Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Origins of the Species by Charles Darwin Essay examples
Gothic fiction emerged in the late eighteenth century and it was an extension of Romanticism. The principal characteristic of Gothic is the account of terrifying situations with elements like the sublime, madness, mystery, death, supernatural and horror. But as all the literary genres it underwent a transition. In the nineteenth century, the coming of Queen Victoria to the throne, the introduction of new scientific theories, the publication of The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin and industrialization modified the structures of society , its motivation, and believes. This influenced the genre, creating a new literary movement: Victorian Gothic, and therefore also the novels written in these different periods. During this era novels†¦show more content†¦In the succeeding moment he heard his own name sounded from below. His apprehensions instantly vanished, for he distinguished the voices of madame and his sisters In this way the reader uses imagination to deduce what will occur. Moreover, the author employs diverse factors with this purpose, for instance the sound of ghostly music, inexplicable events, voices, the presence of strange figures, shadows, ghosts, and the night. Unlike Radcliffe’s works, in Dracula, suspense and immediacy are mixed in the narration because the reader find hints throughout the story that could be illogical at first, but some pages after the author uses the directness to reveal the denouement of an action. An example that can illustrate suspense is the scene following Lucy’s death. In that moment Van Helsing says to Dr. Seward: ‘I want to operate, but not what you think. [†¦]. I want to cutoff her head and take out her heart’ , which seems a bit striking for the reader because he will not understand why Van Helsing would like to profane a cadaver until some pages further on, when it is discovered that Lucy is a vampire and this is the only way to kill her. On the other hand immediacy appears at the end of almost every chapter. The author reveals suddenly what is happening and leaves the situation in the most thrilling and tense moment arousingShow MoreRelatedOn the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin1148 Words  | 5 PagesOn November 24th, 1859, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life by Charles Darwin (renamed On the Origin of Species 13 years later) was published in London, England. In it, Charles Darwin specified his observations and gave his insight on what he thought caused evolution. He called it natural selection. Before this, nearly everyone believed that a single God created every living organism that none of them had changedRead MoreThe Origin Of Species By Charles Darwin868 Words  | 4 Pagesinanimate Polymorphic-different forms or types in organisms of the same species. Potent-something of great power or influence. Vigorous-healthy or strong. Volition-choosing or making a decision. B) 1. The text was written by Charles Darwin, who is renowned for his theory of evolution. Besides his book The Origin of Species, he also wrote Voyage of the Beagle and The Descent of Man to name a few. Credence should be given to Charles Darwin for his contributions to the evolution theory and for serving asRead MoreThe Origin Of Species By Charles Darwin1689 Words  | 7 Pagesmain book where we get out information about evolution is in Origin of Species’ by Charles Darwin. In his book, Darwin introduced the concept of evolution by natural selection. Natural selection is the process in which the organisms which are better suited for their environment. According to Darwin, there are four major points to natural selection. The first point is overproduction, indicating that more offspring survive, meaning the species would survive longer. Then, there s genetic variation. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Baroque Era Essays - 1269 Words
THE BAROQUE AGE Social and Cultural Background nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Baroque is a term borrowed from the visual arts and one that is used in many different senses. The Baroque Era applies to the years between 1600 and 1750. The most famous composers of this time were Bach, Handel, Vivaldi and Teleman. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Politically it was an age of magnificent absolute Monarch’s. The most magnificent of all was Louis XIV of France. Louis ruled from 1634 until 1713. During this time the need to create a national culture or a regional style that would match or surpass the elsewhere created cultural models was pressed for. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When looking at Baroque architecture it is noticeable that the†¦show more content†¦The composers at this time usually did not specify dynamics on their pieces, they simply wrote â€Å"loud†or â€Å"soft.†nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The most prominent element in Baroque music was rhythm and texture. Baroque’s fast movement generally caused the feeling of rhythmic drive. Tempos were always constant. The least prominent element was melody. Gradual rise of tonality on the other hand was a great Baroque innovation. This is the major-minor system that is still used today in the twentieth century. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Opera was one of the most important developments in the Baroque Era. It began in Florence in 1600. French operas featured more emphasis on the orchestra and chorus. During this time Handel invented the oratorio. An oratorio is a large work for soloists, chorus, and orchestra sung in concert format, without costumes or staging, in a concert hall rather than as part of a church service. Some other instrumentals formed during this era were: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Concerto Grosso: in three movements, fast-slow-fast, and pits a large group of soloists against the larger string ensemble. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Suite: a less formal structure consisting of several binary dance movements nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fugue: Latin for â€Å"flight†or â€Å"chase,†denotes a standard Baroque compositional process. JohannShow MoreRelatedBaroque And The Baroque Era732 Words  | 3 PagesI. Baroque (began around 1600-1750). A. The Baroque era began as artists were disgusted against the approach of Mannerist art. The Baroque art movement combines dramatic works of arts, beautiful details, and emotionally stimulating subject matter to give the viewer a powerful visual experience (Devlin, E. L. 2013) B. Artwork significant to the movement ïÆ' ¼ Merisi, M. (1601). â€Å"Caravaggio, Conversion of Saint Paul†[oil on canvas 7’ 6†x 5’ 9†]. Cerasi Chapel, Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome. 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This era took place after the Renaissance era and before the Classical era. The word â€Å"baroque†is derived from the Portuguese barroco, or â€Å"oddly shaped pearl†(â€Å"About†). The term has been used a lot throughout the nineteenth century to describe the period. Some known music familiarities from the era are Pachelbel’s Canon and Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. This era not only connectedRead MoreElements Of The Baroque Era1031 Words  | 5 PagesThe Baroque Era between 1600-1750, was an era that created creative styles and elements, which the Catholic Church took into favor. The Baroque also created a symbol of wealth that the Catholic Church took in creating new sculptures, paintings, and architecture. The Baroque Era emphasized political tension through Church, artistic beauty that would change the view of the church, and amazing architect ure that helped convey a theological vision inside the church. 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These artists, both fr om different regions and time periods, produced artwork that differed in many ways, namely in message, style, and intended audience. The Baroque era and Neoclassicism are separate
Monday, December 9, 2019
Sample Organizational Change Management Plan Of Australia Post
Question: Discuss about theOrganizational Change Management Plan of Australia Post. Answer: Introduction The report is basically discussed about the change management program in a company. The report is based on the importance of change management in the company for the growth and success. The discussion has included strategic analysis of change to know that why it is needed for the organizational success. Along with this, the report includes planning for the successful change and management of people with that change. Report is also discussed about the issues and barriers will rise because of the change and how to overcome from those issues. The benefits of the change process are also discussed in the report. A company needs various changes while operating in competitive market. Company has to adopt different changes if it wants to do growth in the market. There can be various reasons for the change in a company such as to increase the production, to give better customer services, to compete with the competitors, to restructure the business etc. before changing anything in the business, the company has to analyze all situation of its business. Company has to adopt proper change management process for successful implementation of change. Change management is a systematic process by which company can transform the present situation into future beneficial situation (Gashi, 2013). Strategic Analysis of Change This part of the report is focusing on the strategic analysis of change i.e. need and objective of change. Every company sets some goals and objectives in its business operations. A company requires strategic changes in the business operations when it faces any type of issue in achieving the goals and objectives (Graham, Bennett, 2008). For the study of strategic analysis of change, the company named Australia Post has been taken. The need of strategic changes in the Australia Post has been as follows: Objectives There are some objectives for the changes in the Australia Post. The current business objectives of the company are as follows: The objective of the company is to deliver innovative and best products and services to the customers in the market, The company wants to give friendly services by the qualified and knowledgeable employees, The company wants to establish the strong relationship with its clients and customers by providing best services and products, Company also wants to keep satisfy its employees by rewarding them on their good and effective performance in their job, One of the important objectives of the company is to motivate the employees so that they can participate and give their best for successful business operations (Ardichvili, 2012). Need for the Change The company Australia Post has the business objectives which are described above but the strategies adopted by the company were not so effective to achieve these goals. The reasons of the failure of the strategies are the lack of knowledgeable staff, lack of friendly attitude in the employees towards the customers, lack of punctuality and sincerity in the employees and staff to provide the services on time, and lack of motivation among the employees etc. These are some reasons available in the current strategy that is why company is unable to achieve its set objectives. There is a need of some changes the strategy of the company to achieve the goals and objectives (Gill, 2012). Review of Companys Strategic Objectives The current strategies of the companies and their failures are as follows: There is one of the policies named enterprise agreement 2013. The policy was made to reward the employees who perform well but it was failed. The reason of failure was that the policy was not implemented properly and in a right manner. The result was that the employees did not get fair rewards for their performance. There was another policy in the company named assignment of the postcodes. The policy was made to provide postcodes in different areas and various geographical localities. This policy was also failed because of the lack of proper training to the employees. The result was that the employees did not allocate the postcodes timely. Another policy in the company was refund policy. This policy was made for the customers benefit. The policy is to refund exchange or repair the product to the customer in case of any complaints. But this policy was not implanted properly and customers faced many problems with the companys product. There was one more policy related to ethics in the company. The aim of this policy to ensure the ethical ways in the business operations. But there was lack of communication among the employees in the company. The result was that this policy was also failed to fulfill the objectives of the company. These were some issues that needed to be changed to achieve the goals and objective within the company (Smart Pontifex, 2003). Necessity of Changes Because of the unsuccessful strategies, company is unable to achieve the objectives. There are the needs to change the current strategies of the company. The points in the strategy are as follows: Performance gap: The main reason of the failure of the strategy is the performance gap. There is the performance gap in the delivery of products and services to the customers. The reason of the performance is that there is a lack of punctuality and sincerity in the employees of the company. Because of these performance gaps, both the customers as well employees are not satisfied. The performance gap is because of the managers who not successful in communicating with the employees in the company. One of the reasons of performance gap can be lack of knowledge in the employees (Kossek, 2007). Business opportunities: There are some opportunities which can be adopted by the company such as new technologies, increasing demand of innovative products; growing environmental awareness among the customers etc. along with this, there can be some issues such as legal policies and restrictions, starting of new companies and competitors etc (Tracey, 2004). Management decisions The management of the company made several policies but they are failed to take appropriate decisions to implement those policies and they have also took decisions of not providing all the relevant holidays to the employees which became the main barrier for non-achievement of objectives. Environment- There are also environmental factors which matter in the change management. By creating awareness about environment, the Australia postal can be able to deliver best quality of products and services. This can be an opportunity for the company to grow its business in the market. Change in technology- The technology is continuously changing and it is creating lots of opportunities for the companies. The company can develop new and innovative products and services for the customers by new technology. This will be helpful in acquiring new customers and retaining existing customers. There are also some aspects such as social, legal, and political aspects which can create opportunities for the company to change the strategy. Thus, above discussed points are the reasons to drive the change in the company (Martocchio, 2004). Planning of Change Before implementing the change management process, it needs a perfect planning. For the successful change management process, managers of the company need to do proper changes in the current strategy. To make effective changes, the company should appoint a change management team who should have proper knowledge of change management process. In the change management team, the employees as well as outsiders can be team member. In the second step of change management plan, the team has to analyze the companys strategies for making changes. The analysis should be done to identify the sustainability of change management plans. The next step of change management process is to create a communication plan within the company. The communication plan in the change management process is necessary because it will be helpful to inform the members of the company about the change in the company or in the strategies. The next step of the change planning is to set up proper timeline which will be requ ired during the change management process. Another step is to identify the problems and issues, which may arise during the change management process. Identification of the issues will be helpful to find out the solution of the problems in a proper way. The next step in the change planning is to present the report of all the planning before the senior management and higher authority. It is important to take approval from the higher authority for making changes within the organization. The last one is to discuss about the change plan with lower management team to implement changes within the company. This will be helpful for the change management team to gather different and innovative ideas for the change process by the members of the company (Hersey Blanchard, 2012). Taking Approval for the Change Process It is very important to take approval for the change planning from the higher authority. For example, if there is a need of change in the production process, the team must take approval by the production manager, managing director and CEO of the company. If there is a need to changes in the human resource management, the team must take the approval from the human resource manager and from CEO. If there is a need of changes in the other matters, the approval must be taken from the respective departments so that change process can be take place in a systematic process. After taking approvals from the higher authorities, the change managers need to identify the required resources for the change management process. There are some resources that are needed for the effective implementation of change management process within the organization. For example if the Australia Post needs to makes changes in the human resource department then the training and development session is required by the human resource managers for the employees so that they can make adjust with the change process. For the training sessions, the managers have to identify the employees who need training and development sessions. After the identification of employees, managers need to prepare a proposal for required money for the training sessions and they need to present the proposal before the senior management for the approval. Apart from this, if the company requires the changes in the production department then the production managers have to identify the required raw material to produce new products. To produce new and innovative eco-friendly products, managers need to identify that what type of raw materials will be needed for the production. After identifying that what changes are required in the production department, the production managers have to inform the human resource department to arrange the required training for the employees and workers so that they would be able to learn that how to use new technology and raw material for the production of new and innovative products. After that, the production manager will inform the respected authority for the fund and money which will be required for the all process. Managers have to inform the finance department to provide sufficient fund for implementing effective changes in the company (Hellriegel, Slocum, 2004). Change Management Plan For implementing successful changes in the company, managers have to adopt a proper change management plan. Change management is a very essential part of a companys change process. A proper and structured change management plan ensures the success of the company in the competitive market. Change management plan also includes the strategies which is helpful in achieving the goals and objectives decided by the company. For implementing successful change management process, managers have to adopt some new and innovative strategies while performing change process. The change process also requires proper and effective decisions by the managers. Along with this, a proper change management process is a complex process because it requires sufficient process and proper time for performing change process. The managers must have full knowledge of the situations which require changes. Knowledge of the decision problem will be helpful to the managers to take right decisions. In the change managem ent plan of Australia Post, there are some techniques and analysis are included in it. Cost benefit analysis: The cost benefit analysis of the company is described below- Required changes and opportunities Costs Benefits Increment in the demand of eco-friendly products Lack of knowledge in workers of production department, huge initial cost in production system. Increase sales, increase customer services, increase in the brand image among customers. New technologies Lack of knowledge in employees about new technologies, leaving jobs of some employees. Success in producing new and innovative products, attracting new customers, and competing with competitors. Training and development sessions for workers and employees Huge initial cost, time consuming. Trained employees and staff members, ability to deliver better services and products to the customers, increasing customer satisfaction. Risk analysis: There is one of the most important tasks for Australia post to analyze the job for establishing the experience among the employees. The aim of the change management plan is to adopt new practices and strategies to achieve the objectives of the company. The change management will be helpful to improve the business performance of the company in the market. So, job analysis and preparation of organizational structure is important to be done before implementing the change process. To achieve the objectives, mission and vision of the company, managers must motivate to the employees so that they would be able to give their full potential. Along with this, managers must value of the employees. By valuing the employees, the company will be able to make changes easily in its operations. Company can increase its effectiveness and innovativeness and capabilities to adopt the change in the strategies. It will also help in increasing the performance of the company. The change manag ement process will be successful by the continuous involvement of the employees. Managers need to identify the ways by which the employees can involve themselves in the change management process and support the business operations (Jick, 2001). Discussion with stakeholders: The stakeholders of the company can be employees, managers, shareholders and customers. The stakeholders are the most important part of the company and they play an important role in developing and improving the performance of the company in the market. Stakeholders give effective and new ideas to overcome from the issues and barriers which rise in the business operations. Thus, it is very necessary to discuss with the stakeholders while performing change management process within the company (Cennamo, Berrone Gomez-Mejia, 2009). Communication Plan: For performing well and successful implementation of change management plan, the managers of Australia Post need to develop a strong communication plan to communicate with the employees as well as customers about the change process. It is very important to inform the employees and customers about the changes which are going to take place in the future. By the further information, employees as well as customers will be able to adjust according to the changes. Communication can be done through some ways such as face to face meetings, social media, email etc. Another thing can be done by managers to arrange the required fund for the communication plan and for overall change management plan. Strategies for implementing change within the company: To develop the effective communication plan and reduce the negative impact of the change process, managers of the Australian Post need to adopt some strategies. These strategies will be helpful to promote the benefits of the changes done by the company. There are three steps which are required in developing effective communication plan i.e. organizational pre-posting, implementation of change management plan, and consolidation and ongoing process. The first step named ongoing process focuses on the communication with employees and stakeholders for making changes in the company. It also includes job analysis, proper description of the job profile, proper structuring of the organization, and proper training and development sessions for the employees. These all steps are used for the proper implementation of change management and managing the risk and issue while implanting the change within the company. Second step is implementation of change management plan. The main focus of this part is to make the changes in the company against the current strategies so that company can be able to achieve the decided goals and objectives. There should be proper observation of the progress and impact of the changes by the senior management or higher authority and by the stakeholders. The third step is ongoing support and consolidation. This part focuses on giving support and motivation so that they can be able to adjust themselves in the changing environment. By giving training and communicating, managers will be able to motivate the employees for adopting new work culture of the company. Managers can give the proper knowledge about the change and benefits of changes to the employees. It is necessary to create awareness among the employees about the changes that why the change management process is important and what would be the benefits by the change management process. It would be helpful in improving the performance level of the employees. Organizational pre-posting is very important for the company to deliver required knowledge to the employees for creating awareness and changing strategies for future results. Along with this, the strategy of change management plan is to focus on to design the effective training and development sessions. The training plan is designed to ensure that every employee in the Australia Post get full knowledge and information about the change management process. Managers of the company have to provide sufficient data to the employees regarding their job profile. Along with this, companys business objectives are the main area on which the change management plan is focusing (Fleming Senior, 2006). Project Timetable: Project timetable is decided by the giant chart. It includes the timetable of projected works such as what process would be done and in what time. Activities Time Informing the employees about changes 1st month Arranging the training sessions 1st month Continuing the training sessions 1st month 2nd month Communicating with employees and shareholders 1st month 2nd month Arranging the funds 1st month 2nd month Completion of the change management process 3rd month The giant chart will be helpful for managers to divide the time according to the activities. Managing People Staff and the employees are the most important part of any organization for getting success. In the case of the company Australia Post, the managers need to communicate the employees about the changes which they are going to make in the business activities. For the effective communication, managers need to identify the methods so that they can develop effective communication plan for the employees. The strategy of the company Australia Post is to communicate all the employees at every time when the change is takes place in the company. There is also a strategy of training and development program for the staff so that they can easily adopt the changes. Along with this, providing new raw material to the production department is also a strategy included in the change management process (Szamosi Duxbury, 2006). Barriers to Change in the Company There are some main barriers in the company Australian Post: Shortage of funds in the company for making changes and starting for training and development sessions. Company uses all the funds in promotional activities and production of products. Company has to arrange the proper fund for the change process. Lack of proper communication system and plan for the employees in the company. Employees always have a fear regarding change and they do not want to make changes in their daily routines and habits (Smith, 2015). Shortage of knowledge in the employees about new technologies can be main barrier in the change management process. It is because of the shortage of proper training for new developments. Shortage of managers to provide training is also one of the most serious issues. There is no proper senior staff to give proper training to the employees. Company has to hire the trainer from outside for the training sessions. It will require time and money. There is no infrastructure and organizational structure for implementing the changes. Managers need to set whole organizational structure in a proper way so that they can implement the change management process successfully (Brown, 2006). Strategies for Overcome from Barriers The strategies in change management plan of Australia Post to overcome from the barriers are- There is a strategy to communicate with all employees at time to time about the changes. CEO or higher authority of the company should not make strategies by themselves. Managers of the company should tell the employees that how the change process will impact on the success of the company and how they will adapt the change in their daily routine and work style. A notice is given to the managers by the senior authority to implement the changes in effective ways. For the implementing of changes, managers need to focus on the critical thinking and analysis of the objectives that are to be achieved. There is a strategy for the training and development session that they should be implemented strictly. By giving proper training, employees will be able to know that how to use new technologies and now raw material for the production purpose. There is also a strategy for the production department that the new raw material and new technologies will be provided to the production team. By providing new raw material on time will be helpful for the production managers to produce the innovative products. These strategies will be helpful for the company to implement the change management plan successfully (Kotter Cohen 2008). Potential Benefits of the Change A well-defined change management plan leads to the successfully implementation of the changes within the company. With proper communication and effective training process, the company Australian Post would be able to give knowledge about the changes which are going to take place. There are some benefits of the implemented change management plan in the Australian post: Motivation of the employees: By the strategic change management plan, Australian Post will be able to identify the targets and objectives which are to be achieved. The change management plan pushes the company to get success during the critical time and motivates the employees and staff to achieve the set and desired goal and objectives. Position of existing resources: The key element of the change management plan is to use the existing resources at the right place for the future vision. By the effective change management plan, the Australian Post will be prepare to best use of resources with the new strategies and changes which are being implemented the company. Managing operations on daily basis: Australian post will be able now to maintain the business operation in daily basis. The proper and effective change management plan will improve the efficiency and capability of the company in the competitive market. By the implemented change management plan, company will be able focus on day-to-day operations of the business by eliminating negative aspects. It will also be helpful in attracting new customers. Focus on employees concerns: By involving the employees in the change management process, the company will be able to focus on the employees concerns regarding the changes. Focusing on the concerns of the employees, company will be more effective. By the change management plan, company will make the ways of communication with the employees so that they may feel free to express their thoughts and views. Reducing risk: Effective change management plan reduces the risk and barriers and saves the time which can be utilize in implementing new strategies. Proper change process will lead a successful attempt to change in the company. Increment in morale: Change management plan supports and motivates and give right information to the people in the company so that they bound to perform and get more involved in achieving objectives. New opportunities: Change management plan of the company will enable the employees to contribute their best in the innovation of new products and services. Company will be able in developing the best ways to maintain the growth of the business as well as employees (Saphiro, 2010). Measuring the Change Measuring the change process is very important for identifying that the change in company is on right way or not. By setting the targets and measuring the result is the good way for measuring the change process. There are some ways by which the company Australian Post can measure the change process: Customer Satisfaction: This is the important measure of the company. Customer satisfaction is the key indicator companys success. The change process in the customers can be measured by taking feedbacks via survey and questionnaire and evaluation the improvement over the time. Performance evaluation: The main aim of the change management plan is to improve the performance of the employees so that they can be able to achieve the objectives of the company. If the employees are improving their performance and they are involving themselves in the change process then it can be said that change is taking place. Increasing brand image: Change management plan focuses on the new strategies to achieve the set objectives and provide better quality of products and services to the customers. Because of the better quality services, company would be able to increase its brand image among the customers in the market. Change in culture: The effective change management plan includes change in the culture of the organization. This focuses on the life the level of the workers and promoting corporate social responsibility in the Australian Post. The changing environment of the company indicates that the change is taking place within the company. Achievement of goals: The change management plan of Australian Post is made to achieve the set organizational goals because the past strategies were not able to achieve them. The changes which are done in the company should be matched to the short term goals and objectives of the business. So, if the company is achieving its objectives then change process is successfully implemented. Increasing operations: Effective change management plan will be helpful to provide best services to the customers. It will increase the operational efficiency of the company. Change management plan will also be helpful in expanding the business in more areas. If the company is able to expand its business operations effectively, it means that the change management plan is implemented successfully (Pasmore Woodman, 2007). So, it is very important to measure the change management process so that company able to know that the change it has implemented in the strategies are going on the right way or not. Managers of the company need to create benchmark of the process of the business to compare with the similar companies to know the best practices. Along with this, gap analysis by the managers will also be helpful to know that where the company is currently standing and how much the implemented new strategies are effective in achieving the objectives set by the company (Patton, Michael, 2008). Conclusion This report is basically described about the importance of the change management plan and the implementation of the changes in the strategies of the company Australian Post. Australian post is the famous company in the Australia. There were some unsuccessful strategies which were unable to achieve the objectives of the company. For the future growth, the company has to adopt some strategic changes in its strategies such as changes in human resource management department and in production department. For implementing the effective changes, managers need to take approval from the higher authority such as CEO and managing director of the company. Along with this, the managers need to communicate with the employees as well as customers about the changes which are going to take place in the company. From the above discussion, it has been analyzed that for effective implementation of the change management plan, managers need to identify those employees who are not comfortable and who need training and development sessions. It is important to provide the training sessions to the employees so that they can get knowledge about the new technologies and new raw martial. Training sessions will also be helpful to the employees in expressing their views and thoughts freely regarding the change process. By the above discussion in the report, it has been analyzed that the proper and effective change management plan is also helpful in reducing the risk and barriers which can be raised during the change management process. It will improve the efficiency of the company in attracting new customers and retaining the existing customers. Form the above report, it can be said that the company Australian Post is initiating many training programs for the growth and development of the staff of the company. This will directly give strong impact on the brand image as well as growth of the company. The managers of the company need to judge the growth and profit every time after implementing the change management plan. References Ardichvili, A. (2012). Knowledge Management, Human Resource Development, and Internet Technology:Advances in Developing Human Resources, 4(4), pp.451-463. Brown, A. (2006). Quality Management: Issues for Human Resource Management: Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 33(3), pp.117-129. Cennamo, C., Berrone, P. Gomez-Mejia, L.R., (2009). Does stakeholder management have a dark side? Journal of Business Ethics, (89), pp. 491-507. Fleming, J. Senior, B., (2006). Organizational Change, (3rd), UK: Prentice Hall. Gashi, R. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
Voiceless Essay Example For Students
Voiceless Essay Many people spend a whole lifetime trying to repair a wounded self. For these voiceless people, every action and interaction serves the purpose of finding something of value within themselves. Traditionally, psychologists have termed such people narcissists, but this is a misnomer. To the outside world it appears that these people love themselves. Yet, at their core they dont love themselvesin fact their self barely exists, and what part does exist is deemed worthless. All energy is devoted to inflating the self, like a persistent child trying to blow up a balloon with a hole. Unfortunately, such people cannot hear others: spouse, lover, or friends, and especially not children. They focus entirely on repairing and protecting their own ego. Usually they are unaware of their deafnessin fact they may believe they hear better than anyone else (this belief, of course, is another attempt at self-inflation: damaging therapists often fit this profile). Because they need proof of the signific ance of their voice, they must find people, particularly important people, to hear them. If they are not heard, they feel worthless, or worse, they feel they dont exist. They are interested in listening only to the extent that it allows them the opportunity to give advice or share a similar (and either better or worse, depending upon which has more impact) incident that happened to them. Many engage in sham listening, appearing to be very attentive because they want to look good. Because of their underlying neediness, these people often work their way to the center of their circle, or the top of their organization. Indeed, they may be the mentor or guru for others. The second they are snubbed, however, they rage at their enemy with venom. What makes it difficult to help these people is their self-deception. The processes they use to protect themselves are ingrained from early childhood. As a result, they are absolutely unaware of their constant efforts to maintain a viable self. If they are meeting with success (e.g., people respect and adore them) they are satisfied with life. Two circumstances bring this type of person to a therapists office. Sometimes a partner who feels chronically unheard and unseen drags them in. Or, they have met with some failure (often in their career) so that the strategies they previously used to maintain self-esteem suddenly no longer work. In the latter situation, the depression they experience is profound. Can people like this be helped? Sometimes. The critical factor is whether they ultimately acknowledge their core problem: that they grew up in a family where they were neither seen nor heard, and that they employed their perpetual self-building strategies to survive. Acknowledging this truth takes a great deal of courage, for they must face their underlying lack of self-esteem as well as their vulnerability. Then comes the long and painstaking work of building (or resurrecting) a self in the context of an empathic and caring th erapy relationship. We will write a custom essay on Voiceless specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
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