin Luther Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay1241 Words  | 5 PagesRhetorical Analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail In his essay Letter from Birmingham Jail, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. disproves the assumptions of people that believe racism is acceptable when he compares the maltreatment of blacks to the inhumane treatment of the Jews by Hitler. King establishes a relationship with his audience by connecting on a level that is larger than the exploitation of African Americans rights. He forces his readers to think aboutRead MoreEssay on Martin Luther Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail1176 Words  | 5 Pagestechniques were used to gain the civil rights for the black people in a series of which came the â€Å"Letter form Birmingham jail†written by Martin Luther King himself. Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail was a profound and persuasive written argument which captured the emotions of many people encompassing rigid life experiences, educated observances, and deeply rooted spiritual beliefs. In this letter King freely expressed his position concerning the injustice that black people fa ced in America. Read MoreReaction Of Martin Luther Kings Letter From A Birmingham Jail1061 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†Reaction â€Å"We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.†In 1963, Martian Luther King Jr was protesting for blacks to have equal rights in Birmingham, Al. The city administration found out about these protests and ordered the police to arrest them. Now in jail was confronted by a court and ordered not to protest in Birmingham. In response King wrote what is now known as the â€Å"LetterRead MoreAntigone And Martin Luther Kings Letter From Birmingham Jail831 Words  | 4 Pages54 years ago, and even during the BC ages was it a problem. Dr King’s letter explains how he knew he broke the law by blocking a road, but did it due to the racism and injustices that were happening. In Antigone, she buries her brother even though he was not meant to, and due to she is a female and that she broke the law that was unjust her consequence is to die. Sophocles’ Antigone and Martin Luther Kingâ⠂¬â„¢s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,†explore a common theme that law sometimes conflicts with justiceRead MoreAnalysis of Martin Luther Kings â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†973 Words  | 4 PagesMartin Luther King Jr, an civil rights activist, fought for the rights of African Americans in 1963. King organized various non-violent demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama that resulted in his arrest. While in jail, King received a letter from eight Alabama clergyman explaining their distress and opposition to King and his followers actions. This letter occasioned his reply and caused King to write a persuasive letter justifying his actions and presence in Birmingham. Although King’s reply wasRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther Kings Letter From Birmingham Jail925 Words  | 4 PagesIn April of 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. found himself in a small cell in Birmingham Alabama, arrested for his participation in the peaceful protest of discrimination agains t African-Americans. King firmly believed that non-violent protest, in the form of sit-ins, boycotts, and picketing, would raise awareness of the prejudices African-Americans suffered and, in turn, lead to progress in gaining equal rights between the races. His â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,†which he wrote during his incarcerationRead MoreMartin Luther Kings Letter From Birmingham Jail1707 Words  | 7 PagesThrough the span of Letter from Birmingham Jail (1963) Martin Luther King Jr., makes stretched out implications to various logicians, among them Aquinas and Socrates. His correlation would appear to show that he imparts a liking to them. In any case, the clearness with which he makes his contentions and the commitment to a solitary start strikes most firmly of Kant. Similarly, as Kant s artful culmination, Critique of Pure Reason, endeavored to totally overturn a formerly acknowledged method of
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
What Is a Grand Jury and How Does It Work
A grand jury is a legal body comprised of laypeople that determines whether there is enough evidence to bring criminal charges to trial. During grand jury proceedings, a prosecutor presents an accusation and supporting evidence to the grand jury. The grand jury then decides whether or not the prosecutor can proceed with a criminal trial. Why Cases Go to a Grand Jury The concept of a grand jury originated in England and became enshrined in the U.S. legal system through the Fifth Amendment, which requires all potential federal cases to proceed through a grand jury. Only about half of U.S. states recognize grand juries as a way to pursue state criminal charges. In states that use grand juries, a grand jury indictment is the primary way to start criminal proceedings. Their importance and usage vary between states. States that dont use grand juries use preliminary hearings for felony cases. Instead of impaneling a grand jury, a prosecutor files a criminal complaint which lists the name of the defendant, facts of the case, and relevant charges. After the complaint is filed, a judge reviews it in a public preliminary hearing. During this hearing, lawyers are present and the judge decides whether or not to indict the defendant. In some states, a person who has been accused of a crime can request a preliminary hearing. How Grand Juries Are Selected Grand juries are made up of randomly-selected laypeople. The grand jury members are asked to appear in court for varying lengths of time: some grand jury sessions last for months, but only require jury members to sit in court for a few days each month. Grand juries are generally composed of 6 to 12 people just like a trial jury, but when a federal grand jury is called, 16 to 23 people may be required to show up for jury duty. What Grand Juries Do When a grand jury is convened, the jury members evaluate the strength of the prosecutors evidence to determine if there is probable cause to issue an indictment. Probable cause means that there are enough objective facts to support the prosecutors claim. The grand jury has tools at their disposal to find out if there is probable cause. They can subpoena witnesses to testify in court. In a grand jury, witnesses are typically questioned by the prosecutor and cannot have counsel present during questioning. If jury members think there is enough evidence, they vote to issue an indictment: a document that signals the start of criminal proceedings by listing the crimes the defendant is accused of and explaining the jurisdiction of the court. This act requires a majority vote, which is either two-thirds or three-fourths, depending on the jurisdiction. In many ways, the grand jury acts as a check on the power of a prosecutor. Grand jury proceedings may also benefit prosecutors by giving them a chance to see if their evidence will be convincing for a future trial jury. Unlike most other court proceedings, grand jury proceedings take place in secret, which serves a few purposes: An accused person may present a flight risk if he or she knows a grand jury has been convened. By keeping the proceedings a secret, the court reduces this risk. Secrecy ensures that no one who eventually gets cleared of any crime suffers from premature and wrongful damage to their reputation. The names of grand jury members are also kept secret to prevent bias. While secrecy can be helpful for maintaining confidentiality, it also makes the grand jury process somewhat of a mystery to most members of the public and raises questions about transparency in the court. Grand Jury vs. Trial Jury Grand juries function differently from trial juries. Trial juries are presented with evidence from the defense and the prosecution. The accused person is present in court and has a legal right to a defense attorney. In a criminal case, the judge asks the trial jury to decide whether someone is innocent or guilty of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, which is is the highest burden of proof in the American legal system. A grand jury, on the other hand, needs only to decide whether there is probable cause to put someone on trialâ€â€a much lower burden. The accused does not have the right to appear before the grand jury and contest evidence brought by the prosecutor. Lastly, a grand jury has no power to convict someone of a crimeâ€â€they can only issue an indictment. Sources Grand jury. Britannica Academic, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 9 Apr. 2018. Accessed 21 Jun. 2018.United States, Congress, â€Å"Handbook for Federal Grand Jurors.† Handbook for Federal Grand Jurors, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.â€Å"How Courts Work.† American Bar Association, Secrecy Supreme Court created Anyone being investigated cannot interfer with witnesses or otherwise tamper with the investigation. Secrecy decreases the likelihood someone who is about to be indicted will escape before indictment. Reluctant witnesses can speak more freely when their remarks will not be made public nor reach the target of an investigation. Secrecy protects anyone who might be implicated, but who is not indicted. testimony before a Length of the Grand Jury Oath of the Foreman You, as foreman of this inquest, for the body of the County of ____ , do swear, (or affirm) that you will diligently inquire, and true presentment make, of such articles, matters, and things as shall be given you in charge or otherwise come to your knowledge, touching the present service; the commonwealths counsel, your fellows and your own you shall keep secret; you shall present no one for envy, hatred or malice; neither shall you leave any one unpresented for fear, favor or affection, hope of reward or gain, but shall present all things truly as they come to your knowledge, according to the best of your understanding (so help you God.) Returning An Indictment probable cause double jeopardy Sources: American Grand Jury Foundation Behind the Locked Door of An American Grand Jury California Grand Juries Dayton University School of Law Frequently Asked Questions About the Jury System The Grand Jury: An Essay (1906) Grand Jury Secrecy Preface to The Grand Jury
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Malnutrition On Educational Disparities
The Impact of Malnutrition on Educational Disparities in Africa By: Merette Khalil and Blessing Kuebee, African Students Association At the start of the millennium, various United Nations (UN) partners came together to tackle some of the world’s deadliest and most pressing social and economic problems, and in doing so, established the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In the past 15 years, the MDGs have been evaluated and re-evaluated. This year the UN has declared a new set of 17 goals for the next 15 years called the Sustainable Development Goals. The first issue on both agendas is the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, a problem that is specifically significant for the entire continent of Africa. Clarifying a few terms based on the World Food Program’s definition is essential to understanding the scope of the problem. Hunger is â€Å"not having enough to eat to meet energy requirements.†It can lead to malnutrition, which is a condition when one’s diet â€Å"does not provide adequate nutrients for growth and maintenance or when a person is not able to adequately utilize the food consumed due to illness.†Undernutrition, being nutrient deficient, being underweight and even being overweight are all complications that result from hunger. Undernourishment is when â€Å"a person is not able to acquire enough food to meet the daily minimum dietary energy requirements, over a period of one year.†Wasting is â€Å"rapid weight loss or a failure to gain weight and is strongly relatedShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography : Literacy As Foreign Aid704 Words  | 3 PagesAfrica. Journal Of Development Studies 38.4 (2002): 27. Business Source Complete. Web. 26 Sept. 2014. Appiah and McMahon analyze the connection of social outcomes and feedback effects on personal and communal economic growth in sub-Saharan African countries. The authors attempt to estimate how net education comprehensively effects, directly and indirectly, the process of economic stability and sustainability in these countries. Christopher, Nkechi M. Literacy Growth And Book Development In Africa:Read MoreHealth Care Services And The Health Of The Belizean People1614 Words  | 7 Pages Today, in Belize, there is a lack of development in regards to health care, which has a great effect on the access to care. This is, in turn, has a large effect on the health of the Belizean people. We should care because the health of any population contributes to the status of the country as a whole. With health problems comes along high numbers of reports of morbidity and mortality rates here. This can be attributed to the fact that there is a decreased amount of hospitals, clinics, and otherRead MoreThe International Olympic Committee ( Ioc ) Essay1583 Words  | 7 Pages(Varadharajan et al., 2013, p.327). With this incredibly high level of poverty comes many problems for both India and its people. One such problem is the direct link between poverty and malnutrition. Currently it is reported that 57% of ‘under-five deaths’ within India are due to the current state of poverty and malnutrition (Varadharajan et al., 2013, p.328). This is largely due to the current state of food security within India. Food security is measured by the availability, access, utilization andRead MoreMaternal And Childhood Malnutrition On Low And Middle Income Countries2036 Words  | 9 Pageschildhood malnutrition in low and middle-income countries presents a global public health challenge and threatens attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)i. Encompassing both under nutrition and obesity as well as vitamin and mineral deficiency, malnutrition can be caused by multiple factorsii. These factors are closely linked to general standards of living, education, environment and the ability of a population to meet its basic needsiii. Malnutrition has profound effects on healthRead MoreChild Poverty And Its Effects On Children s Adjustment1473 Words  | 6 PagesChild poverty is a major issue in the United States. Poverty can be associated with violence, abuse, malnutrition, problems with learning ability and school achievement and inadequate healthcare, which can negatively affect the developmental process of a child. Poverty indirectly impacts children’s adjustment and the ability to successfully adapt in the environment. This can affect the health of children and lead to psychological disorders. While it seems impossible to completely eliminate childhoodRead MoreA Brief Note On Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health1590 Words  | 7 Pagesemotional wellbeing have significantly impacted on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, causing the wide gap in Indigenous disadvantage. (Brennan 2015) Socioeconomic factors such as social gradient, employment and education can have a great effect on the health of individuals throughout life. (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015) Due to lower income and unemployment experienced by Indigenous Australians, they are forced to live in poor, remote or overcrowded housing conditions,Read MorePoverty, Education, Sanitation, Malnutrition, And Child Mortality900 Words  | 4 Pages hunger, and child mortality. Several non-government organization (NGO), charitable establishments, and non- profit corporations work to advance impoverished countries and decrease disparities. These agencies partner with local, national, and international institutions to promote their particular health or educational agenda. Although, these establishments face financial shortfalls at times, they have managed to improve condition around the world in some areas. Bolivia is a country with manyRead MoreThe Health Of A Health Care System1892 Words  | 8 Pagesenvironment, educational attainment, health behaviors, childhood development, access to care, and government policy. International collaboration of ideas on the progression of transnational health is greatly endorsed for the benefit of complete global health care. Health care has social, governmental, and financial implications that affect all members of the health care system and in countries within the Central American region specially, citizens have fallen victim to health disparities that have resultedRead MoreThe Effects of Poverty on Children Essay1217 Words  | 5 Pagesgrowing up in poverty a lot of factors come into play such as their physical, psychological and emotional development. To grow up in poverty can have long term effect on a child. What should be emphasized in analyzing the effects of poverty on children is how it has caused many children around the world to su ffer from physical disorders, malnutrition, and even diminishes their capacities to function in society. Poverty has played a major role in the functioning of families and the level of social and emotionalRead MoreHealth Education in Schools1199 Words  | 5 PagesHealth Education in Schools By Paul Favors, eHow Contributor I want to do this! Whats This? Health education is the formal inclusion of the principles of wellness in the curriculum of a particular educational institution. Among the concepts taught to students are information on illness and their prevention, substance abuse and sexual relations. The ultimate purpose of health education is to allow students to have an understanding of their bodies and develop beliefs related to health. Facts
Youth Violence on the Possession of Firearms in School Free Essays
Despite nationwide gun-free school laws that prohibit possession of a firearm on or near the property of a public or private school, students are bringing guns to school and using them against their fellow students and teachers with increasing frequency. What possesses these students to gun down their classmates? How are these students getting access to firearms? Who is ultimately responsible for these tragedies? What stresses contribute to these shootings? And how are parents and educators missing the warning signs that these children have reached the breaking point? Over the past few years, there have been an astronomical number of school shootings across the country, sending policy makers, parents, teachers, and other concerned citizens into a tailspin. These events are becoming more frequent and have shattered the sense of safety that children should have when they are in school. We will write a custom essay sample on Youth Violence on the Possession of Firearms in School or any similar topic only for you Order Now Shootings by students, some as young as 10, have occurred at sickeningly regular intervals in urban towns like Pearl, Mississippi, Jonesboro, Arkansas, Fayetteville, Tennessee and most recently Littleton, Colorado, where 12 students and 1 teacher lost their lives at the hand of two teen shooters who took their own lives. Firearm violence falls second only to automobile-related deaths, as the leading cause of injury-related death, in the United States. By the year 2003, firearm fatalities are projected to become the United States leading cause of injury-related death, unless the violence is curbed. In 1991, Texas and Louisiana saw firearm fatalities surpass automobile fatalities, and Virginia and Nevada also have continued this trend. In fact, the firearm death rate is increasing faster than any other cause of death except AIDS related fatalities. Recent public attention has focused on the problem of gun violence in the nation†s schools. A 1994 Gallup poll of Americans, for the first time, fighting, violence, and gangs have moved to the top of the list to tie with lack of discipline as the biggest problem facing schools. It is difficult to determine what effect the threat of violence has upon the learning of each student, but clearly education takes a back seat to one†s own sense of security and well being. According to a survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, one in 20 high school students carry a gun and one in five students would tell a teacher if he or she knew of another student carrying weapons to school. Theories differ about where young people get their guns. School security experts and law enforcement officials estimate that 80% of the firearms students bring to school come from home, while students estimate that 40% of their peers who bring guns to school buy them on the street. The United States has weaker firearm regulations and higher numbers of deaths involving firearms than all other industrialized nations. The greatest tragedy of gun violence is the tremendous numbers of children and youth killed or injured each year by firearms. These numbers continue to increase at alarming rates. According to Gunfree.Org, in 1985, the number of firearm homicides for youth 19 years and younger was 1,339, in 1995, it was 2, 574. In 1995, guns accounted for 84% of homicides of persons 13 to 19 years of age. Averages of 14 youth each day are killed by gunshots. A group studying juvenile violence in Multhomah County, Oregon identified the inadequate response of the juvenile justice system to students expelled for possessing weapons in schools, the need for additional efforts to detect weapons, and anti-violence education in schools as primary concerns. We must, as a society, recognize that there is a cycle of violence and that violence breeds more violence. There is no single answer to the problem of violence. A multi-faceted approach is needed. Prevention must be a priority. According to a ‘Public Health†Approach, recognition of three levels of prevention activities is essential: Primary prevention: These are interventions directed at people who have no obvious risk factors for development of violence. An example would be teaching grade school children to deal constructively with anger and conflict. Secondary prevention: These activities are directed to those who show clear-cut risk factors for violence. An example would be training in anger management for people who have a history of arguments or fighting. Tertiary prevention: These activities are directed toward minimizing the danger caused by those who have displayed violent behavior. Examples include interventions to allow gang-established patterns of serious or repeated violence. Any approach to violence must include education carried out in various ways and settings including collaboration among community groups, businesses, the schools, and government. Most of all, the parents must get involved. Schools offer the opportunity to reach a substantial percentage of the youth population and teach them skills aimed at the reduction of violence. Teachers are able to identify early on problem youth and families. Schools represent an important site to convey the message of society against weapons and violence. An important part of the anti-violence prevention strategy aimed at all youth is increasing the efforts to detect weapons in schools. While schools are already vigilant about responding to individuals when specific knowledge is available about weapons possession, this approach has not addressed concerns and perceptions that a number of weapons are present in schools undetected. Expanding the commitment to zero tolerance for weapons in schools would also better communicate to youth community standards, assuming that adequate consequences are in place. Most weapons are found through reporting by a concerned student. Such reporting should be praised. How to cite Youth Violence on the Possession of Firearms in School, Essay examples
Enrons Code of Ethics free essay sample
This writing will analyze Enron’s Code of Ethics and examine the sections on values and corporate responsibility, it will also use applicable theories and concepts and will detail Ken Lay’s view of ethics and Enron’s corporate social performance, as well as reflect Enron to be socially irresponsible to everyone with any type of financial investment in Enron because of the deception it practiced with employees and investors about its true financial status, despite having stated in its company code of ethics that transparency, integrity, and respect for the law would be the cornerstones of its daily operations.Enron’s values, as stated in the 2000 code of ethics, include the following: respect for others; openness and integrity; a premium on communication; a commitment to organizational excellence; and a commitment to non-discrimination. As it pertains to corporate responsibility, Enron’s code states that it (or its representatives) will do the foll owing: it will comply with all relevant health and safety laws. It will emphasize safe operations because the company is devoted to protecting the environment, human health and natural resources; and the company pledges to enter into productive partnerships with the communities in which Enron is a part partnerships geared towards creating healthy families, and geared towards making the community stronger via education and environmental stewardship (Enron, 2000, pp. 5-6). Applicable concepts and theories explain Ken Lay’s view of ethics.For example, the wording of the document is aspirational; it demands that people hold themselves to the highest ethical and moral level and work constructively with partners to forge better communities (for a definition of aspirational, please see Ethics Resource Center, 2009). As well, the code of ethics and it’s values-centered insofar as its ethical ideals are among the first things discussed in the code; the code of ethics also stresses sustainability because of its focus on environmental and community stewardship (for a definition of both terms, please see Ethics Resource Center, 2009).None of the websites discussed in this paper take note of specific ethical theories when talking about what is acceptable or unacceptable for a company to do. However, there are two broad ethical theories deontology and utilitarianism that can be applied. Deontology holds that one must do right for the sake of doing right; utilitarianism holds that something is only ethical if it creates the greatest good for the greatest number(for a definition of both terms, please see Dictionary. com 2009). Put another way, the outcome is all that matters when it comes to corporate actions.In the case of Enron, speaking the truth about its financial situation in1999 would have hurt the company by depressing stock value; it is also clear that company investors might have been forced to sell off stocks or take a financial â€Å"hit. †On the other hand silence would keep people investing in the stock, therefore increasing the stock holdings of employees. A deontological approach would have favored full disclosure; a utilitarian approach would presumably favor not saying anything and hope that things turn around.Without question, Enron was socially irresponsible when it lied about its income and failed to reveal that its equity value was lower than its balance sheets said. At the same time, the company used its â€Å"partnerships†with the many companies it created to hide its losses and its debts. Enron executives also ignored accounting irregularities and calmly kept millions in stock-market gains, even though they knew company employees who had stock in the organization were going to suffer when things came out (National Public Radio, 2009).Without a doubt, Enron betrayed its shareholders (its employees most of all) because it went against its own stated commitment to integrity; it eschewed communication for greed; and its creative accounting showed its real contempt for local and international business laws even though Enron (2000) claimed to respect the law (please see page 5 of the Code of Ethics). In retrospect, it is not clear that Enron had a compliance officer in place in 2000 when it formulated its code of ethics.However, it would appear that senior officials in the company would have the same responsibilities as any compliance officer: to ensure that the company upheld all relevant laws and regulations; to be leaders in the formation of ethical business practices ; and disclose any information required by law or by company policy (Ethics and Compliance Officer Association, 2009). The leaders at Enron violated every one of their obligations and betrayed stakeholders.This paper reflects the sections on values and corporate responsibility highlighted in Enron’s code of ethics; the paper then looked at the pertinent concepts and theories that apply to the situation and answered the question of whether or not Enron was being socially responsible. The ultimate answer is no, Enron was not being responsible; the company hurt many people even though it undoubtedly thought that keeping things secret would serve the greater good insofar as it would give senior staff time to reorganize things without causing a depression in the stock holdings of employees. In the end Enron destroyed its credibility and ruined many lives; all because it declined to follow its own code of ethics. Enrons compensation and performance management system was designed to retain and reward its most valuable employees, the setup of the system contributed to a dysfunctional corporate culture that became obsessed with a focus only on short-term earnings to maximize bonuses. Employees constantly looked to start high-volume deals, often disregarding the quality of cash flow or profits, in order to get a higher rating for their performance review.In addition, accounting results were recorded as soon as possible to keep up with the companys stock price. This practice helped ensure deal-makers and executives received large cash bonuses. The company was constantly focusing on its stock price. Management was extensively compensated using stock options, similar to other U. S. companies. This setup of stock option awards caused management to create expectations of rapid growth in efforts to give the appearance of reported earnings to meet Wall Streets expectations.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Continental Carriers free essay sample
Continental Carriers is a general commodity motor carrier and has been since 1952, and they recently experienced successful growth since Mr. Evans focused on improving service, as well as an extensive marketing effort to boost their revenues in their already existing routes. He also implemented a way to reduce costs through computerization of operations as well as an improvement in terminal facilities to improve the company’s structure. This has since made CCI become a much larger company and has become extremely profitable by posting an income after taxes of $15. 36 million dollars alone in the year of 1988 of and is now looking to expand. Ms. Thorp, the treasure of CCIs now proposed an acquisition of Midland Freight Inc. to expand their business by 50% and increase their EBIT by 8. 4 million dollars per year. They have ran into the problem whether to finance solely on debt or by issuing common stock to obtain the 50 million dollars in cash they need to acquire Midland Freight Inc. The directors of the company have selected Midland Freight, Inc which they believe would fit seamlessly with their current operations, the agreed acquisition price is $50 million in cash which would have to be financed externally. The purpose of this analysis is to analyze financing strategies for CCIs acquisition of Midland Freight and decide which would be in the best interest of Continental Carriers, Inc and its stakeholders. Analysis Ms. Thorp has proposed two financing options that she has found suitable for their current situation, both of which she finds plausible for the company to be able to execute in a timely manner. Ms. Thorp believes that if they choose to issue common stock and issue it at $16. 75 with a dividend of 1.50 it could possibly dilute the stock and cost CCI by more than 9% but has proposed this as one of the potential strategies. She has also proposed that they could sell 50 million dollars in bonds and finance through long-term debt, which would be a first for CCI because they have never had to raise this much capital prior and therefore have never financed in debt before We have evaluated their two ways to finance their current acquisition of Midland Freight Inc and have come up with the following appraisal costs. Bond Issue During the two decades that Continental Carriers, Inc has been in business they have always maintained a standing policy of avoiding long term debt; and is currently one of the few companies in this industry that have no long-term debt in their capital structure, their current debt ratio lies at about . 2 (Kester, 1991). In addition to foregoing a long standing point of pride, issuing debt is another concern to the company because of the large cash requirements that are included with this option, namely the $12. 5 million due at maturity for the sinking fund. An advantage of debt financing was that the earnings per share was projected to increase to $3. 86 with $. 56 of that amount would be contributed to the sinking fund (Kester, 1991). The net EPS would be roughly $3. 20 which is $0. 21 less than the EPS in 1988, however this is still a favorable situation for the company as they have no other substantial debt. Another positive aspect of this option is the tax advantage derived from debt financing, the interest paid on bonds is deductible from the company’s tax return; this $2 million annual tax shelter can offset the sinking fund of $2.5 million per year for 10 years. There is also the option of buying back bonds to reduce the interest price. Long term Debt: N=15 years Periods= 30 (based on the assumption that a bond makes semi-annual payments) Interest=10% Paid annually Present Value of Principle=$2,865,427. 67 Present Value of Annuity=$45,454,545. 45 Total Cost of Bond Financing = $48,319,973. 12 *Plus an additional 2. 5 million dollars per year in sinking fund costs. Over 15 years that additional cost will be 37. 5 million dollars Total Cost of Long Term Debt Financing: Plus an additional $12. 5 million dollar still due at maturity. Stock Issue Based on their current business, the estimated additional after-tax revenue post-acquisition of Midland Freight, Inc would be $5 million. If the company issues an additional 3 million shares, dividend payments would amount to at least $4. 5 million. In addition to this with respect to book value and retained earnings the current stock is currently undervalued by approximately 61%. If the 3 million shares are sold the already undervalued stock will not only be further diluted to $2.72 earnings per share, but it would also dilute managements controlling vote within the company. However an advantage of issuing new common stock is that a principal does not need to be repaid and neither do interest payments when compared to financing through debt. Common Stock: Cost of Common Stock issue: Ordinary stock issuance: 4,500,000 shares $1 par value $17. 75 a share; proceeds of $16. 75 a share ($1 disparity) Dividend: $1. 50 a share New issuance: 3,000,000 shares Diluted EPS: $2. 72 $2. 72 x 7,500,000 shares = $20,400,000 Transaction Cost of Issuance= $3,000,000 x $1 $23,400,000 Total Cost of Common Stock=$20,400,000 +$23,400,000= 43,800,000 Preferred Stock Issue An option for preferred stock is to issue 500,000 shares at a $10. 50 DPS with a par value of $100 (Kester, 1991). Being preferred stock, CCI would have to pay $5. 25 million in dividends each year to preferred stockholders only, this would decrease the dividend that is currently paid out to those who own common stock, to less than a $1. 00 per share. A decrease that would likely lead to a decrease in overall stock price as well. This action would have a negative impact on the EPS dropping it to $3. 36 (Kester, 1991). This action would be unlikely for management for two main reasons. First, the stock is owned primarily by the management itself. Second, it is the managements’ duty to act in the best interest of its shareholders; a move like this would act in opposition of this fundamental duty. Recommendation Effective and aggressive yet responsible management has been essential to the success of Continental Carriers, Inc along with a sound business and healthy financials. They have relied on the revenue from their IPO in 1982 and infrequent short-term bank loans to finance their operations until now, and are only in need of considerable external financing because they want to further expand their business by acquisition. The acquisition of Midland Freight, Inc would increase CCI’s earnings by a projected $8. 4 million a year before interest and tax, which would be a little more than $5 million after taxes and interest. Although CCI is a profitable business under excellent management their stock has not performed well in the market, undervalued as mentioned before by about 61%, with respect to their book value, and traded infrequently. CCI prides itself being one of the few businesses in its industry that have been able to steer clear of accumulating substantial long term debt, however in our estimation this tradition has to end in order for the company to achieve its expansion goals. Debt financing for this acquisition is the best option for Continental Carriers, Inc for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, the $1. 15 difference in earnings per share between debt and equity financing, favors the debt option. Their debt and current ratios are only . 2 and 67 respectively and after debt financing will only increase to . 4 and 1. 34, which are still healthy ratios. The company’s annual after tax income has been steadily growing at an approximate 10% rate for the past 5 years, ranging between $7. 2 15. 7 million, accompanied with the $2 million tax shelter and the additional $8. 4 million cash flow after the acquisition; CCI should pursue issuing debt to finance its acquisition.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Why Should You Make Use of a Table of Contents Essay Sample?
Why Should You Make Use of a Table of Contents Essay Sample?Finding a good source of a table of contents essay sample is not as hard as it may seem. The task has become rather easy with the massive number of online sources that can supply you with such topics. It is also important to note that many of these sources do not necessarily conform to the trends of the times. This is precisely why you need to be choosy about your selection.For this reason, you should never expect just any essay samples to appear on your screen. Many have to be purchased and are often more expensive than what the general public would be willing to pay. However, the source you get will depend on several factors. Keep reading for some tips that can help you select a suitable one.First of all, you need to examine whether the online source you have chosen offers a free publication. Many sites on the Internet offer this service but they have to ask you to pay in order to do so. Also, you need to find out if the s ource is a legitimate one or not.There are some sites that claim to be genuine academic publication, but they might be made by companies who would only use the name for their own profit. To avoid such a site, find out which ones can actually be trusted. Just be sure that the main topics covered are not outdated.Table of contents essay samples are often given in many forms. Therefore, it is important to find out if there is something like a sample page that allows you to insert your content in a certain way. Of course, this is not a guarantee that the topic will be the same every time but it can give you a starting point.Another thing to take into consideration is whether you get a product that is an e-book online. Usually, they are much more expensive than printed publications. This is because they are usually sold in bulk, thereby eliminating the cost of the printing process. Although e-books are very popular these days, you can still find an affordable version if you know where to look.It is important to check what the different online sources that you have are offering. You should read reviews of their products to get a good idea of what they can offer you. It is also important to note that there are some sites that offer interesting topics that are quite obscure.You should always remember that a unique essay always makes it stand out from the crowd. Since there are so many kinds of sources, it is good to research each one before you actually make a purchase. Most online sellers these days also provide a table of contents essay sample.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Bridget Joness Diary Review Essay Example
Bridget Joness Diary Review Paper Essay on Bridget Joness Diary What does a woman want? get married and have kids? Maybe. But along the way it needs to do a lot of urgent matters, which, of course, associated with the opposite sex and work. It is impossible to live in this century and not want First be slim like a mannequin We will write a custom essay sample on Bridget Joness Diary Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Bridget Joness Diary Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Bridget Joness Diary Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer the second to make a brilliant career. no matter what, the main thing that you talked about in the press said. No matter what, the main thing said  «Bridget Joness Diary at the same time exciting, sardonic, sentimental book Brizhdit reveals to us the doors to their inner sanctum -.. Thoughts, feelings and failure. She tells us about the number of cigarettes smoked it, the calories eaten and invented diets. and soon we begin to empathize with her, this lazy, unlucky Bridget. well, to be honest, we all think that we ought to have a little less, and exercise machines, bought in a fit of commendable work out, dusty PDM find fault, poor fellows. All of the women think about it. You never know if a lot. This touches the book The first words of Bridget  «What I should not do -. Drink more than fourteen alcohol units a week . Smoking Spending money on: for pasta cooking device, ice cream or other cooking devices, which I will never use;. unreadable books of authors who will be on the shelf for beauty; exotic underwear, since it is useless -. I still do not have a boyfriend  » will be for We guidebooks on the novel by honest -. anything, this book teaches. That is, if youre not boring nerd, a student at the mistakes of others and their scrupulous eye for detail, in order not to make such a stupidity, and I hope you are not like it you just amuse. Make laugh. And that, too, is not unimportant. Laughter prolongs life. A prolongation of life it is a guarantee that you will read many, many good books 🙂 .
Saturday, March 7, 2020
20 Things People Hate About Your Website
20 Things People Hate About Your Website Do you want to create a website that is guaranteed to attract and keep visitors? Developing a web presence that audience loves is easy – if you avoid the twenty things people hate about websites. Whether it be through smartphones, laptops, tablets, or home computers, almost everyone can easily obtain the vast and overwhelming source of information that makes up the world-wide web. It goes without saying that online sources are full of useful and popular web pages that people visit again and again because they love what is offered at that particular page. However, many websites they visit leave a terrible impression that makes them never want to return. We’ve searched high and low to reveal the top twenty things that people hate about your website to guide you to create a site that they will love! Copy Mistakes Listed below are the most common mistakes made when it comes to your website’s text content, better known as the copy. 1. Your Copy is Over-Saturated with Keywords In years past, the way search engines found webpages was by the amount of keywords within the copy. Today, search engines are much smarter and are able to find what you are searching for without the use of keyword density. While keyword density is important for SEO (search engine optimization) when you have too many keywords in the copy, it makes it unreadable for those who visit your website!  2. Confusing About Us Page The about us page should be exactly about the website your guests are visiting. When you do not have a clear and easy to understand about us page, your visitors will feel confused and overwhelmed at not knowing the exact products or services you offer.  3. Lack of a Blog A blog is a great way to boost your SEO, but it is also a great tool to connect to your website visitors. Blogs can give a great source of information and they will boost traffic to your site just so long as the blog you offer readers is interesting and updated often. Blogs can also be sources of Frequently Asked Questions and their answers to assist your visitors with an issue without having to contact customer service. 4. Call to Actions that Do Not Match Offers The calls to action that you feature on your website should coincide with the offers you are promoting to your visitors. Nothing will frustrate people more than being told they will receive a 50% off discount if they buy now. Only to find out there are more strings attached to the promotion such as: must spend X amount of money, selected items only, or applicable for in-store purchases only. When your call to action doesn’t match the offers, your reputation will suffer, but more importantly, so will your conversion rates. 5. Headlines That Misguide Readers Catchy and interesting titles and headlines within your copy are great and useful ways to attract the reader’s attention. Just bear in mind that if your copy doesn’t match the title, you will become known as a ‘click bait’ site or one that attracts readers because of the title. Once they reach the website, they quickly realize the information they were looking for is not there and they will leave. Not to mention misleading headlines annoy readers and create distrust. 6. Contact Forms Instead of Contact Information When your website does not feature basic contact information such as email, phone number, and/or address your visitors will not be able to contact you! Sometimes websites will use a contact form. Contact forms are a fill in the blank information box that will store the data provided by the website visitor and will leave the communication up to the team behind the website. This is unreliable for visitors and many people nowadays feel uncomfortable with giving out personal information over the Internet. 7. Unclear Descriptions of What Your Company Does This is just as bad as having a mashed up About Us page. When you have visitors to your site and your website is not intuitive enough to show exactly what your company does, it will create feelings of confusion and mistrust. If you cannot make your visitors stay for more than fifteen seconds, they will be more than likely to abandon your site to never return. Visual Mistakes Websites must be visually appealing to visitors. This will help encourage them to stay on the site and even return knowing they will have an enjoyable experience. 8. Using Obvious Stock Photos It’s alright to employ the use of stock photos from time to time, but be careful which ones you select for your website! It is painfully obvious when a website is using tacky, generic, or even cheesy stock photos. Images should be used on your website to help your visitors. Using generic photos serve no purpose when it comes to being helpful to your visitors. 9. Using Distracting Animations Animations can be fun and entertaining for your website visitors, but take caution when thinking about using them for your website. Often times, people find that animations are distracting as the constant movements take the eyes away from the text they are trying to read. For example, if your website does not pass the three second blink test (the crucial three seconds it takes for visitors to decide to stay on the page or not), they will click the back button. Obtrusive and distracting animations can cause your site to fail the three second blink test and if you are interested in using animations on your webpage, make sure to do so the right way! 10. Not Knowing What to Do While this is the most obvious visual aspect of your websites, many webpages out there have no indication as to what the visitor is supposed to do once they arrive. If you’re an online store that shoppers cannot easily access products or they cannot figure out how to use your site, guess what? They will shop somewhere else. The same goes for every single type of website, whether you are on online store or not. If your visitors cannot figure out what to do, then they will head somewhere else for what they need. 11. There Are Too Many Pop Ups If there is any one thing that will turn people away from your website, it is the use of pop ups. No one likes them. No one. If you are using them on your site, please take the steps to remove them! People find pop ups annoying and sometimes difficult to close. Besides, pop up ads will distract your visitor from the main purpose of visiting your site in the first place. 12. Sliders Take Too Long to Load Using image sliders are popular choices for web design and when they are done right, you can have a visually appealing website. On the contrary, if your site has loaded nearly 90% of the way and your visitors still cannot see the slider image, they will find that they will have to wait too long for your site to do its thing and they will become bored and search elsewhere. User Interface Mistakes When it comes to websites, user interface is one of the most important factors in attracting and keeping visitors on your page. When user interface is done right, your visitors will have no trouble and even enjoy using your website. If the design and usability is unfriendly or not functioning properly, you will find that you will have unhappy visitors whose numbers continue to dwindle. 13. Unable to Contact Customer Service There are hundreds of websites that offer instant connections with customer service agents, whether they are live or virtual. When you see the pop up or prompt to use their online customer service and you actual go to do so, chances are you are already frustrated due to an issue you are experiencing. As a visitor you automatically expect the online customer service tools to work and function so you can be assisted with your issue. When these things are not working, visitors can become outraged and confused, not knowing where they need to go for help with their problem. Furthermore, if you have your customer service contact information listed on your site, make sure it is accurate and that your customers are able to reach someone. 14. Not Mobile or Tablet Optimized Today people are accessing the Internet via the smallest devices possible. Yet, there are still plenty of sites out there that do not work on mobile phones or tablets. This can be caused by the lack of mobilization in the design and code structure. To put it simply, some webpages are not built or coded, to adjust to the smaller screens which will prevent the entire thing from loading at all. Mobilization ensures that your website will work on: iPhones Tablets Android phones Laptops with small screens In short, the mobile-optimized site can be accessible for your audience from any device. 15. Poor Navigation Tools Poor navigation within a website will leave your visitors confused and frustrated, as they will not know what to do or how to find something on your site. Having a search bar or navigation bar that functions properly and is easy to use will allow your visitors to find exactly what they need in just a few clicks. Phrasing the navigation copy, how to properly analyze visitor’s flow, are used to make a website easy to search though. Take time to design your site and make sure you can achieve the perfect website navigational tools. 16. Struggling to Buy Products When you are buying anything online, all you want is for this process to be quick and painless. There are several websites that commit what is known as two-site syndrome and their users go to click on something and it leads you to another site to complete the task that should have been done on the first website. Two-site syndrome has shown to decrease conversion rates, and make the customer experience a miserable one. Take our advice and avoid the two-site syndrome so your customers can make their online purchases as hassle free. Overall Website Mistakes 17. No Social Media Icons Social media is one of the greatest ways to connect and network between current and future customers. It is so common and very easy for visitors to share with their family and friends by using the social media icons found on the website. Social media icons make it instant and did I mention ‘easy’ for your guests to share what they love about your site! Not to mention, when your site and content can be spread across several social media platforms, your site will be able to see a boost in SEO and your page ranks according to your search browser. A quick list of social media icons all online business should or need to have: Facebook Instagram Twitter Imgur Tumblr Google+ Flickr 18. Auto-Playing Videos We’ve all been to those annoying sites that startle you when they catch you off guard with their loud and unexpected video that begins to play out of nowhere. People across the globe find those auto-playing videos on websites to be insulting, distracting, and annoying as they are reported to be one of the worst tactics for webpages. 19. Internal Links that Lead Nowhere Crosslinks also known as internal links, are links within the webpage that keep your visitors on your page or provide a gateway to another useful website, are excellent tools for allowing your visitor to learn more or continue searching for related topics. When you go to click on an interesting link and you end up nowhere, you will become frustrated and even decide to leave the entire site behind. This all comes down to not having proper function and this alone will change the minds of your visitors. If you do have internal links, always make sure for them to open with a fully separate tab. Many times, customers will click on a link and want to continue reading or examining your website. In this case allow them to stay on the page they are reading and let the link they clicked on open up in a whole new tab so they do not lose their place! 20. Takes Too Long to Load Going back to the point made about the three second blink test, people want things to happen fast! Unless the Internet connection is fully to blame for a slow load time of a webpage, you need to do everything you can to allow your site to load fast. The longer it takes for your website to load, the more people will search elsewhere and abandon your site completely. In today’s world, many people seek instant gratification. This is especially true for using the Internet and accessing websites. According to a study, 40% of your sites visitors will leave if it takes longer than three seconds to load. Luckily, there are ways to test the site’s load time and you can make sure to take the steps to adjust where you need to in order to pass these tests. Once you have tested your load time check the following factors to ensure they are not causing your site to load at a snail’s pace: Spikes in traffic – too many people trying to access the site at once will definitely cause a slow-down. Sharing server space if your site is hosted somewhere and you share server space with a busier, more active site, it can cause your site to be slower. It is advised to hire private server space to prevent this from happening. The total number of the HTTP requests your site receives. If you are trying to boost your traffic and maintain a healthy following of regular visitors, make sure you are NOT making the mistakes that lead to people hating your website. Even though they might not seem like a big deal, even the smallest mistakes can lead to low traffic, low conversion rates, and low bottom line results. At the end of the day, if you want to have a strong and prevalent online presence, no matter what sort of website you have, make sure you are doing everything in your power to ensure yours is mistake free. Giving your visitors a pleasant experience will not only have them coming back for more (and telling their friends when they share your site on their social networks), but your webpage will not be known amongst the worst on the Internet. This will only happen if you avoid the twenty things people hate about websites, so plan and execute your web strategy carefully! Your site’s survival on the Internet depends on it!
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