Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Accepted Arguments for Urban Walkability
Introduction The theodolite oriented development attack is being adopted by many metropoliss around the universe, peculiarly those contested with transforming their auto dependant vicinities into more habitable and sustainable developments. The simplest manner to depict the rules of TOD harmonizing to Calthorpe ( 1993 ) is â€Å"moderate and high denseness lodging, along with complementary public utilizations, occupations, retail and services, concentrated in assorted – used development at strategic points along the regional theodolite system†. Yet, much as connectivity to regional significance through theodolite is of import, it is the communities’ close interaction, supported by a walkable environment that Calthorpe claims is the â€Å"key aspect†of any booming TOD. Over the old ages, prosaic friendly design therefore generated considerable involvements and a important sum of literature and influential policy on urban walkability in TOD’s were developed in the Western world’s temperate urban zones. Soon, nevertheless, many of the world’s fastest developing urban countries are found in semitropical latitudes ( O’Hare,2006 ) . Western Australia, and peculiarly Perth, the urban Centre of the part is one such instance and serves as the focal point of this research. The paper explores the cardinal facets and physical qualities of built environment related to urban walkability with an purpose to promote farther treatment and surveies on how semitropical TOD’s can be designed to heighten prosaic motion every bit good as inquiry whether the orthodoxy of bing urban design rules require some changes to better accommodate to semitropical parts. The paper establishes the recognized statements and urban design rules indispensable to urban walkability and develops from a reappraisal of urban design & A ; sustainability, a model that would promote pedestrians’ motion and conveyance waiting in a semitropical TOD. A literature reappraisal is produced to corroborate the turning importance of walkability and finally the paper explores, through field observations, how the established urban walkability rules apply in the semitropical parts. It concludes by giving some recommendations that could be applied to Claremont town Centre for an improved prosaic friendly TOD. Accepted statements for urban walkability + Literature reappraisal Recognised as the oldest signifier of urban conveyance, walking is a manner of meeting and prosecuting with the local milieus and wider society in a mode non rather possible when following other agencies of conveyance, particularly centrifugal conveyance. Gehl & A ; Gemzoe ( 2003 ) , strongly highlight walking as a solution to breaking the public land as portion of the sweetening of the local vicinity and urban greening. With emerging concerns that auto dependent metropoliss will non be sustainable in the hereafter, due to energy costs, fuel handiness, congestion, pollution and other environmental impacts, much consciousness is being raised about the importance of walking. Harmonizing to US researches, surveies show that there is a 30 % more likeliness that compact-mixed usage development occupants would walk ( to a restaurant/park ) than those populating huge motor-oriented environments ( Cervero & A ; Radisch,1996 ) . Hodgson, Page, & A ; Tight ( 2004 ) besides conclude from their research that that TOD’s with appropriate design lead to more prosaic and transit trips ensuing in a diminution in non-motorised transit manners to cut down pollution emanations In concurrence to sustainability issues, the intra-generational equity theory and policy besides acknowledge that a major portion of the population constitutes of people who are highly immature, old, unhealthy, disabled or needy to hold entree or control over a private auto ( O’Hare,2006 ) . Recently, considerable involvement in improved walking environments has been generated as a consequence of the desire to promote nonmotorized transit manners to cut down pollution emanations and to better public wellness by increased degrees of walking ( Evans-Cowley, 2006 ) . A big organic structure of research has confirmed that a favourable walking environment is a necessary status for advancing walking and vicinity interaction ( Clifton, Smith, & A ; Rodriguez, 2007 ) . Public wellness The World Health Organisation ( WHO ) Charter on Transport, Environment and Health every bit good as the WHO Healthy Cities Program have recognised the prominence of urban walkability long before the urban design and planning Fieldss. The public wellness sector recognises that ‘active transport’ ( such as walking, including walking to the coach or train ) involves incidental physical activity. This incidental physical activity is an of import constituent of active life ( O’Hare 2000 ) . Active life, together with a healthy diet, has the possible to change by reversal current international tendencies towards sedentary life styles and the attach toing wellness hazards associated with fleshiness. Australia has been rated by different bureaus as one of the world’s top four states for fleshiness. Give that much of the world’s urban population growing is happening in the tropical and semitropical zones, it is of import to analyze urban walkability rules with peculiar attending to conditions in those non-temperate climatic zones. A Perth survey found commuters utilizing public conveyance accumulated seven times more exercising than private automobilists The prevalence of fleshiness in Australia has more than doubled in the last 20 old ages: 52 % of adult females, 67 % of work forces, and 25 % of kids are fleshy or corpulent. Urban walkability rules in Tod: Jacobs ( 1960 ) spelled out about half a century ago that urban design qualities associating to the quality of prosaic experience are indispensable to back up walkability. â€Å"Active frontages†and â€Å"eyes on the street†were recognised as few of the many important facets. Based on the best patterns from around the universe, 8 rules critical to making walkable TOD’s are identified in this paper. 1. WALK – Developing attractive prosaic environment ensures handiness and mobility for all. 2. PLACE-MAKING – Making a sense of topographic point makes encourages prosaic activity and liveability. 3. CONNECT – Making heavy webs of theodolite paths consequences in a high grade of connectivity. 4. TRANSIT – Locate land uses so that they are transit supportive and close to high quality conveyance. 5. MIX – Planning for assorted usage will advance prosaic involvement, safety, 24 hr activity. 6. DENSIFY – Sufficient denseness and compact signifier make theodolite feasible and improve walkability. 7. COMPACT – Planing for compact countries with short commutes improves efficiency. 8. Switch – Controling the amount/location of parking additions mobility. It is nevertheless of import to understand that although listed separately, for a development to go genuinely transit oriented, we must be able to film over the boundary between these rules so that they are all interconnected Urban design theory and pattern guidelines for walkable topographic points were largely developed in metropoliss located in the temperate climatic zone. In the semitropicss, summer is the season of uncomfortableness for Walkers, whereas in temperate metropoliss it is the winter that brings uncomfortableness to urban walkers. The coastal semitropical metropolis lacks the icy winds, snow, sleet, hoar, and other winter uncomfortablenesss of the temperate metropolis. The pleasant winter prosaic conditions of the semitropical metropolis are offset, nevertheless, by the summer challenges of heat, humidness and blaze. The following subdivision of this paper explores the demand for an ‘intemperate’ attack to accomplishing urban walkability in the semitropical metropolis Urban walkability in semitropical TODs – Model It is of import to understand that in the fast turning semitropical urban parts of the universe, clime and local topography are influential elements associated with walkability. Traveling at a slower gait, walkers are prone to detect many more perceptible inside informations and are exposed to the environing elements and climatic factors. Protection from Sun, rain, humidness or heat must hence be taken into history when be aftering a prosaic environment. Pulling on research and maintaining in head the factors associated with semitropical urban parts, a model of urban design rules is developed as schemes that would outdo enhance prosaic motion or waiting in semitropical TOD’s. The cardinal factors to doing walking appealing are grouped in three major classs: SAFETY, ACTVITY AND COMFORT. Figure 1 – Framework Venn diagram, 2014. Figure 2 – A balanced street has ample pavements, comfy motorcycle installations that connect to a web, and safe ways to traverse streets, doing active transit possible even on larger roads. Image by EMBARQ. Stimulating walking necessitates that these travelers can travel about efficiency, comfortably, and most significantly, safely. Physical design schemes that could be implemented in the ‘Safety, Activity, Comfort’ model are discussed below: Safety: 1. Guaranting wider pavement can supply for easy prosaic motion and at the same clip advance commercial activity/interaction 2. Removing physical or sensed barriers to guarantee that the walker has level and obstruction free set of pavement – â€Å"pedestrian zone†3. Supplying prosaic oriented quality illuming that illuminated their waies will add to the walker’s sense of safety 4. Responsive walk marks at traversing visible radiations designed with better timing and automatic changing to prioritize the demands of walkers, raised intersections, mini traffic circles or velocity bulges will promote safe motion. Activity: 1. Well-connected streets guarantee that occupants can conveniently entree all parts of the TOD, therefore triping the street usage. 2. Developing mixed-use street active frontages promote safety, security and Foster vibrant societal life in the streets. 3. Attractive infinites with edifice orientation to the public street, ocular involvements, constructing articulation and landscaping encourage walkers to garner and linger 4. Way happening aids/proper signage must be implemented to assist people orient themselves and promote motion through unfastened public countries. 5.Transit Stationss should be activated by cafe/newspapers bases or other installations to do conveyance waiting wothwhile Comfort: 1. The usage of shelters in prosaic and transit areas/stops allows for uncomfortableness decrease and provides remainder for walkers. 2. Provision of pathway sunshades, arcades, and other conditions protection at least at certain intervals will function as shelter from Sun or showers. 3. Supplying a high grade of street comfortss ( benches, refuse tins, imbibing fountains ) and resting topographic points will rise the image of the street and pull all demographics to comfortably linger. 4. Equally good as supplying a solution to the heat & A ; humidness, street trees shade and protect walkers from the rain. John walkers can besides be protected from autos when verdure is carefully designed along kerb. 5. Sidewalk with a width proportional to the graduated table of the TOD country and planned walkability degree ensures comfy walking experiences for everyone. Case surveies Subiaco City and Claremont Town Centre, selected as instance surveies for this paper are recent both theodolite oriented countries developed in Perth part with a railroad line go throughing through. The survey country boundaries for each include the country within an 800-metre radius environing the train station. Subiaco metropolis -Subiaco, known as Subi is a historic inner western suburb located around 3kms from Perth CBD and is focussed around a lively retail strip of Rockeby route. The Subi Centro undertaking embracing the North and West of the Subiaco railroad station began in 1994 and incorporated many new homes, concern Centres and commercial infinite. An of import facet was the undergrounding of the railroad line which in the yesteryear divided Subiaco. As an example of urban regeneration back uping its heritage context, the undertaking achieves a high quality public kingdom. Claremont Town – Claremont Town Centre, another western suburb finds itself midway of Perth CBD and Fremantle port on the north bank of Swan River. Claremont Town Centre is a important shopping country concentrated around St Quentin’s Avenue/Bay View Terrace and located South of the Claremont train station. The Claremont North East Precinct undertaking is an ongoing undertaking started in 2005 as an enterprise to revitalize the Northern portion of the town which is presently disconnected from the southern portion. It aspires a vivacious mixed used development around the Claremont football ellipse as a measure towards societal, economic and environmental sustainability. The intent of this study, being to measure and heighten the quality of prosaic environment, 3 methods is used to garner information: 1. Ped-shed analysis is conducted at a 400m radius ( 5 min walk ) and an 800m radius ( 10 min- walk ) 2. SAFETY-ACTIVITY- COMFORT appraisal sheet is used to rate physical micro – attributes of the built environment on the streets. 3. Experimental analysis of the site – pictures/personal experience DATA ANALYSIS The information collected from these were used to measure to what degree the factors discussed in the model and considered influential to walkability are either present or missing in these two survey countries. Pedshed ratio Analysis of the connectivity of both TODs was assessed through the ped-shed ratios calculated. A comparing of the two diagrams that Subiaco’s street grid web provides many waies and affiliated streets, promoting them to walk and be within short walking distance of the train station. Claremont on the other manus, lacks this grade of prosaic connectivity and offers limited path pick to the individual walking. After analyzing the connectivity of each site, visuals were gathered from field observations to compare one to another. The Safety-Activity-Comfort assessment sheet was so used to analyze and rate each class. Key findings As seen from the evaluation, Subiaco metropolis stands out footings of supplying certain positive physical street elements that affect walkability. Observation from field analysis showed that street frontages on streets next to the train station were rather lively and extremely articulated. Seating countries, illuming, verdures and shaded musca volitanss contributed to pulling prosaic activity in the country. It was gathered from observations and research that Subiaco’s success as a prosaic friendly vicinity was besides due to the fact that the City of Subiaco Councillors had established a vision statement of â€Å"The Best Main Street Village in Australia†for the country. Rockeby street, in this respect, was developed as a topographic point to come back to alternatively of merely being a theodolite street and development tendencies, chances and alterations were carefully thought of so as the area’s alone ‘sense of place’ was preserved. Famously advocated by Toderian ( 2014 ) as â€Å"streets that are for people to bask and linger, non merely travel through..places that are both ab initio attractive and ‘sticky’ , ask foring people to love it and non desire to go forth it†, positive thoughts of gluey street construct seems to hold been successfully adopted in planing Subiaco’s chief street. With the aim of be aftering non mere ly for the substructure and public conveyance, but besides the stores, coffeehouse and the people, Rockeby Street has flourished as iconic community hub of societal, civic and commercial activity with public infinites as focal points. On the downside nevertheless, field observations besides indicated a figure of vacant stores or those in the procedure of shuting down in Rockeby route retail strip. High rental rates, competition from nearby precinct and over restrictive licensing policies has caused a diminution in cafe/retail strips and a 5 % retail vacancy rate in the country ( Tsagalis2012 ) . It was besides found that an alfresco dining license in Subiaco was more expensive than Western Australia’s norm and compared to a study of local authoritiess in Perth and the eastern provinces ( Law, 2014 ) .Mayor Henderson ( 2014 ) has approached this issue saying that â€Å"We are cognizant that council needs to step up to the home base and do some alterations in order to make the plangency in the chief street in Subiaco†. In an attempt to promote more local concerns to run street trading/ alfresco dining countries to revitalize a spirited street and safe environment for the community, the council of the City of Subiaco has late resolved to amend bing associated fees. As of 31st October 2014, a noteworthy decrease in application/licensing fees, a m2 footing fee and the induction of low-priced short term options will be available for Subiaco retail merchants and it an addition in street activity is expected. While Claremont Town Centre signifiers portion of a outstanding retail country, it comes chiefly in the signifier of indoor promenades which attract the walkers inside instead than being on the route. The chief theodolite next route, Grugeri Street, has a space wall facade with limited or no prosaic activity. The street is besides really limited in term of comfort since the sunshades size is excessively little to supply shadiness or shelter. Bus tops and street comfortss besides lack assortment and sweetening to pull people to linger. Recommendations Apparent from the experimental audit and findings is that Claremont Town Centre has many physical failings in footings of walkability in a semitropical Tod. Because similar failings may be other western Australian TOD’s, some recommendations may use for multiple sites and can be used as a usher for enhanced walking experiences. It was revealed from the site observations and findings of these 2 TOD’s in Perth that there is some manner to travel before Western Australia can claim to hold a truly sustainable attack. Having established that urban walkability is critical to accomplish a sustainable semitropical TOD, it is of import for TOD contrivers to be able to follow a revised model of rules sing the physical environment attributes that would work best for semitropical Perth parts and unify them with new advanced design schemes which would farther heighten walking in Perth. It is besides of import for town/city contrivers to reexamine regulations and ordinances in order to increase plangency in TOD’s instead than being over restrictive. Decision Having established that a successful TOD walkability is straight associated with a safe, comfy and attractive prosaic environment, this paper demonstrates that careful physical planning and good urban design solutions can really much enhance the pedestrian’s experience. It inquiries the demands of a semitropical metropolis in term of its clime, topography and individuality and so explores a model of revised walkability rules that can be applied to the semitropical metropolis. The instance surveies reveal responses and challenges to urban design for walkability in Perth and certain successful elements are recommended as schemes to better Claremont’s TOD in footings of walking experience. It besides inquiries whether over restrictive be aftering policies may necessitate to be reconsidered to maintain a TOD street alive and vivacious. It besides recommends advanced schemes of urban design that other undertakings may copy or accommodate in portion for design and place-making attacks to give a alone sense of topographic point to the semitropical TOD. Although each hereafter TOD will cover with the legion complex design challenges depending on peculiar fortunes around each undertaking, it is the purpose of this paper to excite treatment and hopefully more significant research into the planning of walkable semitropical metropoliss since so many of the world’s most quickly turning urban countries are now situated in the tropical and semitropical zones.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Language-rich classroom
It is necessary to admit that acquisition of new words shouldn’t be only particular stage in child development. Developing language skills is very important stage in literacy development of every child. Children acquire new words through everyday interactions with parents, friends and school teachers. Recent researches suggest that â€Å"number of words spoken to children in the first three years of life and the quality of the feedback they receive have a significant impact on their success in school†. (Lynn 1997) Many researchers and psychologists claim that children should be placed in language-rich environment to develop their skills better and faster. Language-rich environment at school is of great importance because children are provided with abundance of environmental print and text to practice reading, as well as they face written and oral language. Furthermore, children are allowed to ask for support of parents or caregivers. Such classrooms increase children’s awareness and help to develop alphabetic principles and enrich vocabulary. The role of a teacher in such classroom is integral as he/she supplies children with necessary textbooks and other materials. Distinguished feature of such classroom is that teachers don’t criticize their students; instead, they encourage them and involve in writing and reading activities. Conversation is an essential part of language-rich environment. The main characteristics of language-rich classroom are the following: 1.  teachers read books aloud every day because reading motivates conversation and, therefore, children develop new vocabulary, sentence structures, and they overcome fear to speak aloud; 2.  teachers encourage pretend talk and pretend play because opening â€Å"the frame of reference into the world of pretend gives additional opportunity for new vocabulary and predicting skills†; (What Are The Features 2006) 3.  teachers value children’ efforts and options meaning that teachers ask children to support their hypothesis or claim; it will help to develop though process and make children to defend their position and extend their thinking; 4.  children are treated as people with interesting and extraordinary experience meaning that children are encouraged during their mealtime or play time to discuss interesting moments with each other; (What Are The Features 2006) 5.  teachers introduce words – they can be written of every object in a classroom. There are many instructional strategies how to support language-rich environment. For example, teachers should speak slowly at first and shouldn’t distort their language. Nevertheless, two strategies seem to be of top priority in every classroom. Firstly, teachers should label every object in classroom because it will help newcomers to understand the meanings of the objects at school. Secondly, teachers school from the very beginning of the studies to assign classroom duties among all students because it will help them to consider themselves part of the classroom. Duties will also develop the sense of duty and responsibility. It goes without saying that all strategies suggest that students should be praised for their work, eve if the task is very simply. (Literacy Development 2004) Finally, parents and caregivers should be also interested and encourage taking part in children’s development. Researchers say that children who communicate with parents every day develop language skills better than children who don’t. Therefore, parent should understand that their children are interesting personality and they want to develop speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. Parents should talk to their children, firstly, about children’s everyday experiences and activities, ask them to describe object, relations with other students. Parent should consider that children are fond of pretend play and should make up stories and poems with them. Drawing and scribbling are the best ways to encourage writing. (What Are The Features 2006) References Lynn, Leon. (1997). Language-Rich Home and School Environments Are Key to Reading Success. Retrieved July 12, 2007, from Â
Hearing and Visual Impairments Essay
Understanding the struggles that hearing and visual impaired people go through has to be a tough challenge for them. Using their senses and other abilities to comprehend and communicate is truly extraordinary. They live their lives to the fullest and do not want anyone’s sympathy. Learning about how visual impairments take place must not be noted until we find out how a person can see. There are three functions for seeing: optical system, muscular system, and the nervous system, all play a role in how a person uses their vision. According to the IDEA, (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), any human being whose vision is 20/200 or less is considered legally blind (Heward, 2013). The educational definition when referring to learning states, an impairment in vision that disrupts a child’s ability to succeed in educational performance. Damage to the optical, muscular or nervous system can cause a visual impairment. Types of visual impairments include cataracts, color blindness and glaucoma. When it comes to academic achievement students will not be left behind when it comes to visual impairments. For students who are blind the use of braille is the way of reading and writing in which letters numbers and words are in arrangements of raised dots on the book or paper. Computers have special keyboards for students with visual aids so that the use of technology is not taking away from the student. Students with low vision have the options of optical aids where magnification plays a huge role in helping the student see. Hearing Impairments A person has the ability from gathering sounds from the environment and transforms that energy into a form that can be interpreted by the brain (Heward, Hearing and Visual Impairments 3 2013). Hearing impairments may be the hardest of the five senses to understand. There are factors involved that are not completely understood by scientist and doctors. The IDEA defines hearing impairments as, a hearing loss that is so traumatic, that the child is impaired by understanding sounds and what they stand for, rather with sound or not, and affects a child’s work in school. A person who is deaf cannot hear what a person is saying to them without the use of hearing aids, reading lips, or sign language. People that are considered hard of hearing can comprehend things with the use of devices such as hearing aids. There are different types of hearing impairments that cause hearing damage. Conductive hearing loss has to do with damage to the outer or middle ear. Sensory hearing loss has to do with a disturbance to the cochlea that affects hearing. Neural hearing impairment is damage to the auditory nerve pathway (Heward, 2013). Hearing impairments can be caused by several factors: ear wax buildup, noise exposure, genetic factors, and meningitis. Things that can help students who suffer from hearing impairments in school are being improved every day. Technology such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, television and movie captioning. The thing that I feel is most important to hearing impaired students is the use of sign language. The fact that the use of sign language interpreters in the classroom has increased over the years is a sign that people see the positives in using the interpreters for success. In conclusion, technology has had a big hand in helping the hearing and visual impaired reach astronomical success in the classroom and outside the classroom. Although they still have their struggles in society it has improved a great deal from the early centuries. Hearing and visual impaired do not believe they have a disability and with good reason they should not. They can do anything they set their mind to and with good reason due to the advancements we have made as a society. Reference Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education, Tenth Edition, by William L. Heward. Pearson, 2013.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Internal Controls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Internal Controls - Essay Example Significantly, the company has been marred will intolerable control environment. The management has failed to enhance effective communication leading to the adverse change in attitude among employees. In addition, the company has failed to identify inadequacies that pose a significant risk of loss and inaccuracies in the financial management department. According to the audit conducted in the year 2013 (Farewell, Byron 117), SONY Company has not been conducting regular assessment of its internal control system and hence the management may fail to detect a fault in good time. Furthermore, failure to conduct a regular assessment will make some of the control system obsolete leading to huge losses. An effective control system should focus on diligence and effective communication that is geared toward changing employee’s attitude towards the control system. (Susan 543) declares that the control system should be regularly examined and updated to reduce the risks emanating from obsolete technology. In this case, the control system should be several strands ahead of the technology used by fraudsters and dishonest employees. Risk reviewing and monitoring should be highly regarded. In this case, the management should constantly monitor the internal control system in order to identify areas that require advancement. This reduces the chances of incurring a material risk that would cause financial loss if it takes
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Design for manufacturer Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Design for manufacturer - Coursework Example Stereomicroscopes are used to examinespecimens under bothreflectedandtransmittedlight. Stereomicroscopes are used for imaging three-dimensional objects1. A Stereomicroscope providesgoodgroundsfor three-dimensional visualization of thesamplebeingtested, in thiscase, theprototype Acrylic displayhence an excellentqualitycontrolinspectiontool. Reducing complexity of the Acrylic displayunit is a costeffectiveproductionmethod. Unnecessary complexity is a majorcause of hiking costs of production. Production of standardunits would seetherealization of mass production at a lowcost. Reducingprototypedevelopmenttime is also a costeffectiveproductionmethod. Thedevelopmenttime can be reduced by putting 3-D digital prototyping technology at work that will speed up the prototyping process and foster more innovation. More technology can also be offered to reducethecost of production. Technology allowsdesignersandotherproductionpersonnel to work as teams, interactingquickly. Cooperation and working as a team give room to the achievement of the best possible solution. According to Evans & Lindsay (2013), surface hardness is the measure of how a material is resistant to changepermanently in shapewhenapplied a compressive force. Classification of surface hardness measurement can be into three methods, includingscratch, indentation, and rebound. Scratch is themeasure of howresistant a material is to permanent deformation due to friction from a sharpobject. Themostcommontestforscratch is Mohs scale. Mohs scalecharacterizesthescratchresistance of variousmaterialsusingthe sclerometer. Indentation hardness measurestheresistance of a material to deformation due to a compressioneffect of a sharpobject. Rebound hardness is themeasurestheheight of the rebound of a materialwhen an objectis released from thehigherground onto thematerial. A stereoscope is the device used to take measurements for the rebound2. Elasticity is thetendency of a material to return
Saturday, July 27, 2019
ITM501, Management Information Systems & Business Strategy, Mod 5 Case Essay
ITM501, Management Information Systems & Business Strategy, Mod 5 Case Assignment - Essay Example In todays world, IT knowledge cannot remain the same nor can it be thrown out. It must be grown and grown rapidly or with each new thing, it would mean going back to the beginning. In this case the team will need to do a structured analysis of the present system and of the new system to assure that where the corporation wants it to go is where it is headed. A structured analysis begins with a physical description of the current system and continues with a logical description of the system. It then ends with a logical description of the new system. This is all done in a partitioned data flow diagram. In other words, loss of the good things in the old system should not occur when the new system is adapted. Every system has a life cycle. A life cycle is a description of the distinct phases through which the IT process passes (Jirava, 2009). There are requirements which include definitions, concept design, production, operation, and maintenance. The time that the system is connected up to the time it is disposed of is considered. The team will need to consider several phases of the life cycle. Once the structured analysis is done, there is the requirements phase, development phase, operation phase, and retirement phase. Each of these should be considered and kept track of on a regular basis. This is where the corporation can win by having a well functioning IT team on premises. This way, this work goes on continuously instead of being scheduled on particular days or months. Jirava tells us (2009) that ":a life cycle is a set of procedures, some required and some optional which serve as a template for generating an individual design process. He reiterates that this is a top down, partitioned graphic model of the system to be and that there is huge importance of data definitions and scaled down specifications. There is also a need to have participatory
Friday, July 26, 2019
Business Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Business Law - Assignment Example As in our case, McDougal did not say even a single word and just waved his hand at Krunch, which showed his intention to pay later. Trust and expectation play a vital role in implied contracts. Implied contracts are made on the basis of reason, understanding, and tradition. Silence can be treated as an act of acceptance but in very rare cases. In case of trustworthy relationships, acceptance does not need to be communicated to the other person in order to be effective. For example in case of implied contracts, silence is used as a gesture for acceptance that is based on the factors of trust and confidence in the other party. However, in all other forms of contracts, there must be an agreement between the parties regarding consideration of silence as acceptance because without any such agreement, silence can never be considered as acceptance if the other party do not intend to accept any specific
Thursday, July 25, 2019
ENTREPRENEUR BUSINESS PLAN Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
ENTREPRENEUR BUSINESS PLAN - Research Paper Example This may lead to collapse of the business (TheTopTier Digital Media, 2014). Thus, to become successful entrepreneurs, appropriate skills are required to understand the market well and respond to sudden changes. Of the new ventures in United Kingdom (UK) that have flourished in past years, some have proved to be very successful and rest are earning appropriate profit that can support their venture. United Supercars is a new venture in London, UK, which will focus on selling used supercars in the market at a premium price; since the company will target high profile elite customers. The supercars are very expensive and fast sports cars, which are marketed by automakers as limited production specials. The supercars have a standard look that is modified for enhancing power and performance of these cars. The cars are also customized according to the needs of target customers. However, United Supercars will sell used supercars in London, which will be brought in from Dubai (Wade and Hulland , 2004). In Dubai, supercars are manufactured by very few automakers who sell them at premium prices. The owners of supercars sell these cars after one or two uses and these are exported by Dubai automakers overseas (Connor and Dent, 2006). In London, demand for supercars is high since the young generation is equipped with car racing skills. The demand for supercars from Dubai has increased over the year (UAEInteract, 2014). The automakers in Dubai have realized that there have been 5.4% rise in sale of used supercars to London in 2012 (Auto Exhaust & Tyres, 2014). So, United Supercars has decided to import supercars from Dubai and sell them in London. The affluent families desire to own supercars to enhance their fashion statement. McLaren is a supercar, which is not generally seen on roads of UK since it is not relevant there. This car is exclusively manufactured for the races (Douglas, 2004). The
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Risk and value management Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Risk and value management Report - Essay Example Value management helps in developing an awareness for value in an organization and also focuses on targets and objectives seeking solutions to function on practical innovative outcomes. In this case, value management would relate to development of value based systems, of aims and methods in the company TechWatt and developing skills and competencies in the staff members. Maximizing potential of a company by developing structures and functions appropriate to the value management principles would also be recommended. The concept of value is dependent on resources and needs of a company and satisfaction of these needs and resources would be dependent on management style, human dynamics and interaction, external and internal environment and effective methods and tools of achieving outcomes. The value management focus on management style highlights the importance of teamwork and communication, creativity, innovation, with focus on functional and customer approach and requirements. Considering the need for teamwork and cooperation, cooperative operating principles with enhanced meeting facilities and office space for many members of staff would be an important aspect of value management. Enhancing facilities for interaction and communication among members is very important and could be emphasized. Teamwork, communication as well as external and internal c onditions and managers can consider value management perspectives to influence these conditions. However means of achieving this outcome would relate to better business decision making with improved services and products, better competitiveness, value culture and common knowledge, with development of multitask and multidisciplinary teamwork. The benefits of value management with the technological sector as relates to TechWatt would be associated with provision of services in public and private sectors. The people who could remain involved in this aspect of management
Services Marketing. Case of Paul Smith Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Services Marketing. Case of Paul Smith - Essay Example Services as the core products represent a wide series of intangible elements for which the consumers render considerable value within the marketplace (Fashion United Group, 2009). From this perspective, the paper intends to relate the concept of services marketing with Paul Smith, one of the leading fashion retails based in the United Kingdom. The fashion retail unit was started by Paul Smith, a UK based fashion designer. In the year 1970, in Nottingham, Paul Smith started a boutique with small portion of his savings. By the year 1976, in Paris, Paul Smith brought in his inaugural menswear collection, which was rendered within the label of Paul Smith. Since then, in a long-standing successful tradition the company along with Paul Smith have placed themselves as among the eminent British retailers and fashion designers. Global collection of the company is presently wholesaled to around 66 nations. In the UK, there are 17 shops rendering Paul Smith collection (Paul Smith, 2012). In rel ation to Paul Smith, the identified strategic service marketing issues comprise ensuring effective customer relationship and loyalty, insecurity of the potential customers and uncertainties emerging due to the trend of fast fashion among others. The discussion will encompass an assessment of the fashion retail sector in terms of its size and competitive structure. The assessment will also encompass the opportunities and threats which can severely impact on the activities of Paul Smith. Moreover, the discussion will further involve summarising the commonalities and differences between the present services marketing strategies of the major players in the fashion retail sector. Identification of the organisation’s key strategic services marketing issues for the next five years will be portrayed within the analysis of the paper. In addition, the paper will also demonstrate the relationship among the issues affecting services marketing strategies. Fashion Retail Sector of the Unit ed Kingdom The fashion retail sector in the UK can be regarded as one of the major industrial sectors, which has encompassed rapid and continuous growth by a considerable extent. It can be observed from the assessment of past few years that the global retail sector is considerably shaping an independent and successful position through well build business strategies including sales and marketing, innovation and effective business policies. According to the present performance of the fashion retail sector in the UK market, it can be observed to have acquired a large amount of consumer preferences and expenditures through delivering exceptionally manufactured of textiles, clothing along with footwear and leather items. The steady growth in the fashion retail sector can be identified to have taken place due to cutting-edge innovation of products along with effective and convenient supply chain management of the service rendering companies which considerable play major roles within the i ndustry. Moreover, the fashion retai
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
International Public Relations application excercise Essay
International Public Relations application excercise - Essay Example I decided to obtain an MSc in public relations because this educational arena will assist me in developing my PR skills that will be required when I will be serving as a public relations officer for a particular organization. This course will not only provide me with theoretical knowledge related to the field of public relations, it will even assist me in applying this theoretical knowledge in the practical settings. MSc in public relations will assist me by teaching me how to use relations with media to conduct effective and efficient PR campaigns and will develop my consultancy skills through different coursework and assignments. 2. Currently the female gender is leading the industry of public relations; out of the 100% of the workforce of the public relations industry, 85% are females as stated by the Public Relations society of America. In accordance to the statistics of Orange County, women are the owners of well established PR agencies and they are mainly leading in niches such as boutique. The academic literature falls short of explaining the reason why the PR industry is led by the female gender and why the female gender is the most preferred industry by women. Certain practitioners of the industry believe that women have the characteristics and skills required to make it into the PR industry. Women do not only lead the professional side of the industry, they even lead the educational side of the industry. In the US, over 60% of the individuals who enroll in different kinds of PR educational programs are females. According to a PR professor of the Cal State Fullerton and a member of the society of American Public Relations is of the idea that women have the required skill set that are highly desirable in the PR industry. He stated that females are better public relation representatives as during their educational life they perform better in listening, observing and communication. These
Monday, July 22, 2019
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Essay Example for Free
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Essay Growing up, every role model and spokesperson constantly reiterated that we, as individuals, could be whoever we wanted to be. We could grow up to be doctors, lawyers, firefighters, or any other plethora of occupations that tickled our fancy. With those seeds firmly planted in our young minds, we began our eternal quest to search for the perfect career. The quest for that ideal vocation, however, is not easily facilitated. For those of us that are unsure of our future endeavors or are curious about the accuracy of our career choice, a plethora of advancements in analyzing personality profiles have been developed to aid in such arduous matters.  One of those advancements is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which aids individuals in determining their personality type in attempt to pair them with their ideal career.            Developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a very intricate test that helps individuals discover their personality type (Martin). The test is broken into four different categories, which help produce the sixteen possible personality types. The categories are Introvert/Extrovert, Sense/Intuition, Thought/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving (TypeTalk). The basis of these four categories relies on the idea that each individual relates more to one extreme than to other; thus, each individual tends to be more introverted or more extroverted, not exactly in the middle. After analyzing a person’s personality with regards to behavioral tendencies in all four categories, one of the sixteen personality profiles is revealed. (Tieger, 13)            After taking the test for myself, I found that my personality type is slated as INTP, or introvert, intuition, thinking, and perceiving. Introverts mainly â€Å"focus their attention and energy in the world inside of themselves†¦they try to understand the world before they experience it†(Tieger, 14). The intuition portion of the profile shows that one â€Å"naturally reads between the lines to look for meaning in all things,†(Tieger, 18) while the thinking portion shows a preference to â€Å"decisions that make sense logically†¦[and] pride themselves on their ability to be objective and analytical in the decision making process†(Tieger, 21). Finally, the perceiving portion details the desire for flexibility and freedom of open-ended options and the ability to adapt in new situations (Tieger, 25). Overall, when putting these traits together, the INTP personality types, like myself, enjoy making logic-based decisions, being objective and analytical, as well as seeking more knowledge about the workings of the world around them (Myers).            Once an individual has their personality profile, they can use it to gauge the accuracy of their chosen vocation, mostly because it aids in demonstrating which personality traits fit best with which careers. In conclusive evidence with varying resources, I have found that my personality type fits perfectly with my architecture career choice. In fact, the Journal of Management in Engineering conducted a research study to explore what types of personality traits best fit construction and architecture design jobs. According to the study, â€Å"those possessing a preference for Intuitive data collection (MBTI, N) and Perceiving structure (MBTI, P) outperformed individuals with preferences for Sensing and Judging, in both planning and construction†(Carr, 1). Another study also looked at the Myers-Briggs personality traits of civil engineers. The study concluded that â€Å"they are predominantly introverted, preferring to focus their energy on the internal world of ideas and possibilities. They prefer to gather their facts using their senses, and are predisposed to facts and figures†¦they show a slight preference for a structured environment†(Johnson Singh, 1). Tieger’s book also lists architects and civil engineers as an appropriate professional/business career for INTP types. â€Å"These professional careers also offer INTPs plenty of opportunities to analyze and solve complex problems†¦[they] require clear, logical thinking and innovative approaches to problems and challenges†(Tieger, 255). Besides the previous studies and examples proving that my personality type is suited for a career as an architect, it is easy to derive such a conclusion based on the traits demonstrated through my personality type. Being an introvert, someone who prefers the inner world and the ability to think thoughts through, promotes the required intelligence required to design and execute complex architectural design projects. The intuitive part of my personality profile is depictive of the desire to understand and seek out knowledge, as well as the ability to understand and propagate different constructive solutions. The thinking portion promotes the use of logic and analytical skills that are necessary attributes for an architect to create logical engineering solutions. The perceiving portion is evidence of the ability to adapt and change, to come up with new solutions and creative ideas to architectural models that need exploring, as well as the flexibility to attempt such ideas. Overall, it is very easy to see that my personality type of INTP does, in fact, coincide with my desire to be an architect. Throughout the ever changing world, people change careers several times in their lives in hopes of finding a career that will best suit their needs, their talents, and their goals. Luckily, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test is a valuable tool that many people can benefit from. This tool was very accurate in pairing my personality with my ambition to be an architect, proving that I fit with my chosen career field. References Carr, Paul G. â€Å"Relationship between personality traits and performance for engineering and architectural professionals providing design services.†Journal of Management in Engineering 18.n4 (September-October 2002): 158. Johnson, Holly M., and Amarjit Singh. â€Å"The personality of civil engineers.† Journal of Management in Engineering 14.n4 (July-August 1998): 45(12). Martin, Charles. â€Å"INTP Personality Type.†KnowYourType.   Myers, Steve. â€Å"Myers-Briggs: A Complete Guide.†Team Technology. Tieger, Barbara B., and Paul Tieger. Do What You are: Discover the Perfect Career for You through the Secrets of Personality Type. New York: 2001. â€Å"Type Talk†Inc. 20.n10 (July 1998): p76(1)
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Depictions of Dragons in Different Cultures
Depictions of Dragons in Different Cultures With the integration of global economy and technology, multicultural situation is inevitable. Culture exchange in various countries has become extremely important. Under its shadow, all culture becomes significant factors in this international environment. Today, in the information-crash society, the cultural has not merely be seen as separated signs but seen as a cross-cultural communication behavior. For a long time, people are keen to argue about superiority and inferiority among Eastern and Western cultures. However, in fact, we lack sufficient recognition of essential aspects on cultural differences and clashes. We should see through the appearance to the essence and take culture views to closely observe the tendency of global cultural development. H.L.Menken once said, Culture itself is neither education nor law making, it is an atmosphere and a heritage. Dragon culture, as a core culture reflects typical differences. Different countries have different cultural norms values, su ch differences lead to communication problems in Western thought, resulting in misunderstandings and conflicts. This article focuses on analyzing the Dragon Culture budded from two culture branches, and from a philosophical point of view to outline the ideology that reflects from two cultures. Dragon was one of the totem worship images in remote ancient times when people liked using the images of creatures or plants which they held in awe as symbols of their tribes. Loong seems a combination of numerous animals, such as snakes body, pigs head, deers horns, bulls ear, goats beard, hawks claws and fishs squama. One alternative view said in remote times of clanship, the Huaxia Clan which symbolized by snake totem in the Yellow River drainage area, conquered other clans and then grew into a big clan union by integrating others together with their totems. The other legendary figures like Nà ¼wa, Fuxi are depicted as having snake bodies. Some scholars report that the first legendary Emperor of China Huang Di (Yellow Emperor) used a snake for his coat of arms. Every time he conquered another tribe, he incorporated his defeated enemys emblem into his own (Li Rong, 1999, P14). The exact origin of the dragon in Chinese culture remains elusive, though its earliest depictions can be traced back to the totems made by various ancient Chinese tribes. And we, Chinese people often consider ourselves as the descendents of the loong. From that time, loong has been the most important totem in Chinese traditional culture. Ancient people admire loong has magic power. It could change the length of its body as it wishes; it can either fly or swim and even bring rainfalls. 1.2 The symbolization of loong in feudal period When Chinese went into primeval society, loong had begun to be caved on the bronze containers, designed in jewelry, and embroidered on cloth. Gradually, people who honored loong as almighty God, hoping that caving this special image on daily necessities can bless them well and bring them good fortune. People in ancient China often offered sacrifices to loong to celebrate favorable weather and good harvest. With the deification of loong, it was gradually monopolized by the imperial lineage, making these images embalmed the federal Chinese empires. Loong were a symbol of power, strength, success, luck and honor, and it was no surprise that they emerged as a representation of the imperial power of emperors. It was believed that loong was able to race across the sky with its divine power, and the emperors regarded themselves as exclusively entitled to the dragons attributes. Chinese empires thought they were real loong, so they addressed themselves as son of heaven, which meant they were chosen by the destiny to dominate the world. They held power over peoples lives and property, and had staff in their hands. Emperor became the most honorable person on the earth. Also loong became the symbol of imperial power. Thus, the imperial clothes were known as dragon gowns and their thrones were dubbed dragon thrones. , the descendents of empires were titled as son or daughters of loong, the health of an emperor was called loong ti, the bed they sleep named loong bed. In the Zhou Dynasty the 5-clawed dragon was assigned to the son of heaven, the 4-clawed dragon to the Zhuhou (seigneur), and the 3-clawed dragon to the Daifu. Up to Qing Dynasty, the 5-clawed dragon was assigned to represent the Emperor while the 4-clawed and 3-clawed dragons were assigned to the commoners. In the Qing Dynasty, the country even preferred to embroider Loong as a symbol on national flags. Carvings of loong adorns on the steps leading to many ancient palaces and tombs, most notably, the Forbidden City in Beijing. And it is still taboo to disrespect or disfigure any depiction of a loong in China. 2 The origination of western dragon 2.1 The development of western dragon in early time About 11th century BC, the Hebrews made the concept of Seraphim, which was close to the concept of the dragon. Not only in Western mythology, religion, but also significance, the seraphim were the most consistent of loong in china. Seraphim was a constrictor in ancient Rabbinic which is the Seraphs plural. There is other saying it was followed with a suffix on the meaning of the flame or burning and so. In the early Rabbinic language, because no dragon word, so often used constrictor to represent dragon. However, religious portraits and sculptures of the Seraphim have become a type of person now which is translated into Seraphim (Blazing Angels) generally. The appearance of dragon is much later than the Seraphim, which is the object of Celtic worship, standing holy. The early middle ages, the Virgin caved ships like dragons to explore a new path on the Atlantic Ocean, hoping dragons to bless themselves with endless power. While in Britain, the dragon is more commonly associated with Wales due to the national flag has a red dragon as its emblem and their national rugby union and rugby league teams are known as the dragons. This dragon may originate in Arthurian Legend where Myrddin, employed by Gwrtheyrn, had a vision of the red dragon (representing the Britons) and the white dragon (representing the invading Saxons) fighting beneath Dinas Emrys. The red dragon was linked with the Britons who are today represented by the Welsh and it is believed that the white dragon refers to the Saxons who invaded Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries. This particular legend also features in the Mabinogion in the story of Llud and Llefelys. (http://en. Specific reactions to alarm calls identifying several of predators have mately local cultural manifestations, maintaining to this day its shape and mature. Though we glimpse the dragon in the world of the ancient bandsmen-it does not spring into life from the murky depths of the primate brain until a particular point in cultural evolution-specially that point where a multiculturic-or loosely organized-polity moves toward centralization and ultimately statehood. (David E. Jones , 2001 ,P 107) The birth of Christianity made the fate of dragons an earth-shaking change that to some degree became synonymous to Satanas. Dragon is regarded as the symbol of devil in the Christian which comes from Mesopotamia. In mythology Mesopotamia, the dragon is the horrible life of the ocean, the scourge of people, the fate to be destroyed by God. In Babylonian myth, the heros opponent Tiamato and Hittite myth Illuyankas, are all examples. Living in the Mesopotamia region nearby Jewish also affected, and inherited down such a concept. Dragon in Judaism and Christianity gradually became the symbol of the devil. 2.2. The image of dragon in western society in movies and novels Western dragons arent necessarily evil, but they often are. At least, they tend to be greed, evil and solitary, which may represent the dark side of human natures. Quite different between Chinese Loong, the Western dragon is a huge, winged, green scaly skin, fire-breathing, and dinosaur-resembling creature. An alternative name for dragon is Wyrm, a word clearly related to worn, this name is more commonly used for serpentine, water dwelling dragons but can be used for any of them, Wyrms are to be especially common in Britain. In the traditional myths, fairy tales and legends, dragons live in caves, mountains, or virgin forests. They have vicious power to destroy buildings, cause catastrophe. They are the mindless monsters that know nothing but killing people, animals, and hoarding gold and silver, and treasure. All these images create an evil black reflection into the Western consciousness. Also, dragons can be found in many literatures and films, those quite significantly different b etween Chinese loong. In medieval legend, the highest merit of a hero was to slay of a dragon. In the Beowulf, the national epic of the English people, Beowulf fights against a fire dragon with single-handed. At last, the dragon is killed, but Beowulf is hopelessly wounded too. Maybe, it is the first complete dragon appears on the paper of English literature. The Bible, Satan is a fallen angel who rebels God Jehovah. And Satan changes in to a image of a snake (dragon) to beguile Adam and Eva to eat the apple in the Eden. In the Bible story, Satan also is into a red dragon whose tail swept a 1 / 3 of the stars. it has seven heads, each head crowned, greedily devouring the new-born baby. The Learned Adventure of the Dragons Head in Lord Peter Views the Body (London: Gollancz, 1928), in which a character refers to having seen hic dracones on an old map [spotted by both Andrew S. Cook and Benjamin Darius Weiss]. (Chales Gould ,1998, ,p126) Thus, the Western dragon from the miser degenerated into the most evil, described as representatives of evil, cunning and cruel. With the Christianity spreading and European expansion, the Satans notoriety shadows dragon in Europe, even in the world. 3. Comprehensive analysis on the clashes of loong and dragon 3.1 Analysis from literature background With the development of science, people gradually get rid of ignorance, the West has finally recognized that dragons only exists in imagination, and not fear it. But dragons in western culture still become a derogatory terms. In Western literature, the dragon has become a vivid description of the evil words. British writer Charles Dickens in his masterpiece Hard Times criticizes Mrs. Si Base is a evil dragon of keeper bank. In Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, when Juliet heard her cousin was killed by Romeo, she said sadly:ah, flower face hides a wild snake heart! Which dragon was perched once in this elegant heart? Nowadays, it could easily observe the trace of dragon in some kinds of legendary novels, like Harry Potter.  3.2. Explaination in social profounding of loong and dragon. With a few centuries going on, the Chinese loong has crystallized the unique culture profundity. Till now, Loong is still superior to any of the mythological in peoples mind. Loong, this word have been extensively used in our daily life. For example, Long tou qi ye, of course, we cant translate it word by word. In our China, this is an honor given by the local government to a company that achieves highest income through the commercial business. Here Loong means, leading the top, being first. So we can put it into the leading enterprise. In the eyes of our ancestors, loong ,since it is held sacred, of course, also contacted with the good fortune together. With good metaphor, the image of the dragon goes into all aspects of social life. Such as lobster, longan, lichee, asparagus, Longjing tea, the noodle of Long Xumian, etc. The name of the foods are plenty from their shapes, while others are propitious meanings. Another example is the Seasonal Eating Custom, from the early Yuan Dynast y, it has been recorded on Lunar February 2, loong flys up to heaven. To express the hope of the harvest, people in many places are prevalent of eating noodle this day. Noodles made this day is called noodle of Long Xu pancakes called Interfax, dumplings called fossil teech. (Ji Chenming, 1998, p58) And China has a lot of festivals about culture of Loong, such as dragon boat. Dragon boat racing which originates in China over 2000 years ago. For competiton events, dragon boats are generally rigged with decorative Chinese dragon heads and tails every annual Duanwu Festival. In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary-dragon lady means an overbearing or tyrannical woman, also glamorous often mysterious woman. However-the Collins Cobuild English language Dictionary explains that if you call a woman a dragon-you mean she is unpleasant and fierce. In the famous Chinese TV play A Couple of Chivalrous Swordsmen and their Supernatural Eagles, there is a girl named little dragon maid. Maybe when the foreigners head dragon maid, the image appearing in their mind is ferocious instead of holy and pure. Whats more, the same characteristic of two kinds of dragons is that they have been interpreted as symbols of the power to control the nature. They often are associated with weather, like rain, lighting, thunder. Meanwhile, people in China regard Loong as controllers of weather. Thus, in folk, they are honored as the king of Loong. Negatively, dragon in western, this greater power of nature frequently carries a malign or destructive quality. When the character Loong appears in the words and expressions, we always refer it to the analogical meanings, which are formed by the profound civilization of China. Above, we have explained two dragon cultures by analyzing the origination, development, and connotation, differences. Culture is a rich multi-dimensional extension, including value systems. Values are the essence spirit of national culture to decide the characteristics and style of culture. According to cite the difference of metaphors and symbolizations between Chinese loong and western dragon, we will explain the origin of Philosophy. 4. Explore the West dragon philosophical roots of cultural differences 4.1 The Chinese monism unity of Nature and man 4.1.1 Living environment affect the Chinese values Different ways of thinking led to the different Dragon metaphor, which leds to cultural misunderstanding. China is monistic of unity on nature and man, while Western mains dualistic. At an atmosphere of living on plain of farming growth, Chinese people have always focused inward-looking on Heaven, internal intermediation of national character. 7 Chinese people believe that nature is a loop. Everything is an element in cycle of nature .Of course, people also belong to the natural world, rather than the relatively isolated unit element. Therefore, people return to nature, to maintain harmony. Cultural identity is stick to the local community, calm solid, plain thick, peace. Chinese culture believe that people and nature, spirit and matter, subject and object, which both into one with God, focusing on both the interdependence and unity. In the relationship between human and nature, Chinese advocate the harmony between human and nature. 4.1.2. View of nature and the dragons supernatural forces in nature In China, relationship and humans to nature is: harmony with nature, as follows: live according to the rhythms of nature; everything has its own character; be balanced. Chinese traditional medicine shows the cultural value of harmony with nature. Chinese people are deeply affected by the Confucian and the ideology in I Ching or Chouyi. They think that the more conducts a person makes in his life, the more meaning reflects. Therefore, people who has the largest political vision are affected by such a unitary value of life, most people do not want to be the one who is interested in Natural Science, which were trapped in the embryonic stage of scientific. Also, people have the wisdom to concentrate on political power, so that can create a real political culture super-solid model in a unique world. In this particular model, the Chinese will have a unique historical phenomenon. When the ancients could not fight against the natural or supernatural phenomena, they raise the imaginary loong for the ideal solution to be deified. At the stage of no loong exiting, snakes, crocodiles, lizards and other reptiles are related to water, and even some on the living in the water. People who live on the land t are all produced mystery on crocodiles submerging in water, water snakes swimming fast in the water, no feet but can be free movement of snakes. This the mystery became to awe, and the myth. Into the real dragon time, people decided to give the loong their homes in the water. People have them lived in the water in order to let loong control water for the needs of agriculturing water. (Yang Rong Liu Zhixiong , 2002,P106) Therefore, the loong in Chinese legend would have exceeded the forces of nature. For example, loong could control clouds, rain, thunder, etc. Last loong gain the sanctity in peoples mind. 4.2. The western dualism of Host-guest Western awareness of the environmental background Western culture is restricted by the narrow scope on the island. In order to survive, for economic and cultural development, people often face an independent nature, fighting the sea, which develop the character of novelty, change, curiosity and hyperactivity and the view point of separation between heaven and nature. Western culture thinks that people and nature, spirit and matter, subject and object, where the uniform of God into two distinct lines, emphasizing the coexistence and the opposite binary. The mainstream of Western cultural values is dualism of Host-guest, the spirit of fighting for self-satisfaction. As if the destruction of the dragon cannot be too thorough for the human spirit-the dragon next appears to metamorphose into a palpably unreal character of fantasy. (David E. Jones , 1984, p237 ) Western culture publicizes personality, emphasizes the protection of individual interests, focus on the potential of independent individuals and strengthens the awareness of individual rights. The famous Greek physicist Archimedes once said: Give me a fulcrum and I can turn the entire universe. Vivid demonstration of this sentence reflects a mans spirit of bold exploration and transformation in the natural world. 4.2.2 Dragon culture derived from the western values From old time to now, Westerners has a tendency to split into two different worlds universe, the separation of man and nature, ever against. Westerners self-awareness on the original sin is to enable them to atonement and perseverance to conquer nature, and transform them to be divine power, to achieve One God. Western culture emphasizes the playing of individual potential, personal goals and pursuing personal interests. Individual-based consciousness is the deepest core of Western culture, with the highest value. Western culture of individualism makes a analogy to the rule of survival of the fittest. Individuals only make through their own efforts, and ability to explore their potential, to protect their interests, to choose a place in society. Individual character in Western culture is extremely important value. The development of individual potential, personal hobbies, interests and personal rights are often paramount. The Western experience of human life separated from nature can be found in the Bible story of creation. As masters of nature .humans are encouraged to control it and exploit it in any way they choose to master the natural world. People need to study and explore it to figure out how it works, to figure out how a machine works before using it. Westerners prefer to show their power to control, transform, and dominate nature. Therefore, in the legend, the dragon changes into a wicked body, the embodiment of greedy, then brave knights fought for victory. All show that human stress the independence of the individuals awareness; so they need some kind of evil forces to contrast out of peoples unlimited potential. Be crucial, unity of Nature and man and Host-guest the two different world view and values in the construction of Chinese and Western thinking way .And almost national character plays a decisive effect on the communication behavior. Conclusion Culture is a kind of social behavior, which is correlated with peoples customs and habits. With the intercultural communication, we should recognize the condition of our unique culture; acquaint other cultures to avoid unnecessary culture clashes and misunderstanding as far as possible. Loong and dragon cultures are very important parts to nations. Each nations special culture gives owe special cultural connotation. Western dragon and Chinese loong culture obviously have differences, which exactly result in the obstacle of cross-cultural social intercourse. If there is no communication, there would be no culture. The two cultures reflect the national characteristics, not only including historical and cultural background of that race, but also the position in nature, containing competitive viewpoint to life styles and the ways of thinking. Therefore, to comprehend the different culture, we have to explain the origin of philosophy. We not only need to have culture exchanged-but also need to value culture in the cross-cultural social intercourse process. Only we set out to analyze cultural differences, we can hold the deep contact of culture effectively.
Impacts Of Tourism On Natural Environment Tourism Essay
Impacts Of Tourism On Natural Environment Tourism Essay How is tourism related to the natural environment? Discuss ways in which environmental conservation can be enhanced through tourism. Tourism and Environment: An Introduction Before elaborating the relativity of Tourism and Environment, it is necessary to understand both terms individually. Relativity is to distinguish contrast and characterise between two different values for understanding their dependability upon each other. Tourism: Tourism is now a phenomenon, not just a simple holiday activity. It also has to be considered that tourism and tourist are two different characteristics. Approaches differentiate accordingly and it can be defined according to both understandings: It [tourism] is a human activity which encompasses human behaviour, use of resources, and interaction with other people, economies and environments. Bull, 1991:1 cited in Holden, A. (2008). From mentioned definition tourism is mainly focused on natural or social aspects, where author has examined tourism on the basis of environmental characteristics. Another understanding could be from the perspective of a visitor or tourist, again I would like to mention a definition from Holdens writing; where he used another authors definition to differentiate from the previous point of view. Tourism as: an attitude to the world or a way of seeing the world, not necessarily what we find only at the end of a long and arduous journey Franklin, 2003:33 cited in Holden, A. (2008). This definition is from the perspective of a tourist as a single entity and more individualistic. Here personal experience is more valuable for a consumer. Tourism is not a very old study for world but travel defiantly is. Tourism is more of gaining an exceptional experience than a regular living, while travel can consists of various reasons behind it. But according to Hunter and Green (1995, pp: 1) There is no universally accepted definition of tourism. This is not surprising, since what constitutes a tourist and the tourism industry are still matters of debate. Environment: In terms of tourism, Environment is always understood as a nature or atmosphere of a destination or a place which is used for tourism. Nature consists of mountains, water resources such as sea side, sea, rivers, waterfalls etc. Green environment includes plants, forests, parks, rainforests, safaris etc. when elaborated to wilderness it consists wild life, animals, forest species and so on. Socially; heritage sites or cultural uniqueness is also a part of an environment. In environmental studies it has commonly been assumed that there exists a fundamental connection between a societys management of natural resources and its perception of nature. Brunn and Kalland (1995:1) cited in Holden, A. (2008). Environmental studies and explanations are vast and distributions of its characteristics are crucial. If we look at it from a different perspective it seems environment consists of whole world (living or non living beings) including humans, animals, plants and resources. From evolution humans are using environmental resources. When observed this use or loss, it is categorised as Environmental study. Resistance and Resilience are two distinctions in this study, where Resistance is tolerance of the site (while getting used and still being undisturbed) and Resilience is the ability to recover from the happened loss or change. Some sites have either qualities or some not. Hence due to its characteristics, Hunter and Green (1995) stated that environment can be subdivided into three components as the physical environment or a biotic environment which includes solar energy, soil, water and climate. Tourism and Environment are interdependent: Tourism is based on the environment; Tourism has and will always devour the natural resources. Tourism is the main factor carrying out the natural environment in both positive and negative aspect. Even simplest form of tourism like visiting a zoo consumes environmental resources such as animals, birds or plants. Such a kind simple form of tourism also renders constructive as well as unconstructive effects. The negative effect cases might be the capturing animals from their natural habitat and keeping them in a zoo, whereas positive aspect can be that by capturing the animals they are getting protected against hunters and other environmental conditions that can be critical to them. In various other smaller or greater impressions tourism has both negative and positive effects, but more important is to understand the actual destruction or refurbishments causing from tourism towards environment. It is understandable that human involvement with environment tend to use the resources, if it cant help to make them grow at least they can be saved from future damages by use of intelligent human behaviour. Study of tourism environment is about understanding the cause and effect rule and to imply theories to protect the environmental loss due to mass tourism. It is also significant that Tourism should place along with the higher quality of environment and environment shall get benefit from it not the damage. No doubt every human action has its own pros and cons and fragility of nature resources must not be seriously harm by it. Tourism is without a doubt among the worlds highest profitable industries (whether on the cost of environment) and relationship between tourism and environment can get equilibrate if financial profits gets used for the conservation programs or environmental sustainability. Impacts of Tourism on environment: All activities consume resources and produce waste, possibly all these activities has a potential to spoil the environment, and in same context Tourism is no exception. Tourism has developed as a largest industry and any activity happens at a mass level definitely leaves its positive and negative impacts, such as tourism did in the past. Although not the case that every environmental problem is produced by tourism but still being a mass industry it affects on a wider platform. Negative Impacts: The harmful impact of tourism can destroy the natural environment when the negative impacts on the environment are sufficiently intensive and extensive. Such as damaging biodiversity of particular areas which includes holiday retreats, clearing of vegetation for constructing resorts and hotels or other tourism facilities, and also many rare species have been brought to the verge of disappearance due to non-tourism nuisance which are directly related to tourism. Habitat devastation brought by unrestrained and ill planned tourism is the prime cause of extinction of species which eventually destroy the natural balance, but destruction of biodiversity can have far reaching effects than this. Another negative impact is the depletion of natural resources like water, land and resources like food, energy or raw materials etc. which are already in short supply. Degradation of land resources like wood or plantations is another example of the negative impacts of tourism on the natural environme nt. Solid waste littering is more common in the case of trekking, rock climbing or hiking tourists. Tourism also pollutes the tourism sites with noise and air pollutions, problems are more compounded in countries or regions which lack or does not have the ability to effectively treat such forms of pollutants generated from tourism activities. Tourism development is more or less responsible for most of the harmful impacts that tourism has on the natural environment. The cutting down of forested areas, changing the landscape etc all have negative impacts on the ecological balance of the tourism destination, whereas levels of impact may vary from site to site, but the negative impacts of tourism on the environment cannot be ignored. The negative impacts are intensely visible in ecologically fragile environments. Whether from generating a new site or a heritage site used for different prospective, somehow environment is getting a hard time by this. By pollution, numbers of persons using limited resources, behaviour of tourists while on holidays and so on are some of the causes which directly or indirectly affects environment. It may include both physical and cultural aspects. Unless managing at all level it is difficult to provide specific consideration to each resource and this is how this becomes a negative aspect towards tourism, environment has to pay such cost by loss to the natural settings to beaches, coral reefs or heritage sites. Effluence caused by tourism main concerns faced by tourism trade today. The sewage waste from tourist resorts are drained into the rivers causing pollution in the river water and eventually to sea bed, it highly affects the marine life. Extreme use of natural resource that is fossil fuel to generate energy for tourist activity, the activities of overfishing, unnecessary use of ground water resources, are only few of problems which are created by tourism industry which in turn causes the reduction of the resource. As tourism grows, it also give hands to increased littering, various forms of pollution e.g. noise, water, air. Sewage and waste got increased sometimes to uncontrollable levels. Alongside need for transportation gets high and number of vehicles produces numerous gases and noise in air. In areas where resources are limited, tourism develops a sense of competition, leading to all sorts of degradation. Such harmful impacts are majorly brought by poor management or lack of proper conservation mechanism in place. Positive impacts: However with all these harmful effects, the environment is also gaining the optimistic outcome of tourism. Tourism is moving towards a sustainable side by helping and preserving the natural resources for the future generation. Various nations and its conservative organisations are implementing strict plans for conserving their flora and fauna and protecting their natural resources. We should not only see at the dark side of the moon if tourism has its costs, its pays back as well, as tourism grows it definitely encourage several other industries to rise side by side. Whenever a destination is selected to develop as a tourism destination government and planning sources put efforts for the regeneration of the place. It consists of revitalisation of an area or a site and beautifies the local environment. Thus this process brings new colours to the site. Any vital site when comes under tourism perspective, its natural resources gets special attention from the managing bodies, where as educated tourism developers knows the value of a natural resource and keeping this in mind they prevent any misuse or damage to it. According to Swarbrooke (1999) the term sustainable tourism can be defined as the approach towards tourism in which more focus is shown in preservation of the natural resources in a way that they can be consumed by the present generation and can be preserved for the future generation as well. Tourism can therefore no longer be seen as a harmful factor to environment. Economically, many areas in the world have benefitted from tourism and conservations are taking place on a higher level in many countries. There is an urgent need to understand the relationships between tourists, tourism and the environment. Many new forms of tourist consumption revolve around environmental quality and the respect for nature. One more reason for the negative picture of tourism might be that it is difficult to disentangle the impact of tourism from other forms of economic activity in certain destination areas. Shaw g., Williams A.M. (2002) Numerous examples and case studies are available where tourism has proven a saviour to drowning economies, along with economical benefits; it is helpful in urbanisation of dead towns. Due to tourism many businesses develop and people get employed, on a social level tourism keeps all communities together and connected. Any tourists social involvement and habits are controlled by the behaviour in which s/he is coming from and an insight can be developed in order to gain positive response from tourists. Appropriate educational information system towards environment is rising as very useful tool. How tourism can enhance environmental conservation- If tourism destroys the environment with negative impacts, it also plays a very big role in the preservation of the natural environment of the destination areas. As tourism industry benefits from the tourism sites, it should be its morally responsible to take a pivotal role in the conservation of the natural setting from which it gets benefits. An appropriate and well managed tourism approach can reduce the pessimistic impact of tourism on the natural environment. Appropriate use of earned revenue- Though the profits earned from the tourism conduct is the major contribution of the tourism trade to the efforts of preservation of the environment, educating the tourist is also an essential aspect in the effort of conservation of the natural environment. The revenue earned from various tourist activities brings in the wealth which enables organisations to focus on the conservational efforts. Without the money, conservation process is nothing. Though, concern must be taken to see that the managers of such destinations or sites are not tempted to enlarge the visitation upper limit as the money starts to flow, thinking that the money thus earned from tourist activities like entry fees will be enough to address the very issues caused by the increased visitation. If this persuasion is not overlooked, than the natural environment will suffer more thereby negating the effective use of money from tourism for the conservation of the environment. The conser vationists who have the expertise and authority should make an effort to take control and focus on the maintenance of the environment. Developing eco-tourism- Another most important method is to bring a change from the basic idea of mainstream conventional tourism. This can be achieved by propagating the initiative of sustainable tourism and eco-tourism which are far more environmental friendly and aims at nourishing both the external and the internal environment of the destination. Adopting the idea of such forms of tourism plays a significant role in the conservation of the natural environment. Fundamental principles of these forms are inclined towards reducing the ill effects of tourism on the environment without compromising the value of experience that the visitors can get from visiting the sites. In further part of this essay I have mentioned and elaborated how this alternate tourism is developing these days. Sound planning- Sound environmental management of tourism amenities like resorts and hotels can enhance the benefits to natural areas; requirement is careful planning of tourism development which is based on the environmental resources existing in the destination area. For example clearing of vast areas of vegetation or forest to build resorts, holiday retreats, etc and changing of the landscape to appear more appealing to the tourist. While doing this, the natural environment or to be precise the biodiversity or the ecology of the area is being affected. So care should be taken to see that tourism development causes least impact on the environment. This again can be done by creating eco friendly resorts or buildings which will have the least impact on the surroundings. Tourism also has the potential of raising awareness of the environmental problems among the people by bringing them into close contact with the surroundings. Tourism cannot be sustainable if the surroundings or the en vironment of the destination is not sustainable in itself. Developing awareness among tourists- Conservationists should offer means by which people using the particular destination, both locals and tourists can be made aware of the importance of maintaining the environment. In fact they can encourage the people to contribute towards maintaining the environmental balance. Conscious effort to transform and develop the destination should be the aim of the environmentalists and the development projects, keeping in mind the positive possibility as well as the downfall of the environment with extreme tourism. A way in which tourism can contribute to the conservation process is by having an appropriate mechanism for the dealing with pollution and sewages generated from tourism activities. Various means can be used to minimise the impact of tourism on the environment. Appropriate interpretation can remove negative facts of the site and educate and inform the tourist on the diverse aspects related to the environment. This can lead to the visitors gre ater understanding of the environment and thus act in a more responsible manner and hence minimise the impact caused by them. Implementation of visitation limits, proper rules regulations and mentioning the environmental issues caused by tourism at its early stage can imply a big difference in the conservation of the natural environment. Helping wildlife preservations- Tourism also plays a vital role in the preservation and protection of various species of endangered species which is a vital part of the natural environment. Nature loving tourists visit wildlife reserves and in doing so contribute to the conservation process. Tourism can play major role in the conservation process in various other ways. The tourism industry can also organise campaigns to raise awareness of the environmental issues affecting nature or wildlife and in doing so can also built up a good image which has been often criticised in the last few decades for the negative impacts it has caused to the wildlife destinations. Alternate tourism is developing- A new breed of tourists is developing called eco-tourists and sustainability came in light in 80s due to previously happened mass destruction in environmental resources. Sustainable Development concept came in attention from 1980s and in March 1980, World Conservation Strategy (WCS) was prepared. IUCN, UNEP, WWF, FFO and UNESCO joined hands for worlds living resources. WCS was a conservation strategy where ecosystem degradation-destruction, deforestation, desertification, pollution, soil erosion and genetic diversity and extinction of species and many related issues were in discussion. The relationship between economic development and the conservation and sustenance of natural resources is concept of sustainable development. Though these thoughts were already in air from many years at that time but WCS discussed many drastic changes happening to environment and WCS was proven as a bridge between prior thoughts and later actions. Another major outcome was establishment of WCED (World commission on environment and development) in 1983, Gro Harlem Brundtland (PM Norway) was appointed chairperson for this commission and in 1987 he publicised a report known as Brundtland Report (Our Common Future) in which Sustainability were originally popularised- Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (According to WCED 1987:43) cited in Hall, C.M. and Lew, A.A. 1998 Certainly sustainability consists of strategy making, preservation of ecological processes, protection of heritage and biodiversity, futuristic focused productivity and balance between social behaviour and environment. Along with the global acceptance of International tourism, sustainability also got recognised as a key element towards long term beneficial policies along with saving limited resources. Destination areas have developed to accommodate all these travellers, and receiving them and catering their needs has also become part of a daily routine. Development is a highly contested concept and since the Second World War debates over what it is, and how to achieve it, has gone through a number of phases. International tourism has been a global phenomenon from centuries, but that packaging of tourism for mass consumption dates back to the mid-19th century, when a specific service sector devoted to the mass consumption of travel emerged, roughly parallel to the development of mass production in the industrial sector. Harrison, D. (ed.) (2001) As people are not tends to be flexible when it comes to implementing rules and regulation, especially when visitors are on holidays, Author B Wheeller describes in his words. And what sort of touristic approach is needed is Tourism at one with nature; non-consumption, non-exploitative, avoiding degradation and destruction of the environment, but rather tourism in harmony, in balance with nature Wheeller, B. (1994) Conclusion Based upon the statements and codes-of-conduct developed by tourism stakeholders, that the environment has been placed on the outline as a major concern of how tourism is to be developed potentially. Thus all these negative and positive effects of tourism on the environment, brings us to a conclusion that tourism can be treated in negative as well as positive aspect in regards to the environment. The negative impacts can be reduced by taking initiative towards conserving natural resources. There are various tools that can be used to protect the environment like collecting income in the form of taxes. All these examples however show us a positive picture about how the tourism industry and the environment are co-dependent to each other for their mutual existence. Though there are many negative aspects to tourism, we can still say that tourism has the tools to protect, preserve and enhance natural resources and the environment. Therefore Tourism and natural environment can both co-exist and be mutually beneficial to each other if the tourism industry has the willingness to pull in full support to the conservation efforts of the natural environment. In doing so, it can help maintain the environment and also recover from the negative image that it has built up for itself during the last few decades. Proper and efficient planning and management accompanied by strict implantation, strict rules and regulations, proper interpretation, propagating the idea of sustainable consumption, well planned eco tourism and sustainable tourism and educating the tourist and making them aware of the impacts of their actions which may have negative impacts on the environment are some of the few ways in which tourism sector can contribute in the conservation process of the natural environment. There cannot be a limit to the extent tourism can contribute to the process and there cannot be an end to its contribution towards environ mental conservation because as long as tourism exists, the negative impacts of tourist will be evident on the natural environment. There is no doubt accepting the fact that tourism brings in money. But even then, care must be taken to make sure that the economic growth brought by the tourism industry must contribute to the natural environment processes and the sustainable use of natural resources. Academic References: Brunn and Kalland (1995:1) cited in Holden, A. (2008) Environment and Tourism (2nd edition), Routledge) Bull (1991:1) cited in Holden, A. (2008) Environment and Tourism (2nd edition), Routledge) Franklin (2003:33) cited in Holden, A. (2008) Environment and Tourism (2nd edition), Routledge) Hall, C.M. and Lew, A.A. 1998. The geography of sustainable tourism development: an introduction. Harlow: Longman. Harrison, D. (ed.) (2001) Tourism and the Less Developed World: Issues and Case Studies. Wallingford: CABI. Ch. 1. Holden, A. (2008) Environment and Tourism (2nd edition), Routledge. Hunter, C. and Green, H. (1995) Tourism and the Environment: A sustainable relationship? Routledge, London. Shaw G., Williams A.M. (2002) 2nd ed. Critical issues in tourism: a geographical perspective: Oxford. Swarbrooke, J. (1999) Sustainable Tourism Management. CABI Publishing, Wallingford. Wheeller, B. (1994) Egotourism, sustainable tourism and the environment: a symbiotic, symbolic or shambolic relationship? in A.V. Seaton et al., eds. Tourism: The State of the Art, Wiley, Chichester.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Photograph of the Demolition of the Crystal Palace, 1936 Essay
Photograph of the Demolition of the Crystal Palace, 1936 The Crystal Palace designed by Joseph Paxton stood for eighty-five years. It succumbed to fire "at six o'clock on the evening of 30th November 1936" (Beaver, 141). A fire was discovered in the staff lavatory, and within minutes the whole structure was ablaze. The spectacular building was engulfed in fire as it dissolved into just a skeleton of its former structure. Paxton used innovative methods of construction on the Crystal Palace, greatly influenced by the bridge and train shed construction of the day. With the introduction of iron elements, architects could be more creative, and more "modern" with their designs, straying from classical precedents. Paxton, with engineers Fox and Henderson, "created what amounted to a giant greenhouse, which was fabricated of little more then panes of glass and iron-and-wood framework" (Hyman & Trachtenberg, 482). It was predicted that the building would require a staggering amount of new materials: "900,000 square feet of glass," "3,300 iron columns; 2,224 girders; and 205 miles of sashbars" (Hobhouse, 39). The use of standardized, prefabricated materials helped to revolutionize architectural methods, prompting other designers to follow Paxton's lead. The Galerie des Machines and the Eiffel Tower built for the Paris 1889 Fair both implemented the light, airy method of iron construction. The grand exhibition building was constructed out of prefabricated elements that were easily erected and could be disassembled when the exhibition was over. The Crystal Palace was first built in Hyde Park, the site of the Great Exhibition of 1851, where it stood for one year. After the fair, it was decided that the building would be taken down and... ...ew of the sculptures added by Paxton and Cole to decorate the park (Beaver, 146). Thanks to personal photographs and private collections such as that of the University of Maryland we are able to get a glimpse of an architectural and social icon. Works Cited Beaver, Patrick. The Crystal Palace, 1851-1936: a portrait of Victorian enterprise. London, Hugh Evelyn Ltd., 1970. Cowper, Charles. The building erected in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, 1851. London: Victoria and Albert Museum. 1972. Hobhouse, Christopher. 1851 and the Crystal Palace; being an account of the Great Exhibition and its contents; of Sir Joseph Paxton; and the erection, the subsequent history and the destruction of his masterpiece. London, Murray, 1950. Hyman, Isabelle; Trachtenberg, Marvin. Architecture. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. 1986.
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