Saturday, August 31, 2019
Explain Augustine’s temporal paradox
Augustine’s temporal paradox can be explained by starting with our typical beliefs about time, to wit: the past does not exist, the future is yet to exist and only the present actually exists. However the actual existence of the present has no duration because it immediately becomes the past or the future the moment we try to isolate it. In the words of St. Augustine, â€Å"The present hath no space†. The temporal paradox refers to the existence only of the present which however does not have a â€Å"duration†.Following this temporal paradox and Augustine treated time in ontological terms, i.e. in relation to the nature of being and existence. We derive the notion of time by perceiving something that has passed, something that exists and something that will exist in the future. Time is embodied and manifested through the duration of things that come into being to the present that passed away in an incessant continuum of past and future. Conseq uently, material things move from none existence to existence to non existence (past, present and future).The perpetuation of the time continuum entails that â€Å"the mind expects, and attends, and remembers, so that what it expects passes by way of what it attends to into what it remembers.†(Augustine, 2002, p236) What the mind expects is the future, what is remembers is the past and what it attends to at the moment is the present, which is what exists.  Attending to the present does not refer to our location or inhabitance in this time continuum but one’s capturing of the immediate past in the memory. This is precisely because the present has no duration or no space and it is only through memory that we can attend to it.For St. Augustine, even â€Å"time†is created by God and therefore he is beyond the continuum of the time series to which people and all other things are bound.  God is in a state of â€Å"Eternal Now†, where the present, past a nd future are at all once. However, while St. Augustine’s idea of time is very revolutionary, it nevertheless has critical repercussions that run inconsistent which Christian principles which he originally wanted to justify and defend.With the past and future all happening in the present for God, people therefore are already predestined to what will happen to them. People were not really given the gift of choice or freewill but are doomed to end up to how God have designed their world. What seemed to be a series of choices for people in this space of time is actually a finished or done design for God. (Von Martelsand Schmidt, V, 2003, p79-102)2-Imagine that Russell and Berkeley are sitting across from each other at table. Write a short dialogue (about 500 words) that captures each philosopher’s views with respect to the ontological status of the table. Be sure to bring out areas of agreement and disagreementIn order to appreciate Bishop Berkeley, one must first fully understand that ontology focuses on the nature of essence and meaning of being. Berkeley is a major proponent of subjective idealism in which ultimately argues that the world including all the material objects are not real but are mere collections of perceptions of human experience, which is what is real. It highlights that significance of mind before matter and the preordained connection of mind and body.Thinking is function that people constantly do, consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously in relating to their environment. The mind is essential to be considered in understanding the nature of the universe because everything entailed the consciousness of the mind. Thus, the universe is the product of the mind. (Bourgeois, 2003, 162-163)Berkeley will not deny that the table being observed is definitely real but it needs to be subjected to one’s consciousness before we know it is real. Moreover, the real essence of the table or that which makes a tab le what it is resides in the â€Å"idea†of the table which is in the mind of God. It does not rest on the â€Å"physical table†which we perceived because our experiences of the table vary. While we see the table is brown, solid and smooth, our experience of the brownness, solidness or smoothness of the table differs. There is a disparity between what at we perceive†and â€Å"what is real†.Russell agrees with Berkeley’s idea that the act of perception is dependent on the mind but the mind is only the mental functioning of the brain hence, the perceptions therefore do not actually exist in the mind.  We only get to have a mental idea of what a table is through our perception of the physical table.  Perception is the prime source of knowledge (Engel, S., 2001, p 250-260).Knowledge is mainly based on the acquisition, interpretation, selection and organization of information what we perceive. In Bertrand Russell’s own words, à ¢â‚¬Å"our ideas are derived from two sources, sensation, and perception of the operation of our own mind, which may be called internal sense†. (Russell, 2004, p556) Hence, we form our idea of table from the perception.This approximation of what reality through our senses, despite differences in the intensity of what brownness, solidness and smoothness of the table is real knowledge we can establish by observation and generalization. Incidentally, this is the underlying philosophy of science. In the end, we gain our knowledge about the â€Å"table†not from an innate idea of a table but through an observation of the table.We know that a table is brown, solid and smooth, irregardless of the intensity of these descriptions from different people. â€Å"Perception is the first step and degree towards knowledge and the inlet of all the materials in it†. (Russel, 2004, p556) And that is what is real regardless of the ideal table that we can conceive.ReferencesAugustine and Outler, A. (2002). The Confessions of St. Augustine. Translated by Albert Cook Outler. Courier Dover PublicationsBourgeois, W. (2003). Persons: What Philosophers Say about You. 2nd edition. Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.Engel, S. (2001). The Study of Philosophy. Rowman & Littlefield,Russell, B. (2004). History of Western Philosophy. 2nd edition. RoutledgeVon Martels, Z. R. W. M. and Schmidt, VM. Antiquity Renewed: Late Classical and Early Modern Themes. PREDESTINATION AND THE LOSS OF DRAMA FROM AUGUSTINE TO CALVIN by MB Pranger. Peeters Publishers Â
Friday, August 30, 2019
The butterfly and the banana skin
The banana skin lay slap bang in the middle of the road. Tommy a prison warden, riding his bike on his way back from the shops. Where he had bought 3 tins of organic peas and a frozen turkey, the inmates were having it for a little treat, he didn't spot it in time. The banana skin was too slippy he hit the ground softly along with the peas unfortunately the turkey hit a rock, and took off down the road at great speed. Round one corner and round the next, it eventually ground to a halt after causing à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½6,500 pounds worth of damage to vehicles back along its crash course route. Jennifer came to her door a look of amazement crossed her face, how could a frozen turkey cause so much damage she thought to her self. She glanced ten yards back up the road at her 1964 ford mustang convertible, which now needed a new rear tyre. Unfortunately the only place she new about in town where one of these rare items could be acquired was a place called big bobby's mustang palace, which would soon be shut. She hopped in her second car, a faded mint green Chevy coupe, reversed out of the drive and off she went. Tommy by this time had reached the bottom of the road and was now retrieving his turkey from some ones front garden. Jennifer was now travelling at a speed unacceptable for the type of road she was driving on. Poor Karen a twenty something year old cocktail waitress from Moca-Choca-Rinos around the corner didn't see the car that hit her. A witness bob Jones who saw the incident from his house across the street said, â€Å"The car was American, and light green in colour but I didn't get a close look†. Karen's boss Steve as he is known was now down a waitress, and it was happy hour in 10 minutes. At the end of the night his total loss was estimated at à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½689. In the morning there was a knock at the door, it was the bank. He needed à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4556 but he only had à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4256 he had 2 days to come up with the cash before he was declared bankrupt. He had no choice he knew what had to be done. The next morning the fireman were scraping through the burnt timber trying to find the source of the fire. Steve was there on the phone to the insurance company he was claiming à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½20,000 the case was up in court in 4 hours time. It flew by and before he knew it he was sitting in the courtroom in front of judge Malone. He had explained his case and the judge was about to give him the money when the doors to the courtroom opened. A firemen walked in with a can of petrol in his hand and big smile on their face. The new evidence proves that Mr Steven Donaldson was guilty of fraud and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. He sat in his cell the little hatch in the door opened the food was pushed through. He was suddenly cheered up by the taste in his mouth yum yum turkey.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Business Need Business Communication Skills Essay
BUSINESS NEED BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS * BASICS OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION – Communication skills have emerged as the most powerful set of skills to possess for accelerating ones career trajectory and speed of accomplishment in every walk of life. To prepare yourselves for a rewarding career in the broad field of management, it is even more essential to acquire, practice and exhibit high levels of communication skills in normal and crisis situations. Effective communication skills provide the ladder to the managers and leaders for rapid progression in their careers. Business communication is the sending and receiving of verbal and non verbal messages within the organizational context (Roebuck, 2001; Over, 2001; Murphy, Hildebrandt, & Thomas, 1997). Hanna and Wilson (1998) expanded on this definition, indicating business communication is a process of generating, transmitting, receiving, and interpreting messages in interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication contexts through written and verbal formats. Hynes (2005) stated effective business communicat ion is the key to planning, leading, organizing, and controlling the resources of the organizations to achieve objectives, and may be formal or informal in nature. Argenti (2007) discussed business communication functional aspects and found that over half of the heads of corporate communication departments oversee business communications functions that include media relations, online communications, marketing, special events, product/brand communications, crisis management, employee/internal communications, community relations, and product/brand advertising. The expanse and importance of business communication underscores the need for business education and business to collaborate in preparing business majors for the workplace. It is widely accepted that business management and business educators perceive communication skills as highly valuable to employees and organizations alike. In business organizations, numerous sources have reported that communication skills are critical to career success and a significant contributor to organizational success (Du-Babcock, 2006; Roebuck, 2001; Certo, 2000; Dilenschneider, 1992; Rushkoff, 1999). In academia, research has shown faculty and administrators perceive that communication skills are very important to students’ eventual career success (National Association of Colleges and Employers, 2001; Gray, 2010). Despite the agreement in business regarding the importance of communication skills, evidence exists that long-term employees and those just entering the work force from college still lack these skills. Pearce, Johnson, and Barker (1995) reported fair to poor (the lowest two categories on a 5- point scale) communication and listening skills of managers and employees. Fordham and Gabbin (1996) interviewed 84 business executives and concluded that business students with apprehension about communicating are less likely to practice the communication and, therefore, are less likely to develop communication skills. * Objectives * Scope of Communication * Types of Communication * Significance of Communication Skills * Communication Process * Process at Communicators‟ End * Process at Communicates‟ End * Communication Model * OBJECTIVE – After perusing this unit, students should be able to: 1. Appreciate the vast scope of communication in modern world 2. Distinguish between the process of communication and exercise of power 3. Understand that one-way flow of information is a part of the overall process of communication 4. Identify different types of communications 5. Grasp the importance of communication skills in the life of an individual and enterprise 6. Recount the dividends that accrue from acquiring effective communication skills 7. Understand the sources that lead to multiple interpretations of oral and written communication * SCOPE OF COMMUNICATION – Communication as a subject of study has a very vast canvas. To different people, communication implies various areas of study, research and application: (1) It is a means of transportation from one place to another viz., moving men, machines, materials etc by surface transport like railways, roadways or by air or by sea. It is not uncommon to describe a region or a country backward in terms of means of communication because it is not serviced or well connected by railways, roadways, airways or seaways. (2) It also relates to means of sending / receiving messages, packets or parcels through post, telephone, telegram, radio, wireless or Internet. These means of communications have undergone rapid changes during the last few decades. Postal services have been revolutionized by courier services – same-day delivery, next-day delivery etc. Telephone services have become commonplace – one can talk to a person anywhere even one orbiting in a satellite without shouting. The mobile telephony and use of Internet has changed the way people talk and communicate with one another. They are changing the way business is done. (3) Communication is a major focus of attention for artists – singers, dancers, actors, painters, sculptors etc are all trying to communicate with their audiences. They Endeavour to win their attention and appreciation so as to secure attractive returns for their efforts. In managerial or business context, it is the science and art of communicating. Etymologically, communication as a word is derived from the word „common‟ in English or „Communis‟ from Latin. It means „shared by‟ or „concerning all‟. Thus communication is a process of „influencing others‟ to achieve common, shared objectives. These goals could be that of individuals, families, teams, departments functions and companies. Communication has emerged as a very powerful personal skill that individuals must acquire to be able to perform their duties and become efficient managers and effective 1. Communication and Power – Communication is also the most powerful input resource in an enterprise. The various resources, just to recount, are as below: 1 Men 2 Money 3 Materials 4 Machines 5 Methods 6 Management 7 Measurement 8 Message covering both information and communication flows 9 Motive Power 10 Motivational Leadership Messaging has emerged as the most important resource for, without it, nothing can be transacted anywhere. It is the lifeline of any society. It is the glue that holds companies, communities and countries together. There is another process that is also used to influence others – it is the use of authority or power. They say if person has power it shows because it quickly shows his influence or hold on others‟ opinion. However, it must be understood in its proper perspective. Power has been described as „a process of influencing others to do some thing that, left to themselves, they will not do‟. This process is, then, quite different from that of communication where we influence others as equals – members of the family, members of the inter-departmental teams or customers or fellow members of an association. The process of communication is greatly dependent on the skill of individuals who, as equal members, are in a position to influence others so as to compel, propel or impel them to work together to achieve common goals! (2) Communication as a two-way process Communication is a complete process – it starts with communicators sending messages to receivers, the „communicatees‟. An experienced sender of message, whether oral or written, would think of the audience as his customer. He would try to gauge or guess the kind of level of communication the receiver is comfortable with. Thereafter, he would craft his message in a manner and in the language, words, phrases and idioms that the receiver is familiar with. Each receiver of message is really a customer whose needs and wants should be as well known to the sender as it happens in a market place. Obviously, like the sender who chooses words, phrases and idioms from his vocabulary depending on own learning, experience and exposure, receiver also has his own mental filter that is the product of his learning, experience and exposure. To absorb the message in his mind, he does the abstraction of the message in to words, phrases and idioms that he is familiar with or has command over. This leads to his formulating his response to the message received. Once again, it goes through the mind filter and ultimately comes out of the communicatee and starts its return journey to the sender of the message. It conveys back what is understood by the receiver. A sensitive speaker is able to judge the reaction of his audience from the gestures, sounds and expressions of the audience – the way they sit, the way they yawn or the way they twitter their fingers etc. It is thus a complete cycle because it is a two way process. Until the full process has been gone through the process of communication is considered to be incomplete. (3) Information as a one-way process Information flow is another related process. Information is knowledge; it comes from the processing of raw data which records the events as they take place in every miniscule of an organization or an institution. Knowledge is power. The flow of information is considered to be an extremely powerful tool at the disposal of men at all levels of a business enterprise. However, difference between communication and information flows must be understood clearly. Whereas communication is a two way process, information is a one-way process. It is, therefore, half of the process. Yet it is used very extensively in organizations. As businesses grow in size, complexity and dynamics, it is very difficult to ensure two way process all the time. Much of the time, information flows one way – downwards, upwards or horizontal along formal lines of command. These lines of command become the channels of information flows and serve as the cornerstones of communication, coordination and control. 2. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION Communication can be classified as below: Communication Verbal Non-verbal Communication ommunication Oral Written Body Language Communication Communication 3. SIGNIFICANCE OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS – Conversing and corresponding with people around is such a common activity that most of individuals are so pre-occupied with their daily routine that they do not stop and ponder over the immense advantages that business enterprises can derive from mastering the art and science of communication. Following payoffs are only suggestive: 1. Internal communication – Before the end of nineteenth century, businesses were small; they started growing in size from the beginning of twentieth century. Contemporary business enterprises are very large and have not only become multinational but also transnational in character. Besides, they have grown in complexity in terms of a wide array of products and services they deal in and the number of countries and continents they are operating in. Also, arising from liberalizing of many national economies, global competition has intensified and the rate of change in market place has accelerated. Market forces have also become very dynamic, almost verging on chaos. 2. External communication – As a business enterprise in the modern society, it has to interact, pro-act or react to happenings in other institutions viz. 1 Government bodies, statutory / regulatory agencies, municipal authorities etc 2 Distributors, dealers and retailers 3 Customers, community and society at large 4. Communication skills as vital job requirement- Human beings are communicating all the time. Ability to express powerfully and influence the attitude and behavior of people for giving better performance on their jobs, has emerged as a job skill of critical importance for managers / leaders at all levels of management. Thus all employees are expected to: 1 Write good correspondence 2 Be good in oral conversation 3 Develop and cultivate powerful body language 4 Be able to sell ideas and products effectively 5 Be very good in weaning away customers from competitor and retaining them It is now increasingly understood that even specialists like accountants, engineers, technicians etc should have good communication skills. In the present day knowledge society, competitive advantage of acquiring excellent communication skills cannot and perhaps need not be emphasized! * Communication skills essential for promotion – Communication skills have emerged as the most critical prerequisite for promotion to senior executive positions in the industry. Consequently, managers at lower rungs of organizations should also have good command over the spoken and written language of the business. As a general rule, managers should have the ability to make their communications heard, read or understood. * COMMUNICATION PROCESS – * In order to develop a deep understanding of the subject of communication, it is important that everyone understands the complete process of communication. Broadly, it has two parts: * Process at communicator end (Senders‟ Part) * Process at communications end (Receivers‟ Part) A GOOD DEBTOR IS A GOOD COMMUNICATOR Definition: Debtor is an expression used in the accounting world to specify a party who owes money to a company or individual. A debtor can be an entity, a company or a person of a legal nature that owes money to someone else – your business for example. If you have one or more debtors, that makes you a creditor. To put it simply, the debtor-creditor relationship is complimentary to the customer-supplier relationship. Definition: a person who communicates, especially one skilled at Conveying information, ideas, or policy to the public. a person in the business of communications, as television ormagazine publishing. Definition In this division, â€Å"collector†means a person, whether in British Columbia or not, who is collecting or attempting to collect a debt. Harassment (1) A collector must not communicate or attempt to communicate with a debtor, a member of the debtor’s family or household, a relative, neighbour, friend or acquaintance of the debtor, or the debtor’s employer in a manner or with a frequency as to constitute harassment. (2) Without limiting subsection (1), one or more of the following constitutes harassment: (a) using threatening, profane, intimidating or coercive language; (b) exerting undue, excessive or unreasonable pressure; (c) publishing or threatening to publish a debtor’s failure to pay. Disclosure to debtor (1) A collector must not attempt to collect payment of a debt from a debtor until the collector has notified the debtor in writing or the collector has made a reasonable attempt to notify the debtor in writing of (a) the name of the creditor with whom the debt was incurred, (b) the amount of the debt, and (c) the identity and authority of the collector to collect the debt from the debtor. (2) A collector must not initiate verbal communication with a debtor with respect to the collection of a debt until 5 days after the collector has sent to the debtor the written notice referred to in subsection (1). (3) If a debtor informs the collector that the debtor has not received the notice required under subsection (1), the collector must send that information to the debtor at the address provided by the debtor. Communication with debtor (1) A collector must not communicate or attempt to communicate with a debtor at the debtor’s place of employment unless (a) the collector does not have the home address or telephone number for the debtor and the collector contacts the debtor solely for the purpose of requesting the debtor’s home address or telephone number or both, (b) the collector has attempted to contact the debtor at the debtor’s home address or telephone number, but the collector has not contacted the debtor in any of those attempts, or (c) the collector has been authorized by the debtor to communicate with the debtor at the debtor’s place of employment. (2) The collector must not make more than one verbal attempt, under subsection (1) (b), to contact the debtor at the debtor’s place of employment. (3) At the time a collector communicates with a debtor, the collector must first indicate to the debtor (a) the name of the creditor with whom the debt was incurred, (b) the amoun t of the debt, and (c) the identity and authority of the collector to collect the debt from the debtor. (4) A collector must not continue to communicate with a debtor (a) except in writing, if the debtor (i) has notified the collector to communicate in writing only, and (ii) has provided a mailing address at which the debtor may be contacted, (b) except through the debtor’s lawyer, if the debtor (i) has notified the collector to communicate only with the debtor’s lawyer, and (ii) has provided an address for the lawyer, or (c) if the debtor has notified the collector and the creditor that the debt is in dispute and that the debtor would like the creditor to take the matter to court. Communication with persons other than debtor (1) Except for the purpose of obtaining the debtor’s home address or telephone number, a collector must not communicate or attempt to communicate with a member of the debtor’s family or household, or a relative, neighbour, friend or acquaintance of the debtor unless (a) the person contacted has guaranteed to pay the debt and is being contacted in respect of that guarantee, or (b) the debtor has authorized the collector to discuss the debt with the person contacted. (2) A collector must not communicate with a debtor’s employer except (a) for the purpose of confirming the debtor’s employment, business title and business address, or (b) for other purposes authorized in writing by the debtor. Time of communication (1) In this section, â€Å"statutory holiday†means a holiday, except Sunday, unless the holiday falls on a Sunday. (2) Except on the request of the person contacted, a collector must not communicate, either by telephone or in person, with the debtor, a member of the debtor’s family or household, or a relative, neighbour, friend or acquaintance of the debtor, or the debtor’s employer or guarantor (a) on a statutory holiday, (b) subject to paragraph (a), on a Sunday, except between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. local time for the person contacted, or (c) on any other day, except between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. local time for the person contacted. Cost of communication A collector must not communicate or attempt to communicate with a person for the purpose of collecting, negotiating or demanding payment of a debt by a means that results in the costs of the communication being payable by the person. Collection from person not liable for debt or in excess of amount of debt A collector must not (a) collect or attempt to collect money that exceeds the amount of the debt owing, (b) collect or attempt to collect money from a person who is not liable for the debt, or (c) if a person has informed the collector that the person is not the debtor, continue to communicate with that person unless the collector first makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the person is in fact the debtor. Legal proceedings (1) If a debt has been assigned to a collector, the collector must not (a) bring or continue a legal proceeding for the recovery of a debt as plaintiff unless the debtor has been given notice of the assignment, or (b) bring a legal proceeding unless the collector first gives notice to the debtor that the collector intends to bring the proceeding. (2) A collector must not recommend to a creditor that a legal proceeding be brought, unless the collector first gives notice to the debtor that the collector intends to recommend that a proceeding be brought. (3) Nothing in subsection (2) affects solicitor-client privilege. (4) A collector must not directly or indirectly threaten, or state an intention, to bring or continue a legal proceeding for the recovery of a debt (a) for which the collector does not have the written authority of the creditor, or (b) for which there is no lawful authority. Removal, seizure, repossession and distress A collector must not do any of the following, whether on the collector’s own behalf or on behalf of another person, directly or indirectly: (a) unless there is a court order to the contrary, remove from inside the debtor’s private dwelling any personal property claimed under seizure, distress or repossession, in the absence of the debtor, the debtor’s spouse, the debtor’s agent or an adult resident in the debtor’s dwelling; (b) seize, repossess or levy distress against personal property that is not specifically charged or mortgaged, or to which legal claim may not be made under a statute, court judgment or court order; (c) remove, seize, repossess or levy distress against personal property during a day or during the hours of a day when removal, seizure, repossession or distress is prohibited by the regulations. False or misleading information and misrepresentations In collecting or attempting to collect payment of a debt, a collector must not (a) supply any false or misleading information, (b) misrepresent the purpose of a communication, (c) misrepresent the identity of the collector or, if different, the creditor, or (d) use, without lawful authority, a summons, notice, demand, or other document that suggests or implies a connection with any court inside or outside of Canada. Additional prohibited practices A collector must not commit or engage in a prescribed act or practice.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The irish literary revival 1880-1930 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The irish literary revival 1880-1930 - Essay Example Consequently their polical views influnce their imagery, styles and ideals to a greater extent. The affinity for the land and the surge of emotion for one’s birthplace are so intertwined with the intellect of the artists involved with the I rish Literary Revival, that these emotions and feelings exert-consciously or subconsciously-great impact in shaping the ins and outs, that is, style, imagery, ideals of their literary works. There come all of the literary tools along the string of this affinity. But in the context of the Irish Literary Revival merging the political sentiment of the writers into their works bloomed to the extent to be considered as the art of political expression. All of the literary artists including W. B. Yeats, Mary Fitzerald, Douglas Hyde etc at the forepart of the Irish Literary Revival are concerned with this political expression in their works. They delve deep into the origin of art, culture, history and their concern with the political ups and downs of Ireland. Both of the writers, Yeats and Moore look back into the pages of Irish history to find out their elements of their works with a view to reviving the past. The literary elements used in their works show and at the same time reveals the souls tormented by the political fractions existing in the country. Either they relate to the events from Irish folk tales in which the heroes are down to the earth and close to the vein of the Isrish mass people. For Moore the political expression is not as explicit as it is in Yeats. Crisis of Political identity is less important than the crisis of cultural identity of the Irish. He is moved with the well and woe of the mass of Irish population. He is more concerend with the confirmation of this identity. Consequently most of the story of â€Å"the Untilled Field†take clerical interference in the daily lives of the Irish peasantry as their theme. The story ‘The Wild Goose’ renders a
ABRAHAM LINCOLN, SLAVERY, AND THE CIVIL WAR - Essay Example During his childhood, a bitter, disturbing, controversial argument over the right and wrong of slavery was waged. The church to which the Lincoln’s belonged abhorred slavery, although, the region had more than a thousand slaves; the Lincoln’s owned none. It s recorded that in 1809, 15 members of a church relocated due to the issues of slaveholding. This has been detested by a number of historians some claiming that it was because of economic reasons rather than antislavery beliefs. However, it should be made clear that Lincoln did not get to see a large number of black slaves until the year 1828 when he made his debut boat trip to New Orleans. A study of his life reveals congruence with societal transformations that were critical in shaping the future of America. The main question that characterized this period of transformation was if the United States could transform and grow with the system of slavery, or it had to be abolished; Abraham was branded as the great emancipator because of his efforts in trying to abolish the institution of slavery. In his campaigns to political office in 1858 and 1860, Lincoln’s stand against slavery resonated throughout his campaign speeches and debates. During this period, there was a lot of hostility between the Northern states and the Southern states; Free states against the pro-slavery states. This meant that one had to be either in support of one of the two camps. Lincoln’s childhood and Christian beliefs led him to support the anti-slavery camp, which was agitating for the abolition of the institution (Johnson 29). In the period characterizing the senate elections in 1858, there were a series of debates in the fall totaling to seven. The debates were held at various locations within the state of Illinois. The debates pitted Douglas against Lincoln in all the debates with sometimes a crowd of up to ten thousand listeners. The debates were termed as being of an unequal
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Poetry reaearch eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Poetry reaearch eassy - Essay Example The interconnection of various words in the poem, like the, â€Å"fear no more,†brings out the emphasis of death on various aspects of this poem. Shakespeare in this poem of â€Å"fear no more heat†uses some euphonic words to emphasize the serenity towards the subject of death that is being brought out in this poem and consequently, people should have a peaceful death. Shakespeare considers that death is one kind of extrication. As for this reason, I chose â€Å"Fear no more the heat o’ the sun†because I like the theme of the poem which indicates that we should fearless face death since death is inevitable. Generally, the tone of the poem is a deep melancholy describing death. Nonetheless, the poet regards death as a part of human life, and he encourages people to have a positive attitude towards facing it. Moreover, Shakespeare is seeing the world’s attitude towards death and put it with a soft, gentle voice comforting people to face death peace fully. Also, this emphasis is followed by, â€Å"must†¦; come to dust,†in the fifth and sixth lines of the three stanzas of the poem. Shakespeare uses refrain to reiterate the author’s central idea. The author uses such words like, â€Å"golden lads and girls,†to show that even the young and wealthy girls will face death. He also uses words like, â€Å"chimney sweepers,†which stand for the old and the poor. He means that both rich and poor will also have to face death. At the beginning of the poem, Shakespeare depicts that people toil for their work in order to survive. The Consonance used brings out rhythm such as â€Å"sun†and â€Å"done†that makes the cadence of the poem flows smoothly. Next, in the second stanza, the poet has used various stylistic devices such as alliteration â€Å"though art past the tyrant’s stroke, care no further to clothe and eat;†(9). there is the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Fahad mid Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fahad mid - Assignment Example a) Political Geography: It defines the section of geography dealing with matters related to human governments, as well as, the divisions that exist among human group due to culture, religion, language, and ethnicity. It mainly deals with nationality and socio-economic factors; for instance, the existence of the Middle East led by the UAE and Europe led by the European Union. d) Enclave Vis-à -vis Exclave: Enclave is the state of a country existing physically within another country (mostly a larger country), as result, it is surrounded by foreign land, for example, Swaziland in South Africa (De 18). On the other hand, an exclave exists in a manner that is almost separated from the main country but is a part of it although it may be politically independent, for instance, Kaliningrad and Russia. e) Mediterranean State Vis-à -vis Mediterranean Region State: Mediterranean state describes the two countries existent in the Mediterranean region or Mediterranean Sea. Malta and Cyprus are the two Mediterranean states. Mediterranean region state describes the condition of the surrounding of the Mediterranean for example, the economic, political, or climatic state of the area. a) Spatial Geography: it is the concept in geography that analyzes factors involving space. It seeks to examine and explain movement, distance, location, distribution, and change over duration, region, as well asother factors related to space. b) Physical Geography: it is a branch of natural science involved in the analysis of natural occurrences on the earth’s surface. It explores the creation of landforms (ocean, coast, and mountains and their characteristics, in addition to factors such as atmosphere, climate, vegetation, soil and others (De 28). c) Land-Use Planning: the concept explores the effective and efficient use of land whether urban or rural in a manner that promotes economic and environmental balance.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Leadership as Defined by Subcomandante Marcos and Martin Luther King Essay
Leadership as Defined by Subcomandante Marcos and Martin Luther King Jr - Essay Example For others, it may have a much more negative meaning: treating others as though they are you underlings while you bully, boss and take advantage of them; gaining at the expense and through the work and efforts of those who are your "inferiors." The latest definition of "leadership" is fast becoming a clich: the ability to motivate and direct people around you, within a business relationship. Subcomandante Marcos has a very real aura of mystery around him. Although many suspect (with good reason) that his real identity is that of Rafael Sebastin Guilln Vicente, this has not been established as completely true. Marcos purposely obscures his face, at least partially, from public view. During his entire existence as a civil rights leader, he has championed the cause of indigenous people of Mexico. Unbeknownst to many North Americans, the native people of Mexico are treated questionably by their government, with regard to their human rights. Marcos works closely with the Zapatistas, a group that disagrees with and rebels against the official Mexican government. Together, they openly find fault with the way the people of Chiapas, Mexico (an area that borders Guatemala) are treated by the Mexican government. Marcos and the Zapatistas believe that the natives of Chiapas are very repressed in terms of expressing and identifying with the culture and customs of their ancestors. In general, the basic philosophy of Marcos, as well as the Zapatista army, is that equal rights should be extended to all, irrespective of race, nationality, gender, sexual preference, political affiliation or religious beliefs, and that these equal rights entail no special treatment towards anyone concerning economic or educational opportunity, or the freedom to express oneself, provided it does not interfere with the personal liberty of another. This philosophy is what has spurred Marcos to dedicate his time and energy towards both drawing attention to the struggle of the inhabitants of Chiapas, as well as to insist that these people be respected and recognized by the Mexican government. Marcos, who is rumored to possess a university degree centered on philosophy, employs traditional democratic processes (petitioning, garnering public support and attention, political discussion and humor) as well as less orthodox methods (inclusion within the Zapatista military.) Marcos has clearly succeeded as a leader, in one respect; he has obviously persuaded people to trust and follow him, but is his cause worthy of that trust His expressed motives convince us that he is, in fact sincere. He simply wishes to give equality to those who are suffering without it. Martin Luther King, Jr. had many similarities to Marcos; he also believed in equality towards all, while combating racial injustice towards the black people within his country. Likewise, his target group for whom he was fighting were oppressed economically by society and treated like second-class
Saturday, August 24, 2019
United States and the neo-Gramscian perspectives Essay
United States and the neo-Gramscian perspectives - Essay Example The United States is an interesting case as explained through neo-Gramscian perspective. The model is able to evaluate American policies and their motivation, including their impact on the global arena. There is valuable insight offered with respect to the American behavior in international relations and how to understand and deal with it as a hegemon. This paper will explore the United States from the neo-Gramscian perspective. For this purpose a brief discourse on the theoretical model will be included, with a brief discussion of hegemony from different perspectives as well as the stability and the neo-Gramscian thought and its challenges. This paper will cover the theoretical discussions on power structural, the declinist school of thought, and the concepts of unipolarity and multipolarity. The concept of hegemony emerged out of the integration of the world system on the strength of global economic and political developments. As members of the system struggle and compete in order to navigate its intricacies, players adopt policies that promote and advance their interests. Successful players become dominant within a process that many thinkers consider as social in terms of formation. These players are able to exploit the system to perpetuate its status. Antonio Gramsci, the Italian thinker, provided one of the most important bases to this thought by capturing the dynamics of this process. His position holds that hegemony pertains to the process in which a hegemon is able to exploit the world system for its own purposes. This is achieved through the consent of the dominated class who act for programmes that benefit the hegemon although they may not always be in their best interests.2 This Gramscian perspective is important in the sense that it implies a dominance that is not based on brute force or coercion. Rather, it is viewed as a result of manipulation, with the dominant player(s) orchestrating events and strategies in such a way that subordinate
Friday, August 23, 2019
Adidas Marketing Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Adidas Marketing Project - Essay Example The tutor commented that she did not require the group members to give definitions for the 4 Ps in marketing but rather give marketing objectives and how to carry out promotions. She said the group should work towards giving more details about promotions and be objective in the presentation. Group members worked on the comments and included the details that and earlier been excluded so as to provide more details about promotions and marketing objectives. The course work imparted marketing research skills and knowledge on how to design and write posters. Under the 4 Ps, the paper looked into pricing, promotions, place, and the product. It also touched a little bit on the other 4 Ps but not deeply. The work had several advantages which included more details about 4 Ps, good poster design and structure and thus easy to understand. Any marketing executive would be impressed by the quality of the poster as it was highly informative and communicated effectively and efficiently. The disadvantage in the findings included a lack of market share which was very evident from the data used. The second disadvantage is that data used was neither current nor recent. The data used was three years old and thus did not give a true representation of the current marketing situation. Some of the most important factors were the product itself and the pricing strategies. These two factors are highly considered when developing a marketing plan. A product will be successful in the market if it is of good quality and its price is competitive.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Music and no music condition Essay Example for Free
Music and no music condition Essay The use of music seems to be a good way of operationalising the IV as many people do learn to the sound of music so therefore the difference between the music and no music condition should be marked. Also, getting the participants to write down the words is a good way of measuring the DV as it means it is easy to collect and analyse the data. The study itself was quite simple and it seemed to measure what effects music has on learning. The independent variable was manipulated in such a way that it was hard for there to be anyway the results could have been affected significantly. Also because the measurement method was very simple there isnt a chance that the results could be interpreted in the wrong way. As the study was a laboratory experiment it doesnt have as high validity as a field experiment. Although the participants were not in a strange environment, the fact that they knew they were being studied may lower the ecological validity of the study. Leading on from the fact that the study might have bad ecological validity, there is also the problem of the study having bad participant reactivity. Seeing as they know they are being studied and they know they have to learn the list of words given to them, they may try much harder than they normally would in their everyday life. There is the factor of social desirability and how some participants may deliberately try to recall fewer words. Improving Validity Although it would be very difficult and expensive it could be possible to take the study outside the laboratory to increase the ecological validity of the study. You could monitor the participants while they are learning for something at home and while they are playing their own music in their rooms. They could then be tested unknowingly at school by one of their reachers. However, even if these changes were made, the results would probably still stay the same. It has been proved before by numerous studies done by different scientists that music does help when trying to learn. This is why students are encouraged to listen to wordless music when revising for exams. These changes would also help improve participant reactivity if they are studied in a familiar environment. It would give them a sense of security and the need to look cool is not needed anymore and there is no extra pressure put on them to learn because they dont have the feeling they are being examined. So, these changes could actually change the results slightly if only with a few participants. It might be found that there is higher recall in both conditions though but the difference may still stay the same. Reliability The study is very easy to replicate as there is many references to other studies similar to it. Also because the study is quite simple in itself and very cheap to do there are very rarely any problems in recreating it for different purposes. One possible confounding variable was introduced by the fact that there were four researchers in the room at the time of the study and they all knew the hypotheses. They may have tried give the participants help in recalling the words by giving hints and clues so that the results were more conclusive. This may have led to unreliable comparisons between conditions. As the study was a laboratory experiment it meant the researchers had good control over the study. The words that were chosen were all unambiguous so the participants would not have interpreted them in different ways. Also the test had been severely standardised. The words were shown on an over head projector so they were all looking at the same thing when learning was taking place. Also the testing was completed in the same room and at the same time of day for each condition so the participants were not feeling more tired in one condition than the other. Improving reliability The only possible way to improve reliability was to keep researcher contact to a minimum or have a person in the room that was unaware of the hypothesis so they couldnt alter the study in any way. This would be difficult though because once they are in the room it does become quite obvious what the study is about. This could be controlled for by using an outside civilian to be the one person giving the participants instructions on what they have to do. There could be one person chosen for each condition so that they dont guess what the study is about. Even if these changes did increase the reliability of the study the only difference they might make to the results is to decrease the differences found between the two conditions.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Family and Consumer Behavior Essay Example for Free
Family and Consumer Behavior Essay Therefore, not only do we have to study and do research about individual consumers but we also have to consider groups of people such as families and the influence of their members on others within the group. â€Å"Today in the United States, 68 percent of the 111. million household are families. According to many sources, the family remains the central or dominant institution in providing for the welfare of its members and is the major household consumer and consuming unit†(Schiffman and Kanuk 2007, 347). This means the family is a notable consuming unit if not the most important one. â€Å"Although families sometimes are referred to as households, not all households are families. For example, a household might include individuals who are not related by blood, marriage, or adoption, such as unmarried couples, family friends, roommates or boarders. However, within the context of consumer behavior households and families usually are treated as synonymous, and we will continue this convention†(Schiffman and Kanuk 2007, 347). Consequently, groups of people who interact to accomplish either individual or mutual goals may be considered as a unique consuming unit even if they are not related by blood, marriage or adoption. Thus, The research process would be the same. Families can be divided in three main types: the married couples, the nuclear family and the extended family.
Dementia Of Alzheimers Type Health And Social Care Essay
Dementia Of Alzheimers Type Health And Social Care Essay Ageing brings with it changes in number of domains, including attitudes, health, self-image, relationships, status, generational changes, sexual functioning and an awareness of time and mortality. These general themes all appears regularly in clinical work with older people as they come to terms with the realities of retirement or illness. (Wattis and Curran, 2006) The National policy on older persons confers the status of senior citizen to a person who has attained the age of 60 years (Ministry of Social Justice website). An estimated 77 million people or 7.7 percent of the population are senior citizens (Help Age India website) Many of our aged senior citizens live with their families. Hence any physiological and psychiatric changes affect these family members. (Handbook of Psychiatric Social Work,2007) Understanding Dementia The word dementia is an umbrella term which describes a serious deterioration in mental functions, such as memory, language, orientation and judgement. Numerous definition of dementia has been suggested. Roth proposed that it is an acquired global impairment of intellect, memory and personality. A more comprehensive definition has been suggested by McLean, namely, an acquired decline in a range of cognitive abilities (memory,learning, orientation and attention) and intellectual skills (abstraction, judgement, Comprehension, language and calculation), accompanied by alterations in personality and behaviour which impair daily functioning, social skills and emotional control. There is no clouding of consciousness, and other psychiatric disorders are excluded. Dementia usually has an insidious onset, with most people developing symptoms gradually over a period of years. The progression of these diseases is largely unpredictable for each individual. How and what symptoms develop depend on what parts of the brain are affected by which illness, and the unique characteristics of each individual. Dementia has a life changing physical, emotional and mental impacted on the affected person and their primary caregiver and family. Dementia is a neuropsychiatric condition in elderly, disabling illness of late life, which is a hidden problem in India, demanding immediate attention from professionals (Shaji Iype, 2006). Different type of dementia: Some types of dementia are irreversible and progressive. This is not true for all types of dementia, especially if detected early. Types of dementia include: Dementia of the Alzheimers Type Approximately 50 percent of all cases of dementia are caused by Alzheimers disease. Vascular Dementia Vascular dementia is cause by small strokes that stop blood flow to parts of the brain. Dementia Due to Other General Medical Conditions Medical conditions that can cause dementia include HIV, head trauma, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease, Picks disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, metabolic disorders, and hypoglycemia. Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia The use of a substance such as alcohol or the sudden withdrawal from a substance can cause dementia. This is diagnosed only if the symptoms last beyond normal withdrawal time for the substance. Dementia Not Otherwise Specified This is the category for dementia that doesnt fit in an above category. Dementia differs from delirium, which is characterized by a state of sudden confusion. Dementia is not part of the normal aging process nor is it mental retardation or psychosis. There are medications and therapies that can help manage the symptoms of the disease, making life easier for the patient and his/her family. Dementia of Alzheimers Type (DAT): Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia. Alzheimers Disease is named after the German Psychiatrist, Alois Alzheimer, who in 1906 first described the changes caused by the condition. The diagnostic criteria for DAT as mentioned in DSM-IV-TR: A. The development of multiple cognitive deficits manifested by both (1) memory impairment (impaired ability to learn new information or to recall previously learned information) (2) one (or more) of the following cognitive disturbances:   (a) aphasia (language disturbance)  (b) apraxia (impaired ability to carry out motor activities despite intact motor function)  (c) agnosia (failure to recognize or identify objects despite intact sensory function)  (d) disturbance in executive functioning (i.e., planning, organizing, sequencing, abstracting) B. The cognitive deficits in Criteria A1 and A2 each cause significant impairment in social or occupational functioning and represent a significant decline from a previous level of functioning. C. The course is characterized by gradual onset and continuing cognitive decline. D. The cognitive deficits in Criteria A1 and A2 are not due to any of the following: (1) other central nervous system conditions that cause progressive deficits in memory and cognition (e.g., cerebrovascular disease, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease, subdural hematoma, normal-pressure hydrocephalus, brain tumor) (2) systemic conditions that are known to cause dementia (e.g., hypothyroidism, vitamin B or folic acid deficiency, niacin deficiency, hypercalcemia, neurosyphilis, HIV infection) (3) substance-induced conditions E. The deficits do not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium. F. The disturbance is not better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Episode, Schizophrenia). Code based on presence or absence of a clinically significant behavioral disturbance: 294.10 Without Behavioral Disturbance: if the cognitive disturbance is not accompanied by any clinically significant behavioral disturbance. 294.11 With Behavioral Disturbance: if the cognitive disturbance is accompanied by a clinically significant behavioral disturbance. (e.g., wandering, agitation) Specify subtype: With Early Onset: if onset is at age 65 years or below With Late Onset: if onset is after age 65 years ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for dementia: The primary requirement for the diagnosis is evidence of a decline in both and thinking which is sufficient to impair personal activities of daily living. The impairment of memory typically affects the registration, storage and retrieval of new information, but previously learned and familiar information may also be lost, particularly in later stage. Dementia is more than impaired memory. There is also impairment of thinking and of reasoning capacity, and a reduction in the flow of ideas. The processing of information is impaired, in that the individual finds it increasingly difficult to attend to more than one stimulus at a time. (e.g. taking part in a conversation with several people), and to shift the focus of attention from one topic to another. If dementia is the sole diagnosis, evidence of clear consciousness is required. However, a double diagnosis of delirium superimposed on dementia is common. The above symptoms and impairments should have been evident for at least six month s for a confident clinical diagnosis of dementia to be made. Alzheimers disease (F00) In ICD-10, Alzeheimers disease (AD) is divided into Dementia in AD with early onset (F00.0) and Dementia in AD with late onset (F00.1). These categories include the definition of dementia discussed above. For Dementia in AD with late onset, onset is after the age 65years. AD has an insidious onset with a gradual decline in the mental stage, Memory difficulties, especially with regard to new memories, are usually the first symptoms to be noticed. Memory problems may be attributed to old age or absent-mindedness. The onset is so gradual that even a close relative living with the patient the early stages, previous personality may strongly influence the presentation. Patients with a tendency to be suspicious of others or to deny their own limitations may upset carers by accusing them of stealing misplaced items. Others may react to these early changes by becoming extremely dependent on relatives, especially if family patterns of behaviour encourage this. Mood disturbance is not a diagnos tic feature of AD. It may also be common in more advanced AD. Here it may not be reported by the patient, but may be inferred from behavioural changes and response to treatment with antidepressants. The patient usually lacks insight, and as the disease progress their behaviour may become more erratic. Disorientation with regard to time, place and person will also increase, usually in that order. The combination of disorientation in time and place and topographical disorientation may cause the patient to wander, resulting in considerable distress for the family, risk to the patient and the involvement of neighbours, other individuals and the police, who may have to bring the patient home. Patients may get up in the early hours believing that it is time to go to work or get the children ready for school. Hallucinations (usually visual) are fairly common, but are not usually evident except through the description of careers (e.g he spends a lot of time picking up imaginary food from th r floor). As the disease progress, the patient will become unable t recognise their relatives, who often finds this distressing. The patient may then become distressed, as they may believe that their spouse or son or daughter in a intruder. In addition, the patient may fail to recognise him or herself , and this can also cause considerable distress. Carers often find that removing mirrors solves the problem. Other difficulties with moderate to severe impairment include apraxia, which presents with difficulties in dressing and washing and other tasks involving visuo-spatial skills. Dysphasia (inability to express oneself in words or to understand words) can lead to severe frustration when combined with all of the other impairments and confusion. Incontinence (both urinary and faecal) usually develops late in the disease and for many carers is the final straw. Eventually the point is reached when the patient is unable to or anything from him- or herself including the following: dressi ng, personal hygiene, domestic tasks, toileting and feeding. There are characteristic changes in the brain: a marked reduction in the population of neurons, particularly in the hippocampus, substantia innominata, locus ceruleus and temporopareital frontal lobe cortex; appearance of neurofibrillary tangles made of paired helical filaments; neuritic (argentophil) plaques, which consist largely of amyloid and show a definite progression in their development (although plaques without amyloid are known to exist); and granulovacular bodies. Neurochemical changes have also been found, including marked reduction in the enzyme choline acetyltransfearse, in acetylcholinse itself, and in other neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Causes of AD AD is a primary degenerative cerebral disease of unknown etiology, with characteristics neuropathological and neurochemical features. The precise aetiology of AD is poorly understood. However, it is important because such an understanding may have implications for both prevention and treatment. The relationship between cause and effect may be difficult to establish, particularly with regard to neurotransmitter deficits and the characteristics of neuropathological changes that are seen in AD. On the basis of epidemiological research, the most important risk factors for AD are old age and a family history of dementia and Downs syndrome. Alzheimers and the Brain Alzheimers disease leads to nerve cell death and tissue loss throughout the brain. As the disease progresses, brain tissue shrinks and the ventricles (chambers within the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid) become larger. The damage disrupts communication between brain cells, crippling memory, speech, and comprehension. Alzheimers Medications There is no cure for Alzheimers disease, and no known way to slow the nerve damage within the brain. But there are a variety of medications that appear to help maintain mental function and slow the disease progression. If these treatments are given during the early stages of Alzheimers, your loved one may be able to remain independent and carry out daily tasks for a longer period of time. Prevalence of Dementia: Global Impact: Worldwide, there is a new case of dementia every seven seconds. As of 2008, there are an estimated 30 million people with dementia worldwide. By 2050, it is projected that this figure will have increased to over 100 million. Much of the increase will be in developing countries. Already more than 60% of people with dementia live in developing countries, but by 2040 this will rise to 71%. The fastest growth in the elderly population is taking place in China, India, and their south Asian and western Pacific neighbours. (Ferri et al, 2005) Stages of Dementia/AD Knowing a persons disease stage helps health professionals to determine the treatment approach and aids communication between health providers and caregivers. Sometimes the stage is simply referred to as early stage, middle stage or late-stage dementia, but often a more exact stage is assigned, based on a persons symptoms. Geriatric population is more affected by dementia of Alzheimers Type (DAT) or Alzheimers Disease (AD) 60-65 % and other related disease. Therefore, when choosing a suitable intervention model for dementia one has to keep in mind stages in dementia, context and circumstance, as care needs vary with stage to best help both the elderly people and their families. The below table demonstrates the changes in persons with Alzheimers disease and related disorders that usually occur during the progression of the illnesses. As patients move through stages, family issues are also changing. The type of clinical intervention that is most appropriate and effective for a particular family should be determined by the types of problems and issues the family needs to address. Early/Mild Stage: mild memory loss and deterioration of skills 1-5 years Changes occurring in patient Effect on family members Clinical Intervention Forgets familiar names Unable to name familiar objects Unable to retain what is read Unable to perform simple calculations Decreased knowledge of current and recent events Becomes careless in grooming habits Becomes anxious and frustrated in demanding situations Denies memory problems and inability to perform tasks Withdraws from challenging situations Gets lost in familiar surroundings Denial used as defense mechanism in coping with pain of relatives diagnosis False hope of improvement Fear of future Fear that they will also get dementia Concern about the effect on their life Conflict over care planning decisions Family assessment to include: genogram, influence of pre-existing family patterns, cultural items, quality of relationships, family conflict, support system, and socioeconomic level. Educate about disease process Validation of feelings (e.g anger) Refer to caregiver support group Evaluate environment of dementia victim Refer for information on legal and financial issues Explore care options Middle/Moderate Stage: Pronounced and severe decline of skills 5-15 years Unable to recall addresses, phone numbers, names of family members Disorientation to time or place Has difficulty choosing the proper clothing to wear Decreased ability to travel, handle finances, make decisions Flattening of affect (facial expression) Sleeping pattern affected Behaviour changes- may become delusional, obsessive, easily agitated, depressed Role changes Social Isolation Anger, resentment over caregiving responsibilities Embarrassed by patients behaviour Guilt over relinquishing caregiving responsibilities Conflict over care planning decisions Overwhelmed by caregiving responsibilities Marital problems Depression Help to prioritize caregiving tasks Assist family with feelings associated with caregiving and/or institutional placement Encourage family members to continue contact with the person in an institutional setting, participating in their care plan Problem-solve to alleviate conflict by resolving issues Encourage participation in a caregiver support group Be supportive to family members who are providing care Increase family support network Use crisis intervention strategies when necessary Educate about behaviour management Individual, marital or family therapy Late/Severe stage: Complete loss of functioning and basic skills 3-5 years Unaware of recent events and experiences Unaware of surroundings, the year, the season Verbal abilities are lost Incontinence of bowel and bladder Loses basic psychomotor skills Requires assistance in feeding, difficulty in swallowing Unable to acknowledge recognition of family members, friends Weight loss Grief over the loss of the person they once knew Conflict over care planning decisions Guilt over this desire for the disease to progress to death Support the familys decisions on terminal care. Problem-solve to alleviate conflict by resolving issues Address the long term grief of caregivers and help them to prepare for their future without the patient Provide case management services as needed, continually assessing the patients needs and the familys coping ability Give the family permission to let go Encourage funeral arrangements Effects of AD As people with dementia need sustained care, it becomes important to provide services for patients with dementia also provide support and guidance to their caregivers. The burden of looking after patients with AD is immense, and carers and families become physically and emotionally exhausted and socially more taxing. At this time families need support from the multidisciplinary team. For the better quality of life of both AD patients and caregivers, there is need for research and intervention models specific to individuals (familys) culture. Most of the time the caregivers are family members, they are encouraged to learn about the principles of long term care in general and dementia care in particular. In India, caregivers have their own strategies for care giving suitable to the family member of dementia. What is lacking is the knowledge of AD, therefore educating them is important, which will change their perception and attitude toward the family member (support with research). In rural areas, lifestyle, physical activity (farming) and environment difference could have contributed to the lower percentage of dementia. This is in particular reference to research done in Ballabgarh (New Delhi, India), there exist no case of dementia in this area, as studied in comparison with/to Pennsylvania community of elderly people, USA. Developing countries are also reaching the statistics of developed countries of increased life expectancy and stress related lifestyle, therefore, increasing risk of Dementia/AD. Some of the Intervention programs for caregivers are mentioned in the next session. This includes different models of intervention based on theory and research. Details of family intervention programs for caregivers of AD includes Educating about dementia, providing support-family counseling, group home support ,skill training. number of sessions, time period, and objective, content, success rate/effectiveness of the session/model. Family Intervention/treatment Caregivers of AD Role of caregivers Challenges faced by caregivers Intervention programs Caregiver: In our society more and more responsibility is placed on the family to provide care. The family caregiver is that significant person in the family, who looks after the basic needs of the patient throughout the day. The care for the caregiver is of immense importance as this population suffers more psychological effect than the patient. With the onset of a disability, the family is forced to take on new roles and greater responsibility. This causes high levels of stress in an already stressful situation. Caregivers are sometimes forced to give up their own needs in order to care for a family member. The caring for someone and constantly giving up ones own personal interests can affect the caregiver both physically and emotionally which, in turn affects the patient. The caregivers need to be aware of their own feelings, judgements, and different ways of reacting to the patients behaviour. They must also take care of their own physical and emotional health in order to provide care to their loved one. Ethnicity and culture issues also play a greater role in care giving. In society today, we have many different types of families. Some cultures tend to have extended and blended families, which can offer more support to the caregiver. Some cultures also view care-giving as an expected family function that can put added pressure and stress on the family. It is important for treatment team to understand the patients needs, but it is also important that they understand the families (caregivers) needs. Stress and caregiver burden: The negative phenomena associated with caring for victims of illness and injury is defined as caregiver burden. Caregiver burden may be further categorised into objective burden and subjective burden. Objective burden included changes in the patients personality and behaviour which are seen by the caregiver as well as financial strain, changes in the daily routine, changes in living conditions, and changes in social activities. Subjective burden is defined as the caregivers negative reaction in response to the presence of objective burden. A study conducted by Mitrani et al (2006) on the role of Family Functioning in the Stress Process of Dementia Caregivers: A Structural Family Framework. It was conducted on One hundred eighty-one family caregivers from the Miami site of the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimers Caregiver Health (REACH) project participated in this study. They assessed socio demographics, burden, depression, anxiety, and perceived health for each caregiver. The results of the study indicated that family functioning significantly contributed to distress in the overall sample and partially mediated the relationship between objective burden and distress. The implication of the study is that Family structural functioning is one contributor to the caregiver stress process. This suggests that interventions targeting structural family problems may reduce caregiver distress. The disease follows a predictable irreversible progression that lasts from between three to twenty years. NonPharmacologic Management of Dementia: The first line of treatment for an older person with dementia, especially one who has recently been diagnosed, is pharmacological, that is medication with cholinesterase inhibitors. Family systems Model: The family systems model is based on the premise that members of family groups influence and are influenced by all other members. Each family is a unique system, with its own set of rules that specify power structure, roles, communication techniques, and problem solving (Bowen, 1971; Haley, 1971; Minuchin, 1974; Kerr, 1981). Family treatment from a systems framework begins with an assessment of family organization and functions. An understanding of the familys structure and dynamics is necessary for making decisions regarding change strategies. From a family systems perspectives, the changes in health and functional status that are associated with dementia affect all members of the family unit. Although a primary caregiver usually assumes the daily care of the dementia patient, all family members experience some changes in roles, relationships, and goals. In some cases, the burden on the family can become excessive, jeopardizing the familys physical, emotional, and social stability (Niederehe Fruge, 1984) Interventions based on the family systems model can be focused on cognitive, emotional, and/or behavioural levels of functioning in families (Wright Bell, 1981). These interventions are directed toward change within the structure of the family, altering the postions of family members and resulting in individual changes as well. The following types of interventions have been found to be effective with families of dementia patients and can be used alone or simultaneously. Cognitive interventions: Directed at the cognitive level of family functioning, these interventions provide new information or a new perspective on a problem. They can include educating the family about the dementing illness and discussing the potential effects of the disease on family members. The next step is to suggest ways in which the family can respond to these effects and to provide information about community resources. It may be extremely painful for the family of a dementing patient to make the decision to place her in a nursing home. The clinician can provide an objective viewpoint, alleviating some of the familys guilt in making the final decision. Emotional interventions: These interventions validate a familys emotional responses and often affect feelings that may be blocking their efforts at problem solving. Validation of family members emotions, such as sadness, anger, and guilt, can help them understand the connection between the dementing illness and their stress. In the validation process, it is important to emphasize that the whole family is affected by the illness. Behavioural interventions: Aimed at the behavioural level of functioning, these interventions can assist family members in modifying behaviours that cause problems in their interactions. This type of intervention attempts to change such behaviour by teaching new adaptive skills. Families area also encouraged not to make sudden and major adjustments in their daily routines following a diagnosis of dementia. Family members do not all react in the same way to this illness; whereas some tend to exist in a state of denial throughout the initial stages and fail to recognize the real needs of the patient, others overcompensate and encourage dependence by the patient. To avoid a continuous state of family disruption, it may be necessary to assign specific behavioural tasks to family members. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that family members should try to continue their regular activities and maintain their accustomed role responsibilities for as long as possible. Before intervening in a family system that is dealing with a dementing illness, clinicians need to understand the familys perception of the illness. The clinicanss objectives is to help the family to adjust t it, not necessary to accept it. Tracy was a 30 year old teacher who sought help for her recent anxiety attacks. During the initial interview with the social worker, she focused on her mother, who was caring for Tracys grandfather, an Alzheimers patient. Tracy and her mother had always had a good relationship, but Tracy had now become focused on how her mother was coping with her grandfathers illness and was making recommendations on how she could get some respite from her caregiving responsibilities. Her mother refused to consider Tracys recommendations. Problem: Originally sympathematic to her mothers caregiving situation, Tracy was now frustrated and angry because she thought her mother was neglecting herself and other family members while caring for grandfather. Tracy reacted to her grandfathers illness by focusing intensely on her mothers cargiving responsibilities and taking on her mothers problem as her own. This focus on her mother allowed her to avoid dealing directly with her feelings about her grandfathers progressive illness and eventual death. Tracys mother reacted to her fathers illness by overcompensating and enmeshing herself in the role of caregiver. Although she often complained that caring for her father was exhausting and left her with little time and energy for herself or other famly members, she refused to consider assistance from her family or community services. Treatment approach: Advise Tracy to stop giving recommendations to her mother, but to continue to be supportive. Encourage Tracy to discuss her feelings about her grandfathers illness and any perceived expectation that she would assume the same caregiving responsibility for her mother in the future. Open communication between Tracy and her mother (and other family members, if possible) to share contents about the patients illness. Suggest meeting with Tracys mother. Encourage her to set time aside for herself and her family, providing support and information on resources and care options. Giver her permission to acknowledge the negative as well as positive feelings of caregiving. Goals: Open lines of communication between Tracy, her mother, and other family members. Acknowledge Tracys and her mothers feelings associated with the patients illness. Remove Tracys self-imposed responsibility for solving her mothers caregiving problems. Family Mediation Family Mediation is a family- oriented, problem-solving, task completion model that was originally used as an intervention in child custody and divorce situations, child-parent conflicts, and family disputes (Parsons Cox, 1989). A model that empowers mediation is an effective strategy for many of the caregiving problems that occur during the course of a dementing illness. The mediator role is based on conflict theory. Three dimensions of conflict have been identified with these caregiving families: a. Family members perceptions of illness and strategies for care. b. Their attitudes and behaviour toward the patient; and c. Their attitudes and behaviour toward the primary caregivers (Miles Huberman, 1984, Semple, 1992). Conflict often results from interaction between systems such as individuals, families, organizations, and communities, and may grow out of differences in values and power that make it difficult for the parties involved to define ways to agree or disagree. The role of the mediator is to move the conflict from the emotional and values level to a more objective level that provides the opportunity for negotiation. Families involved in the care of a person with dementia are faced with many options for difficult decisions, such as relocation, assignment of caregiving responsibilities, home health care, assisted living arrangements, and nursing home placements. Participants in the decision-making process may include dementia patients spouse, children, friends, neighbours and professional care-givers. Decisions involving several participants are usually not unanimous, with conflict resulting throughout the process from feelings of guilt, grief connected with the progression of the deme
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The story of Summer Essay example -- Literary Analysis, David Updike
The story of Summer, by David Updike, is set during that idyllic time in life when responsibility is the last word on anyone's mind. And yet, as with all human affairs, responsibility is an ever-present and ever-necessary aspect to life. What happens when the protagonist, Homer, loses his awareness of a certain personal responsibility to maintain self-control? Homer's actions increasingly make him act foolishly, internally and externally. Also, how does Homer return to a sense of sanity and responsibility? To a degree, I would say that he does. At first, Homer's control over himself seems strong; he is only mildly aware of tempting situations. The reader begins to notice, however, that Homer's mind is still easily swayed by that most primitive of urges - sexual desire. The passage, "Homer looked up. Through the screen he watched Fred's sister Sandra as she came ambling down the path, stepping lightly between the stones in her bare feet," (293) is the first mild manifestation of Homer giving in to a loss of control to his sensual appetite. The next case of Homer's decreasing ability to control himself takes place on a tennis court. Throughout the game, the reader gets the impression that Homer was trying to get Sandra's attention through talented athletics, "On the tennis court she was strangely indifferent to his heroics." (293) Towards the end of the tennis match, Homer's eyes, once again, follow her as she is leaving, which leads him to double fault. This is the first time his decreasing self-control manifests itself in a somewhat harmful manner: namely, having hurt his score. Homer comes even closer to abandoning self-control during the night when he watches Sandra in bed. Homer's decreasing self-control is beginning t... ...e of sanity and self-control. Given the chance to show Sandra his affectionate lust, Homer withdrew his chance as one reads in the passage, "But to touch her, or kiss her, seemed suddenly incongruous, absurd, contrary to something he could not put his finger on." (296) Here Homer is becoming quite aware of the insanity which has driven his previous actions. Finally, Homer's inner turmoil is laid to rest and his sanity fully returns as his affection is returned. At the very end of the story, as Homer and Sandra are sitting on a couch together, her foot comes into contact with Homer's back. "But to Homer's surprise Sandra's foot remained, and he felt, in the faint sensation of exerted pressure, the passive emanation of its warmth, a distant signal of acquiescence." (296) Homer still had a desire for Sandra, but it would not consume him as it had in times before.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Herbalism :: essays research papers fc
Using plants for medical purposes is an idea that has been around throughout history. Many different types of peoples, cultures, and religions use what is found in nature to cure their ailments, prevent illness, or prolong beauty. Many of these peoples use symbols, creams, or even watch the stars to achieve these actions all over the world. We see symbols of herbalism even as far back as the Garden of Eden. The bible states, Out of the ground the Lord God made various trees grow that were delightful to look at and good for food, with the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. Genesis 2:9 (1) Â Â Â Â Â The trees in this passage from the bible are symbols of longevity, strength and fruitfulness. Trees represented perfect beauty and complete harmony in and with nature and change. This type of symbol is pertinent throughout time. The Buddha, for example, sat under what he called the cosmic tree and reached enlightenment. Later Buddha was reborn as a monkey and became king of the monkeys; he then divined the monkey kingdom's downfall through a mango tree. When his divination came true he stretched himself across the gap between two trees, one of them the mango tree, and allowed himself to be used as a bridge, sacrificing himself to save his kingdom.1 These are some of the many reasons that Buddhists of today's world consider the tree a sacred part of nature and their lives. Another culture that considers the tree and all nature sacred is the Japanese. Over the centuries the Japanese people have treated trees and plants with the utmost respect, and have taken care of them in the form of bonsai. Bonsai are small trees that are lovingly shaped and molded to be visually aesthetic and to seem as though the tree was older than the one who created it. Although the person may have seemed youthful, one cannot judge a book by its cover or a person by their looks. Like Bonsai, many other herbs may make people seem younger. Some herbs are said to be able to slow down the aging process, or at least the effects, and consequently make the person seem more youthful. I must stress that herbs cannot change your features so that people might look eighteen again, but they may help people loose those wrinkles or sagging skin.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Era of New Technology Essay -- Business, Sony Products
::: INTRODUCTION ::: Many people cannot visualise the period of time when technology begin to develop incredibly fast day by day. By innovating products which never have place before people started to purchase the novelty as well as enjoy the revolution. The era of new technology also increase the market research as more people wanted to expand and invent different ideas to become competition. In addition the modernisation started to bring huge amount of profits so people begin to formulate more and more companies to come up with better inspiration as well as to beat the competition. In 1946, Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita establish company called Sony. The company created and launched the first magnetic tape recorder called the G-TYPE recorder in Japan. From that day he expands and invents new ideologies to his company as this was the first profitable product to the company. Next stage of Sony was receiving licensing rights to transition in 1953 from Western Electric. Furthermore, the release of the world’s first pocket transistor radio in 1955 which ascertain a market leadership position for the company. Sony was one of the first companies which arise on global market. As Christophe Catesson states â€Å"Since Sony does arise, it has been noted for manufacturing some of the best in-house standards for new storage and recording technologies as a substitute of adopting those products manufactured by other companies.†(2008) The establishment of Sony Corporations in United States occur in 1960. The creation of the company name â€Å"Sony†was inspired by merging two words. The first one is â€Å"sonus†in Latin, which means â€Å"sound†and the other is â€Å"sonny†which means little son. â€Å"The words were used to show that Sony is a very small group of... ...many profits as until now. As Sony has in plans to invent the multi device which be combined of phone, console and notebook. Another creation which has to bring on the market is Bright Era projectors. New invention like that will keep the Sony brand on the top of the list as well as getting the bigger profits. In 1955, Morita prediction to the Sony Company states â€Å"that Sony would be famous around the world within 50 years†For instance it develop more rapidly as he thought. The impact of Sony on the marketplace worldwide is very strong as well as has many followers in their innovations. Finally summarise the all undertakings that Sony have made by these days is â€Å"company culture and widely acclaimed by customers of all ages and in all parts of the world.†(2011) Sony creators should be proud of themselves and feel the satisfaction of the benefits to the future.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
What economics is Essay
What economics is and how you may use economics in your future career and/or your daily life? After World War II, economy is increasingly becoming the focus of national competition in the world. Furthermore, economics as a new breach of human sciences is applied widely in human daily life as well. For example, almost everyone has to consider price, tax, money and welfare in real life. It can be seen from that economics play a significant role in human life. This essay will discuss what is economics and analyses how to use economics in my daily life from economics knowledge, economics logic skill and economic analysis skill three aspects. Economics is a new subject in human sciences and the history of it is not as long as other subjects, so there are amount of different theories in this subject and different schools have different opinions about it, even the definition of economics. In Austrian school, the economist Mises (1998) defines that â€Å"Economics is the theory of all human action, the general science of the immutable categories of action and of their operation under all thinkable special conditions under which man acts.†While the economics Gans, King, Stonecash& Mankiw (2012, p3) think that â€Å"Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources.†Actually, there is no model answer of what is economics, people depends on their own experience can have diversity opinions about this question. In my view, economics is a subject which teach people how to thinking objectively and manage things more effectively. It focuses on macroscopic view and microcosmic view in real life. Economics pervades every aspect of peoples’ life, so we can use it to change and improve ore life. Firstly, I can use Economics knowledge to make more profit. Economic theories are summarized by economists and it can show economics trend, thus people can follow these law of economics to deduce future economics trends. Follow these deductions, they can invest some businesses so that they will have considerable revenue from these businesses. For example, if i am able to forecast stocks, i will buy some stocks when the price is low and sell them at a high price. This will brings me a huge income. Moreover, economics knowledge will help me save money. For instance, i can use demand and supply theory to guess when the goods price is low, thus i will save money comparing with other people. In addition, the people who is proficient in economics means it is easier to find a high-paid job than others, the reason why is most of high-paid jobs are nearly almost associate with business and these jobs need economics knowledge to management and control them, such as business manager, accountants, Stock managers and so on. After i graduate from university i can find these jobs. To sum up, economics knowledge not only helps me gaining and saving money, but also helps me gets more high-paid employments. Secondly, i can use economics logic skill to identify the truth and false in real life and make decision more wisely and objectively. Marking is a significant element in economy, sometimes a excellent marking marketing tactics will help company have a good selling, so how to keep clear mind in the tempting marketing tactics is an important skill for people. Gans, King, Stonecash& Mankiw (2009, p3) indicate one principle of economics in their book, it is â€Å"people face trade-offs†. From this principle, we can know everything in the world is not free, everything we gain should be sacrificed. Thus when i buy goods, i will remind me this economic principle and convince myself do not be lied by marketing tactics and buy some unnecessary goods. Furthermore, if i want have my own businesses, i may need economics, because it will help me thinking more objectively and broadly so that i can make right decision in business. For example, Gans, King, Stonecash& Mankiw (2009, p9) state another principle â€Å"rational people think at margin†in their book as well. This principle is necessary to chief who control the companies’ future, when they face several suddenly changes in business. In another word, company leader should change the plans, while the cost and value of projects change. This margin thinking is one of objective thinking skills. To sum up, i can use economic logic to make objective and wise decision in my business in my future and to be a rational consumer in real life. Finally, i can use economic analysis skill to understand situations what i have. Specifically, situations divided two things, one is public policy. Every country have their own public economic policies, authorities will make different laws to regulate economy. For example, everyone should pay tax to government. But if you do not know the economics, you will not understand the tax law and tax standard or know how to make tax planning, then you may feel unhappy or angry with your government. Callahan (2004, p27) also argue this opinion, â€Å"Another benefit of an understanding of economics is that it is crucial to evaluating questions of public policy.†She points out we can judge salary or tax is fair or not through economics analysis. Personally it is significant to employee and I will analysis economics policy and according to these to make or change my economic plans in my life. The other situation is society circumstance. Economic change will lead to a series of influence on peoples’ life. For instance, the rate of unemployment is an important data to employee and students who will graduate from university. If they understand the meaning hidden behind the data, they may try to do something to avoid suffering from this unemployment crisis. I will analysis the economic trend and change my plan as well. Only understanding a thing, you can accept it. Thus, i will always use economic analysis skill to understand situations what i have in the future. In conclusion, economics is not only a subject of science, but also a regulating and controlling economy skill. It not only teaching people economic knowledge, but also cultivating peoples’ personal and cultural value. It is not a single discipline, it needs to combine other subjects to research and learning, such as philosophy, politics and so on. In the future, I will use economic knowledge to find a high paid job or invest projects and use economics logic skill to make sure i make right decisions and use economic analysis skill to understand and think situations what i have. Reference: Callahan, G. (2004). Economics for real people (2nd ed). Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute. Gans, J., King, S., Stonecash, R., & Mankiw, N. G. (2012). Principles of economics (5th ed.). New South Wales, Australia: Cengage Learning. Mises, L., v.(1998). Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. Retrieved from,+the+general+science+of+the+immutable+categories+of+action+and+of+their+operation+under+all+thinkable+special+conditions+under+which+man+acts&source=bl&ots=5UHNDVcP_E&sig=FBD_JFuAf-dTVZQT8dmEBdgo2wI&hl=zh-CN&sa=X&ei=FtEyU63wHMWplQXDpoGwAQ&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Economics%20is%20the%20theory%20of%20all%20human%20action%2C%20the%20general%20science%20of%20the%20immutable%20categories%20of%20action%20and%20of%20their%20operation%20under%20all%20thinkable%20special%20conditions%20under%20which%20man%20acts&f=false
Friday, August 16, 2019
Fake Analysis of Bridge to Terabithia Essay
In â€Å"Bridge To Terabithia,†written by Katherine Paterson, great friendships blossom from impertinent first impressions. Great friendship such as Leslie’s brings new experiences. Great friendships may come from unpromising first encounters and lead to new experiences. Leslie’s friendship came with the promise of a new beginning; reword this sentence Leslie opens a new world up to Jess full of creativity and imagination which â€Å"Leslie name[s] their secret land â€Å"’Terabithia†’(50). Don’t end with a quote! Jess and Leslie create this secret world to escape the harsh reality of adolescence. The reason Jess and Leslie create this secret world is it allows them to escape the harsh reality of adolescence. Jess and Leslie agree to create a whole new imaginary country, eliminate that that â€Å"’We need a place’†¦ ‘It might be a whole secret country’†¦ ‘and you and I would be the rulers of it. ’†(50). Reword theres something off about this; Because Jess craves the attention of his hardworking father he in particular needs the escape that Terabithia provides. Jess in particular needs the escape since he craves the attention of his hardworking father â€Å"maybe’†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢he’d forget all about how tired he was from the long drive back and forth to Washington and the digging and hauling all day†(5). Make the quote relevant to him what is this quote supposed to say? Don’t end with a quote! Great friendships may come from unpromising first encounters and lead to new experiences. Change around, It is an idea that relates to life today since everyone has a friend and everyone must be open to new experiences they bring in a friendship. For example, you can never judge a book by its cover or by when you meet someone for the first time. Doesn’t make sense Another illustration is, to take the new experiences a new friendship has to offer and enjoying them. The human condition affects us still today because people take having a friend for granted until they are gone. What I have learned for reading â€Å"Bridge To Terabithia†is take out that that to open myself up to new friendships and take out new new experiences. I learned to enjoy the memories mad with the friends I have because at any given moment something could happen. Also, to enjoy the moments I have with my friends because you never know when something could happen at a moments notice. My viewpoint has been deeply enriched by this book because of then realistic human condition.
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