Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Origins of the Species by Charles Darwin Essay examples
Gothic fiction emerged in the late eighteenth century and it was an extension of Romanticism. The principal characteristic of Gothic is the account of terrifying situations with elements like the sublime, madness, mystery, death, supernatural and horror. But as all the literary genres it underwent a transition. In the nineteenth century, the coming of Queen Victoria to the throne, the introduction of new scientific theories, the publication of The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin and industrialization modified the structures of society , its motivation, and believes. This influenced the genre, creating a new literary movement: Victorian Gothic, and therefore also the novels written in these different periods. During this era novels†¦show more content†¦In the succeeding moment he heard his own name sounded from below. His apprehensions instantly vanished, for he distinguished the voices of madame and his sisters In this way the reader uses imagination to deduce what will occur. Moreover, the author employs diverse factors with this purpose, for instance the sound of ghostly music, inexplicable events, voices, the presence of strange figures, shadows, ghosts, and the night. Unlike Radcliffe’s works, in Dracula, suspense and immediacy are mixed in the narration because the reader find hints throughout the story that could be illogical at first, but some pages after the author uses the directness to reveal the denouement of an action. An example that can illustrate suspense is the scene following Lucy’s death. In that moment Van Helsing says to Dr. Seward: ‘I want to operate, but not what you think. [†¦]. I want to cutoff her head and take out her heart’ , which seems a bit striking for the reader because he will not understand why Van Helsing would like to profane a cadaver until some pages further on, when it is discovered that Lucy is a vampire and this is the only way to kill her. On the other hand immediacy appears at the end of almost every chapter. The author reveals suddenly what is happening and leaves the situation in the most thrilling and tense moment arousingShow MoreRelatedOn the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin1148 Words  | 5 PagesOn November 24th, 1859, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life by Charles Darwin (renamed On the Origin of Species 13 years later) was published in London, England. In it, Charles Darwin specified his observations and gave his insight on what he thought caused evolution. He called it natural selection. Before this, nearly everyone believed that a single God created every living organism that none of them had changedRead MoreThe Origin Of Species By Charles Darwin868 Words  | 4 Pagesinanimate Polymorphic-different forms or types in organisms of the same species. Potent-something of great power or influence. Vigorous-healthy or strong. Volition-choosing or making a decision. B) 1. The text was written by Charles Darwin, who is renowned for his theory of evolution. Besides his book The Origin of Species, he also wrote Voyage of the Beagle and The Descent of Man to name a few. Credence should be given to Charles Darwin for his contributions to the evolution theory and for serving asRead MoreThe Origin Of Species By Charles Darwin1689 Words  | 7 Pagesmain book where we get out information about evolution is in Origin of Species’ by Charles Darwin. In his book, Darwin introduced the concept of evolution by natural selection. Natural selection is the process in which the organisms which are better suited for their environment. According to Darwin, there are four major points to natural selection. The first point is overproduction, indicating that more offspring survive, meaning the species would survive longer. Then, there s genetic variation. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Baroque Era Essays - 1269 Words
THE BAROQUE AGE Social and Cultural Background nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Baroque is a term borrowed from the visual arts and one that is used in many different senses. The Baroque Era applies to the years between 1600 and 1750. The most famous composers of this time were Bach, Handel, Vivaldi and Teleman. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Politically it was an age of magnificent absolute Monarch’s. The most magnificent of all was Louis XIV of France. Louis ruled from 1634 until 1713. During this time the need to create a national culture or a regional style that would match or surpass the elsewhere created cultural models was pressed for. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When looking at Baroque architecture it is noticeable that the†¦show more content†¦The composers at this time usually did not specify dynamics on their pieces, they simply wrote â€Å"loud†or â€Å"soft.†nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The most prominent element in Baroque music was rhythm and texture. Baroque’s fast movement generally caused the feeling of rhythmic drive. Tempos were always constant. The least prominent element was melody. Gradual rise of tonality on the other hand was a great Baroque innovation. This is the major-minor system that is still used today in the twentieth century. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Opera was one of the most important developments in the Baroque Era. It began in Florence in 1600. French operas featured more emphasis on the orchestra and chorus. During this time Handel invented the oratorio. An oratorio is a large work for soloists, chorus, and orchestra sung in concert format, without costumes or staging, in a concert hall rather than as part of a church service. Some other instrumentals formed during this era were: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Concerto Grosso: in three movements, fast-slow-fast, and pits a large group of soloists against the larger string ensemble. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Suite: a less formal structure consisting of several binary dance movements nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fugue: Latin for â€Å"flight†or â€Å"chase,†denotes a standard Baroque compositional process. JohannShow MoreRelatedBaroque And The Baroque Era732 Words  | 3 PagesI. Baroque (began around 1600-1750). A. The Baroque era began as artists were disgusted against the approach of Mannerist art. The Baroque art movement combines dramatic works of arts, beautiful details, and emotionally stimulating subject matter to give the viewer a powerful visual experience (Devlin, E. L. 2013) B. Artwork significant to the movement ïÆ' ¼ Merisi, M. (1601). â€Å"Caravaggio, Conversion of Saint Paul†[oil on canvas 7’ 6†x 5’ 9†]. Cerasi Chapel, Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome. 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This era took place after the Renaissance era and before the Classical era. The word â€Å"baroque†is derived from the Portuguese barroco, or â€Å"oddly shaped pearl†(â€Å"About†). The term has been used a lot throughout the nineteenth century to describe the period. Some known music familiarities from the era are Pachelbel’s Canon and Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. This era not only connectedRead MoreElements Of The Baroque Era1031 Words  | 5 PagesThe Baroque Era between 1600-1750, was an era that created creative styles and elements, which the Catholic Church took into favor. The Baroque also created a symbol of wealth that the Catholic Church took in creating new sculptures, paintings, and architecture. The Baroque Era emphasized political tension through Church, artistic beauty that would change the view of the church, and amazing architect ure that helped convey a theological vision inside the church. 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These artists, both fr om different regions and time periods, produced artwork that differed in many ways, namely in message, style, and intended audience. The Baroque era and Neoclassicism are separate
Monday, December 9, 2019
Sample Organizational Change Management Plan Of Australia Post
Question: Discuss about theOrganizational Change Management Plan of Australia Post. Answer: Introduction The report is basically discussed about the change management program in a company. The report is based on the importance of change management in the company for the growth and success. The discussion has included strategic analysis of change to know that why it is needed for the organizational success. Along with this, the report includes planning for the successful change and management of people with that change. Report is also discussed about the issues and barriers will rise because of the change and how to overcome from those issues. The benefits of the change process are also discussed in the report. A company needs various changes while operating in competitive market. Company has to adopt different changes if it wants to do growth in the market. There can be various reasons for the change in a company such as to increase the production, to give better customer services, to compete with the competitors, to restructure the business etc. before changing anything in the business, the company has to analyze all situation of its business. Company has to adopt proper change management process for successful implementation of change. Change management is a systematic process by which company can transform the present situation into future beneficial situation (Gashi, 2013). Strategic Analysis of Change This part of the report is focusing on the strategic analysis of change i.e. need and objective of change. Every company sets some goals and objectives in its business operations. A company requires strategic changes in the business operations when it faces any type of issue in achieving the goals and objectives (Graham, Bennett, 2008). For the study of strategic analysis of change, the company named Australia Post has been taken. The need of strategic changes in the Australia Post has been as follows: Objectives There are some objectives for the changes in the Australia Post. The current business objectives of the company are as follows: The objective of the company is to deliver innovative and best products and services to the customers in the market, The company wants to give friendly services by the qualified and knowledgeable employees, The company wants to establish the strong relationship with its clients and customers by providing best services and products, Company also wants to keep satisfy its employees by rewarding them on their good and effective performance in their job, One of the important objectives of the company is to motivate the employees so that they can participate and give their best for successful business operations (Ardichvili, 2012). Need for the Change The company Australia Post has the business objectives which are described above but the strategies adopted by the company were not so effective to achieve these goals. The reasons of the failure of the strategies are the lack of knowledgeable staff, lack of friendly attitude in the employees towards the customers, lack of punctuality and sincerity in the employees and staff to provide the services on time, and lack of motivation among the employees etc. These are some reasons available in the current strategy that is why company is unable to achieve its set objectives. There is a need of some changes the strategy of the company to achieve the goals and objectives (Gill, 2012). Review of Companys Strategic Objectives The current strategies of the companies and their failures are as follows: There is one of the policies named enterprise agreement 2013. The policy was made to reward the employees who perform well but it was failed. The reason of failure was that the policy was not implemented properly and in a right manner. The result was that the employees did not get fair rewards for their performance. There was another policy in the company named assignment of the postcodes. The policy was made to provide postcodes in different areas and various geographical localities. This policy was also failed because of the lack of proper training to the employees. The result was that the employees did not allocate the postcodes timely. Another policy in the company was refund policy. This policy was made for the customers benefit. The policy is to refund exchange or repair the product to the customer in case of any complaints. But this policy was not implanted properly and customers faced many problems with the companys product. There was one more policy related to ethics in the company. The aim of this policy to ensure the ethical ways in the business operations. But there was lack of communication among the employees in the company. The result was that this policy was also failed to fulfill the objectives of the company. These were some issues that needed to be changed to achieve the goals and objective within the company (Smart Pontifex, 2003). Necessity of Changes Because of the unsuccessful strategies, company is unable to achieve the objectives. There are the needs to change the current strategies of the company. The points in the strategy are as follows: Performance gap: The main reason of the failure of the strategy is the performance gap. There is the performance gap in the delivery of products and services to the customers. The reason of the performance is that there is a lack of punctuality and sincerity in the employees of the company. Because of these performance gaps, both the customers as well employees are not satisfied. The performance gap is because of the managers who not successful in communicating with the employees in the company. One of the reasons of performance gap can be lack of knowledge in the employees (Kossek, 2007). Business opportunities: There are some opportunities which can be adopted by the company such as new technologies, increasing demand of innovative products; growing environmental awareness among the customers etc. along with this, there can be some issues such as legal policies and restrictions, starting of new companies and competitors etc (Tracey, 2004). Management decisions The management of the company made several policies but they are failed to take appropriate decisions to implement those policies and they have also took decisions of not providing all the relevant holidays to the employees which became the main barrier for non-achievement of objectives. Environment- There are also environmental factors which matter in the change management. By creating awareness about environment, the Australia postal can be able to deliver best quality of products and services. This can be an opportunity for the company to grow its business in the market. Change in technology- The technology is continuously changing and it is creating lots of opportunities for the companies. The company can develop new and innovative products and services for the customers by new technology. This will be helpful in acquiring new customers and retaining existing customers. There are also some aspects such as social, legal, and political aspects which can create opportunities for the company to change the strategy. Thus, above discussed points are the reasons to drive the change in the company (Martocchio, 2004). Planning of Change Before implementing the change management process, it needs a perfect planning. For the successful change management process, managers of the company need to do proper changes in the current strategy. To make effective changes, the company should appoint a change management team who should have proper knowledge of change management process. In the change management team, the employees as well as outsiders can be team member. In the second step of change management plan, the team has to analyze the companys strategies for making changes. The analysis should be done to identify the sustainability of change management plans. The next step of change management process is to create a communication plan within the company. The communication plan in the change management process is necessary because it will be helpful to inform the members of the company about the change in the company or in the strategies. The next step of the change planning is to set up proper timeline which will be requ ired during the change management process. Another step is to identify the problems and issues, which may arise during the change management process. Identification of the issues will be helpful to find out the solution of the problems in a proper way. The next step in the change planning is to present the report of all the planning before the senior management and higher authority. It is important to take approval from the higher authority for making changes within the organization. The last one is to discuss about the change plan with lower management team to implement changes within the company. This will be helpful for the change management team to gather different and innovative ideas for the change process by the members of the company (Hersey Blanchard, 2012). Taking Approval for the Change Process It is very important to take approval for the change planning from the higher authority. For example, if there is a need of change in the production process, the team must take approval by the production manager, managing director and CEO of the company. If there is a need to changes in the human resource management, the team must take the approval from the human resource manager and from CEO. If there is a need of changes in the other matters, the approval must be taken from the respective departments so that change process can be take place in a systematic process. After taking approvals from the higher authorities, the change managers need to identify the required resources for the change management process. There are some resources that are needed for the effective implementation of change management process within the organization. For example if the Australia Post needs to makes changes in the human resource department then the training and development session is required by the human resource managers for the employees so that they can make adjust with the change process. For the training sessions, the managers have to identify the employees who need training and development sessions. After the identification of employees, managers need to prepare a proposal for required money for the training sessions and they need to present the proposal before the senior management for the approval. Apart from this, if the company requires the changes in the production department then the production managers have to identify the required raw material to produce new products. To produce new and innovative eco-friendly products, managers need to identify that what type of raw materials will be needed for the production. After identifying that what changes are required in the production department, the production managers have to inform the human resource department to arrange the required training for the employees and workers so that they would be able to learn that how to use new technology and raw material for the production of new and innovative products. After that, the production manager will inform the respected authority for the fund and money which will be required for the all process. Managers have to inform the finance department to provide sufficient fund for implementing effective changes in the company (Hellriegel, Slocum, 2004). Change Management Plan For implementing successful changes in the company, managers have to adopt a proper change management plan. Change management is a very essential part of a companys change process. A proper and structured change management plan ensures the success of the company in the competitive market. Change management plan also includes the strategies which is helpful in achieving the goals and objectives decided by the company. For implementing successful change management process, managers have to adopt some new and innovative strategies while performing change process. The change process also requires proper and effective decisions by the managers. Along with this, a proper change management process is a complex process because it requires sufficient process and proper time for performing change process. The managers must have full knowledge of the situations which require changes. Knowledge of the decision problem will be helpful to the managers to take right decisions. In the change managem ent plan of Australia Post, there are some techniques and analysis are included in it. Cost benefit analysis: The cost benefit analysis of the company is described below- Required changes and opportunities Costs Benefits Increment in the demand of eco-friendly products Lack of knowledge in workers of production department, huge initial cost in production system. Increase sales, increase customer services, increase in the brand image among customers. New technologies Lack of knowledge in employees about new technologies, leaving jobs of some employees. Success in producing new and innovative products, attracting new customers, and competing with competitors. Training and development sessions for workers and employees Huge initial cost, time consuming. Trained employees and staff members, ability to deliver better services and products to the customers, increasing customer satisfaction. Risk analysis: There is one of the most important tasks for Australia post to analyze the job for establishing the experience among the employees. The aim of the change management plan is to adopt new practices and strategies to achieve the objectives of the company. The change management will be helpful to improve the business performance of the company in the market. So, job analysis and preparation of organizational structure is important to be done before implementing the change process. To achieve the objectives, mission and vision of the company, managers must motivate to the employees so that they would be able to give their full potential. Along with this, managers must value of the employees. By valuing the employees, the company will be able to make changes easily in its operations. Company can increase its effectiveness and innovativeness and capabilities to adopt the change in the strategies. It will also help in increasing the performance of the company. The change manag ement process will be successful by the continuous involvement of the employees. Managers need to identify the ways by which the employees can involve themselves in the change management process and support the business operations (Jick, 2001). Discussion with stakeholders: The stakeholders of the company can be employees, managers, shareholders and customers. The stakeholders are the most important part of the company and they play an important role in developing and improving the performance of the company in the market. Stakeholders give effective and new ideas to overcome from the issues and barriers which rise in the business operations. Thus, it is very necessary to discuss with the stakeholders while performing change management process within the company (Cennamo, Berrone Gomez-Mejia, 2009). Communication Plan: For performing well and successful implementation of change management plan, the managers of Australia Post need to develop a strong communication plan to communicate with the employees as well as customers about the change process. It is very important to inform the employees and customers about the changes which are going to take place in the future. By the further information, employees as well as customers will be able to adjust according to the changes. Communication can be done through some ways such as face to face meetings, social media, email etc. Another thing can be done by managers to arrange the required fund for the communication plan and for overall change management plan. Strategies for implementing change within the company: To develop the effective communication plan and reduce the negative impact of the change process, managers of the Australian Post need to adopt some strategies. These strategies will be helpful to promote the benefits of the changes done by the company. There are three steps which are required in developing effective communication plan i.e. organizational pre-posting, implementation of change management plan, and consolidation and ongoing process. The first step named ongoing process focuses on the communication with employees and stakeholders for making changes in the company. It also includes job analysis, proper description of the job profile, proper structuring of the organization, and proper training and development sessions for the employees. These all steps are used for the proper implementation of change management and managing the risk and issue while implanting the change within the company. Second step is implementation of change management plan. The main focus of this part is to make the changes in the company against the current strategies so that company can be able to achieve the decided goals and objectives. There should be proper observation of the progress and impact of the changes by the senior management or higher authority and by the stakeholders. The third step is ongoing support and consolidation. This part focuses on giving support and motivation so that they can be able to adjust themselves in the changing environment. By giving training and communicating, managers will be able to motivate the employees for adopting new work culture of the company. Managers can give the proper knowledge about the change and benefits of changes to the employees. It is necessary to create awareness among the employees about the changes that why the change management process is important and what would be the benefits by the change management process. It would be helpful in improving the performance level of the employees. Organizational pre-posting is very important for the company to deliver required knowledge to the employees for creating awareness and changing strategies for future results. Along with this, the strategy of change management plan is to focus on to design the effective training and development sessions. The training plan is designed to ensure that every employee in the Australia Post get full knowledge and information about the change management process. Managers of the company have to provide sufficient data to the employees regarding their job profile. Along with this, companys business objectives are the main area on which the change management plan is focusing (Fleming Senior, 2006). Project Timetable: Project timetable is decided by the giant chart. It includes the timetable of projected works such as what process would be done and in what time. Activities Time Informing the employees about changes 1st month Arranging the training sessions 1st month Continuing the training sessions 1st month 2nd month Communicating with employees and shareholders 1st month 2nd month Arranging the funds 1st month 2nd month Completion of the change management process 3rd month The giant chart will be helpful for managers to divide the time according to the activities. Managing People Staff and the employees are the most important part of any organization for getting success. In the case of the company Australia Post, the managers need to communicate the employees about the changes which they are going to make in the business activities. For the effective communication, managers need to identify the methods so that they can develop effective communication plan for the employees. The strategy of the company Australia Post is to communicate all the employees at every time when the change is takes place in the company. There is also a strategy of training and development program for the staff so that they can easily adopt the changes. Along with this, providing new raw material to the production department is also a strategy included in the change management process (Szamosi Duxbury, 2006). Barriers to Change in the Company There are some main barriers in the company Australian Post: Shortage of funds in the company for making changes and starting for training and development sessions. Company uses all the funds in promotional activities and production of products. Company has to arrange the proper fund for the change process. Lack of proper communication system and plan for the employees in the company. Employees always have a fear regarding change and they do not want to make changes in their daily routines and habits (Smith, 2015). Shortage of knowledge in the employees about new technologies can be main barrier in the change management process. It is because of the shortage of proper training for new developments. Shortage of managers to provide training is also one of the most serious issues. There is no proper senior staff to give proper training to the employees. Company has to hire the trainer from outside for the training sessions. It will require time and money. There is no infrastructure and organizational structure for implementing the changes. Managers need to set whole organizational structure in a proper way so that they can implement the change management process successfully (Brown, 2006). Strategies for Overcome from Barriers The strategies in change management plan of Australia Post to overcome from the barriers are- There is a strategy to communicate with all employees at time to time about the changes. CEO or higher authority of the company should not make strategies by themselves. Managers of the company should tell the employees that how the change process will impact on the success of the company and how they will adapt the change in their daily routine and work style. A notice is given to the managers by the senior authority to implement the changes in effective ways. For the implementing of changes, managers need to focus on the critical thinking and analysis of the objectives that are to be achieved. There is a strategy for the training and development session that they should be implemented strictly. By giving proper training, employees will be able to know that how to use new technologies and now raw material for the production purpose. There is also a strategy for the production department that the new raw material and new technologies will be provided to the production team. By providing new raw material on time will be helpful for the production managers to produce the innovative products. These strategies will be helpful for the company to implement the change management plan successfully (Kotter Cohen 2008). Potential Benefits of the Change A well-defined change management plan leads to the successfully implementation of the changes within the company. With proper communication and effective training process, the company Australian Post would be able to give knowledge about the changes which are going to take place. There are some benefits of the implemented change management plan in the Australian post: Motivation of the employees: By the strategic change management plan, Australian Post will be able to identify the targets and objectives which are to be achieved. The change management plan pushes the company to get success during the critical time and motivates the employees and staff to achieve the set and desired goal and objectives. Position of existing resources: The key element of the change management plan is to use the existing resources at the right place for the future vision. By the effective change management plan, the Australian Post will be prepare to best use of resources with the new strategies and changes which are being implemented the company. Managing operations on daily basis: Australian post will be able now to maintain the business operation in daily basis. The proper and effective change management plan will improve the efficiency and capability of the company in the competitive market. By the implemented change management plan, company will be able focus on day-to-day operations of the business by eliminating negative aspects. It will also be helpful in attracting new customers. Focus on employees concerns: By involving the employees in the change management process, the company will be able to focus on the employees concerns regarding the changes. Focusing on the concerns of the employees, company will be more effective. By the change management plan, company will make the ways of communication with the employees so that they may feel free to express their thoughts and views. Reducing risk: Effective change management plan reduces the risk and barriers and saves the time which can be utilize in implementing new strategies. Proper change process will lead a successful attempt to change in the company. Increment in morale: Change management plan supports and motivates and give right information to the people in the company so that they bound to perform and get more involved in achieving objectives. New opportunities: Change management plan of the company will enable the employees to contribute their best in the innovation of new products and services. Company will be able in developing the best ways to maintain the growth of the business as well as employees (Saphiro, 2010). Measuring the Change Measuring the change process is very important for identifying that the change in company is on right way or not. By setting the targets and measuring the result is the good way for measuring the change process. There are some ways by which the company Australian Post can measure the change process: Customer Satisfaction: This is the important measure of the company. Customer satisfaction is the key indicator companys success. The change process in the customers can be measured by taking feedbacks via survey and questionnaire and evaluation the improvement over the time. Performance evaluation: The main aim of the change management plan is to improve the performance of the employees so that they can be able to achieve the objectives of the company. If the employees are improving their performance and they are involving themselves in the change process then it can be said that change is taking place. Increasing brand image: Change management plan focuses on the new strategies to achieve the set objectives and provide better quality of products and services to the customers. Because of the better quality services, company would be able to increase its brand image among the customers in the market. Change in culture: The effective change management plan includes change in the culture of the organization. This focuses on the life the level of the workers and promoting corporate social responsibility in the Australian Post. The changing environment of the company indicates that the change is taking place within the company. Achievement of goals: The change management plan of Australian Post is made to achieve the set organizational goals because the past strategies were not able to achieve them. The changes which are done in the company should be matched to the short term goals and objectives of the business. So, if the company is achieving its objectives then change process is successfully implemented. Increasing operations: Effective change management plan will be helpful to provide best services to the customers. It will increase the operational efficiency of the company. Change management plan will also be helpful in expanding the business in more areas. If the company is able to expand its business operations effectively, it means that the change management plan is implemented successfully (Pasmore Woodman, 2007). So, it is very important to measure the change management process so that company able to know that the change it has implemented in the strategies are going on the right way or not. Managers of the company need to create benchmark of the process of the business to compare with the similar companies to know the best practices. Along with this, gap analysis by the managers will also be helpful to know that where the company is currently standing and how much the implemented new strategies are effective in achieving the objectives set by the company (Patton, Michael, 2008). Conclusion This report is basically described about the importance of the change management plan and the implementation of the changes in the strategies of the company Australian Post. Australian post is the famous company in the Australia. There were some unsuccessful strategies which were unable to achieve the objectives of the company. For the future growth, the company has to adopt some strategic changes in its strategies such as changes in human resource management department and in production department. For implementing the effective changes, managers need to take approval from the higher authority such as CEO and managing director of the company. Along with this, the managers need to communicate with the employees as well as customers about the changes which are going to take place in the company. From the above discussion, it has been analyzed that for effective implementation of the change management plan, managers need to identify those employees who are not comfortable and who need training and development sessions. It is important to provide the training sessions to the employees so that they can get knowledge about the new technologies and new raw martial. Training sessions will also be helpful to the employees in expressing their views and thoughts freely regarding the change process. By the above discussion in the report, it has been analyzed that the proper and effective change management plan is also helpful in reducing the risk and barriers which can be raised during the change management process. It will improve the efficiency of the company in attracting new customers and retaining the existing customers. Form the above report, it can be said that the company Australian Post is initiating many training programs for the growth and development of the staff of the company. This will directly give strong impact on the brand image as well as growth of the company. The managers of the company need to judge the growth and profit every time after implementing the change management plan. References Ardichvili, A. (2012). Knowledge Management, Human Resource Development, and Internet Technology:Advances in Developing Human Resources, 4(4), pp.451-463. Brown, A. (2006). Quality Management: Issues for Human Resource Management: Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 33(3), pp.117-129. Cennamo, C., Berrone, P. Gomez-Mejia, L.R., (2009). Does stakeholder management have a dark side? Journal of Business Ethics, (89), pp. 491-507. Fleming, J. Senior, B., (2006). Organizational Change, (3rd), UK: Prentice Hall. Gashi, R. 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Pasmore, W.A., Woodman, R.W., (2007), Research in Organizational Change and Development, (16) Patton, Michael Q., (2008), Utilization-Focused Evaluation,Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Saphiro, A., (2010), Creating Contagious Commitment: Applying the Tipping Point to Organizational Change, (2nd) , North Carolina: Hillsborough Smart, J. Pontifex, M. (2003). Human Resources Management and the Australian Human Resources Institute: The Profession and Its Professional Body.Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 31(1), pp.1-19. Smith,C., (2015), 5 Barriers to Change Management and How to Easily Overcome Them, accessed on 9th October 2016 from Szamosi,L.T., Duxbury, L., (2006), "Development of a measure to assess organizational change",Journal of Organizational Change Management, 15 (2), pp.184 201. Tracey, W. (2004).Human resources management development handbook. New York: Amacom.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Voiceless Essay Example For Students
Voiceless Essay Many people spend a whole lifetime trying to repair a wounded self. For these voiceless people, every action and interaction serves the purpose of finding something of value within themselves. Traditionally, psychologists have termed such people narcissists, but this is a misnomer. To the outside world it appears that these people love themselves. Yet, at their core they dont love themselvesin fact their self barely exists, and what part does exist is deemed worthless. All energy is devoted to inflating the self, like a persistent child trying to blow up a balloon with a hole. Unfortunately, such people cannot hear others: spouse, lover, or friends, and especially not children. They focus entirely on repairing and protecting their own ego. Usually they are unaware of their deafnessin fact they may believe they hear better than anyone else (this belief, of course, is another attempt at self-inflation: damaging therapists often fit this profile). Because they need proof of the signific ance of their voice, they must find people, particularly important people, to hear them. If they are not heard, they feel worthless, or worse, they feel they dont exist. They are interested in listening only to the extent that it allows them the opportunity to give advice or share a similar (and either better or worse, depending upon which has more impact) incident that happened to them. Many engage in sham listening, appearing to be very attentive because they want to look good. Because of their underlying neediness, these people often work their way to the center of their circle, or the top of their organization. Indeed, they may be the mentor or guru for others. The second they are snubbed, however, they rage at their enemy with venom. What makes it difficult to help these people is their self-deception. The processes they use to protect themselves are ingrained from early childhood. As a result, they are absolutely unaware of their constant efforts to maintain a viable self. If they are meeting with success (e.g., people respect and adore them) they are satisfied with life. Two circumstances bring this type of person to a therapists office. Sometimes a partner who feels chronically unheard and unseen drags them in. Or, they have met with some failure (often in their career) so that the strategies they previously used to maintain self-esteem suddenly no longer work. In the latter situation, the depression they experience is profound. Can people like this be helped? Sometimes. The critical factor is whether they ultimately acknowledge their core problem: that they grew up in a family where they were neither seen nor heard, and that they employed their perpetual self-building strategies to survive. Acknowledging this truth takes a great deal of courage, for they must face their underlying lack of self-esteem as well as their vulnerability. Then comes the long and painstaking work of building (or resurrecting) a self in the context of an empathic and caring th erapy relationship. We will write a custom essay on Voiceless specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover Essay Example
My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover Essay Example My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover Paper My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover Paper Essay Topic: Literature In Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess, Browning explores the male psyche by portraying two men so obsessed by domination and control that they are finally driven to kill their lovers. Written in the 19th century, these poems are set in a patriarchal society in which female subservience was expected and male supremacy absolute. In Advice to a Husband Cobbett states that A husband under command of his wife is the most contemptible of gods creatures. And it is this proclamation, viewed by many of the time that drives the protagonists of the two poems to the extremes. Despite the fact that the poems are written in dramatic monologues, the text contains certain clues which voice Brownings judgment and condemnation of the drastic actions taken by the male figures and thus societys role of trapping women under the rule of men. Neither the Duke nor the lover meet the expectations that the reader has of a protagonist of a Romantic poem. Instead Brownings presentation of flawed men as opposed to romantic heroes suggests that Browning is playing against his readers expectations. The Dukes description of his wife quickly reveals that he is a paranoid character; his speculative suggestion of what Fri Pandolf might have chanced to say reveals that he even suspects his wife of flirting with a monk. The lover is also a jealous character. He thinks that Porphyria is weak as she will not free herself from pride and vainer ties dissever, / And give herself to me forever. When the lover realises Porphyrias affections for him he becomes so crazed by power that he strangles her with the long yellow string of her own hair. In contrast to My Last Duchess, the poem makes completely clear to the reader that Porphyria is cruelly murdered by her lover. However the reader is led to suspect that a similar crime also occurs in My Last Duchess. The Dukes language is clinical and free from emotion as he declares I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together. In both poems, the men blame Porphyria and the Duchess for their own deaths due to what is deemed to be inexcusable behaviour. Browning however allows the reader to oppose the perspective of the male personas. In Porphyrias Lover the lovers descriptions of vainer ties are vague, so could be anything from another man to a social life excluding him. But as the reader is morally judgemental, no reason would be sufficient for murder. Even the lover himself feels the need to reassure himself of his action by saying No pain felt she; / I am quite sure she felt no pain. He also seems to fear Gods judgment as he says And yet God has not said a word! In My Last Duchess the Dukes reasoning for his wifes death shows irrational jealousy. He not only feels threatened by other men but of things, animals and even of the sunset which he describes as The dropping of the daylight in the West. As in Porphyrias Lover the reader does not believe the Duchess deserves her fate despite the fact that it is told from the Dukes point of view. His broken sentences show elements of self-doubt and he cannot clearly convey his argument for his partners death. Somehow I know not how It also appears that he senses his irrationality because he first states Whod stoop to blame / This sort of trifling? yet he continues to do just that. The Duke kills his wife in order to stop her looking as her looks went everywhere. This is because her role as wife is to be looked at, not to look at others. In death she is immortalised by means of a portrait in which she is trapped looking as if alive purely showing her husbands success through her beauty. The Duke regains the control that he thought he had lost by keeping his wife hidden: since none puts by / The curtain I have drawn for you but I. The Duke murders his wife because he refuses to lower himself: I chose / Never to stoop. This idea of hierarchy between men and women is also portrayed in Porphyrias Lover. Porphyria feels she has to provocatively offer herself in order to cheer her lover which is described by the male persona as stooping. The lover also states Porphyria worshipped me which conveys his heightened sense of ownership similar to the Dukes emotions when viewing the portrait of his wife. The lovers proclamation That moment she was mine, mine shows the power he holds over Porphyria and subsequently he kills her. In her death Porphyria becomes perfect to him as now he has total control. The Lover uses Porphyrias corpse like a puppet, positioning her to create different scenes: I propped her head up as before / Only, this time my shoulder bore / Her head And thus we sit together now / And all night long we have not stirred. These grotesque actions give the reader the impression that the Lover is dramatising their lives together singlehandedly, perhaps to ensure that nothing will ruin their eternity together. He even continues to create her emotions and wishes for her. When doing this he objectifies her further by referring to her as it. So glad it has its utmost will Although the Duke does not literally use his wifes body as an object like Porphyrias Lover, he uses the portrait he commissioned as a means of enjoying the visual aspects of his wife without having to deal with soul underneath. I call / That piece a wonder now shows clearly how the Duke believes his wife merely to be a possession of his. However unlike Porphyrias Lover, The Dukes perfection is somewhat tainted by the fact that another man painted her with a look of depth and passion which reveals the personality underneath the face. In this patriarchal environment in which My Last Duchess was set women and paintings were often considered to be the same as they are both commodities which show the wealth and success of a husband. Beautiful paintings showed that the husband could afford a talented artist and beautiful women came with smaller dowries thus showing that the male figure could meet the expense of his wife. The personas justifications for the murder of their partners are so weak that it is clear that Browning clearly deemed the male view that the best wife is a dead woman to be immoral. The characters personalities and the radical action taken provoke anger and shock within the reader and cause pity for the deceased women as Browning allows the reader to draw the conclusion that they were undeserving of their death. Not only does the murder seem unjust, but the way the male personas treat their dead lovers after their death stimulates bitterness. The Lovers manipulating of Porphyrias body presents a grotesque image whereas the Dukes use of his wifes portrait as a means of showing his power and success shows his character to be egotistical.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Factorial (!) in Mathematics and Statistics
The Factorial (!) in Mathematics and Statistics In mathematics, symbols that have certain meanings in the English language can mean very specialized and different things. For example, consider the following expression: 3! No, we did not use the exclamation point to show that we’re excited about three, and we shouldn’t read the last sentence with emphasis. In mathematics, the expression 3! is read as three factorial and is really a shorthand way to denote the multiplication of several consecutive whole numbers. Since there are many places throughout mathematics and statistics where we need to multiply numbers together, the factorial is quite useful. Some of the main places where it shows up are combinatorics and probability calculus. Definition The definition of the factorial is that for any positive whole number n, the factorial: n! n x (n -1) x (n - 2) x . . . x 2 x 1 Examples for Small Values First we will look at a few examples of the factorial with small values of n: 1! 12! 2 x 1 23! 3 x 2 x 1 64! 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 245! 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 1206! 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 7207! 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 50408! 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 403209! 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 36288010! 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 3628800 As we can see the factorial gets very large very quickly. Something that may seem small, such as 20! actually has 19 digits. Factorials are easy to compute, but they can be somewhat tedious to calculate. Fortunately, many calculators have a factorial key (look for the ! symbol). This function of the calculator will automate the multiplications. A Special Case One other value of the factorial and one for which the standard definition above does not hold is that of zero factorial. If we follow the formula, then we would not arrive at any value for 0!. There are no positive whole numbers less than 0. For several reasons, it is appropriate to define 0! 1. The factorial for this value shows up particularly in the formulas for combinations and permutations. More Advanced Calculations When dealing with calculations, it is important to think before we press the factorial key on our calculator. To calculate an expression such as 100!/98! there are a couple of different ways of going about this. One way is to use a calculator to find both 100! and 98!, then divide one by the other. Although this is a direct way to calculate, it has some difficulties associated with it. Some calculators cannot handle expressions as large as 100! 9.33262154 x 10157. (The expression 10157 is a scientific notation that means that we multiply by 1 followed by 157 zeros.) Not only is this number massive, but it is also only an estimate to the real value of 100! Another way to simplify an expression with factorials like the one seen here does not require a calculator at all. The way to approach this problem is to recognize that we can rewrite 100! not as 100 x 99 x 98 x 97 x . . . x 2 x 1, but instead as 100 x 99 x 98! The expression 100!/98! now becomes (100 x 99 x 98!)/98! 100 x 99 9900.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The significance of the lady in Black and her two Lovers Essay
The significance of the lady in Black and her two Lovers - Essay Example What Walker is also suggesting is that the feminist strivings are not exclusive of broader political seeking of equality. Indeed, the two causes are intricately connected and partly explain why Vyry and her two lovers are showcased in same scenes in the novel. (Graham 96) Apart from this symbolic display of solidarity, another reason why these characters appear together is to contrast their different mindsets and attitudes. In other words, there seem to be diversity of personality and character within the larger common objective of freedom. To illustrate, in one passage Innis Brown responding to his wife Vyry states â€Å"Just like you can make candles and soap and feather beds, rag rugs, and quilts, and spin and weave and sew, and cooking was your main job, I learned to do a lot, of things sides working in the fields." (Walker as quoted in Cash 78) The message here is one of establishing the dichotomy between the masculine and the feminine. The other dichotomies that these pairings bring out are those of â€Å"black versus white, rich versus poor, empowered versus disempowered, enslaved versus free†. (Beaulieu 15) Margaret Walker, writing in the middle of the twentieth century, factors an additional pair into the list, namely, legally enslaved versus legally free. One crucial way in which the genre of slave narrative is revised in Jubilee is the attention paid to the personal (especially the romantic) facets of Vyry’s difficult life. This is accomplished by showcasing the relationship between Vyry and her two lovers at several points in the work. Vyry’s loyalties are thoroughly tested as she is made to choose between â€Å"her loyalty to her first husband and her white family and loyalty to her second husband and her children. She is guided by her Christian ethics in arriving at a practical rather than radical resolution of the conflict.†(Bell 289) Her great virtues are best illustrated as she
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Greek-Orthodox religion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Greek-Orthodox religion - Research Paper Example Byzantine Christianity, which is the base of Greek Orthodoxy, is built with a combination of Christian and Hellenic heritage and is marked by â€Å"its liturgy, use of religious images (icons), veneration of saints and relics, monastic practices, and imperial grandeur†(Laderman and Leon, 294). The term orthodoxy represents, â€Å"proper glorification of God through appropriate worship†(Makrides, 66). The â€Å"defining feature†of Orthodox Christianity can be put more precisely as, â€Å"doctrinal correctness†(Makrides, 66). It also has its own â€Å"ritual tradition and institutional structures†(Makrides, 66). The basic theological premise of this strain of Christianity is not completed simply with a â€Å"belief in one Christian God†but has to be â€Å"the correct (â€Å"Orthodox†) belief in the one true and Trinitarian Christian God†(Makrides, 66). For Greek Orthodox religion, the ultimate salvation of the faithful is à ¢â‚¬Å"dependent on upholding the sole correct Christian faith, uncontaminated from deviant interpretations and influences†(Makrides, 66). The Greek Orthodox believers declare that they are the preservers of Christianity in its pure and correct form. They have drawn their theological beliefs and rituals from the seven Ecumenical Councils held between 325 and 787 and claim that they are preserving Christianity in the pure form as established by the Apostles (Makrides, 67). When a deep study is made into Orthodox Christianity, it can be seen that Greek Orthodoxy has a more profound sense of ecology than any other Christian religious system. In the present scenario of environmental destruction and predictions of global warming, it is the theology of Greek Orthodoxy that can lead human kind to evolve a comprehensive Christian ecology, which can impart a platform for our interactions with nature. The Trinitarian relationships as is delineated in Greek Orthodoxy can become the basis for deriving an ecological perspective based on Orthodoxy. The â€Å"relationships†itself establishes the relational aspect of the â€Å"very being of things†(Edwards and Worthing, 99). These relations are again, profoundly anchored in the â€Å"Trinitarian relationships of mutual love†(Edwards and Worthing, 99). The logic behind this supposition is that â€Å"if the Creator’s being is radically relational, then this suggests something about the nature of created reality†(Edwards and Worthing, 99). This is why Greek Orthodox theologian, John Zizioulas is quoted as saying, â€Å"it is communion that makes things be: nothing exists without it, not even God†(as cited in Edwards and Worthing, 99). From this theological background arises the notion that human and all other living creatures are â€Å"radically inter-relational and interdependent†(Edwards and Worthing, 100). And God is defined as all creatures in communion (Edwards an d Worthing, 100). Hence, Orthodoxy states that â€Å"the distinction between creator and creation is dissolved†which presents humans as embedded in nature, in God (Edwards and Worthing, 114). It is evident from the above discussion that while Western Christianity is rightfully criticized for being created the human-nature duality, and the notion that God has created nature to serve the humans, Eastern Orthodoxy resolves that dualism. It has a more environmentally realistic notion about this topic, as is delineated by White who wrote about this subject in the website, White has elaborated this argument by putting Greek Orthodoxy against Christian anthropocentrism. He (White) said: The Greeks believed that sin was intellectual blindness, and that salvation was found in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Essay Example for Free
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Essay Holden Caulfield in, The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, lives a troubled life of not really caring about the repercussions of his actions. Holden’s beliefs on life are very narrow minded and he is very judgmental of everyone around him. Holden also has a strong belief that mostly everyone in the world is a phony. This ties into Holden’s wants of becoming a catcher in the rye when he is older. In the future Holden wants to become the catcher in the rye to save children from falling into the rye. This idea of doing this came into Holden’s mind after hearing the poem by Robert Burns. Holden thinks that the poem says â€Å"If a body catch a body comin’ through the rye,†but the actual lyric is â€Å"If a body meet a body, coming through the rye.†The original poem is about two adults meeting in the rye, Holden misconstrues this line and thinks that it means someone catching someone in the rye, which Holden wants to do. Holden wants to stand on the edge of the cliff and catch the children from falling. This is symbolic of Holden wanting to save himself along with other children having to grow up in a world that he believes to be phony. Holden wants to catch the kids before they lose their innocence and fall into an adult world with adult beliefs. By Holden wanting to be The Catcher in the Rye, it is symbolic throughout the book and how he doesn’t want to grow up and tries to avoid everyone who is phony. He doesn’t want children to lose their innocence because it is something pure that only lasts temporarily. Holden’s wish to be the â€Å"catcher in the rye†is significant to explaining who Holden is as a person. After the reader finds out what Holden wants to become when he is older you get a better understanding of Holden and his beliefs. In a world that is all phony to him, he just wants to live. Even though he may not want to hurt any feelings, he comes off very rude. Allies death was a turning point in Holden’s life and changed everything. This truly troubles Holden and is shown throughout the story, such as when he no longer cares about his studies or school. Allies death causes him to become very troubled in life and disregard the good of his own life. When Holden says he wants to be the catcher in the rye, not only does he want to save kids innocence but he doesn’t want to face adult hood as well. Living in a phony world will ruin the innocence of children that doesn’t last forever. As the reader can see, Holden is a very troubled boy growing up in a â€Å"phony†world. A kid wanting to protect children from losing innocence will happen when Holden becomes the Catcher in the rye. As a symbolic theme throughout the whole book it is a symbol of Holden not wanting to grow up as well.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The History of Rap Music :: Rap Music Jamaican Culture Essays
The History of Rap Music Rap music originated as a cross-cultural product. Most of its important early practitioners-including Kool Herc, D.J. Hollywood, and Afrika Bambaataa-were either first- or second-generation Americans of Caribbean ancestry. Herc and Hollywood are both credited with introducing the Jamaican style of cutting and mixing into the musical culture of the South Bronx. By most accounts Herc was the first DJ to buy two copies of the same record for just a 15-second break (rhythmic instrumental segment) in the middle. By mixing back and forth between the two copies he was able to double, triple, or indefinitely extend the break. In so doing, Herc effectively deconstructed and reconstructed so-called found sound, using the turntable as a musical instrument. While he was cutting with two turntables, Herc would also perform with the microphone in Jamaican toasting style-joking, boasting, and using myriad in-group references. Herc's musical parties eventually gained notoriety and were often documented on cassette tapes that were recorded with the relatively new boombox, or blaster, technology. Taped duplicates of these parties rapidly made their way through the Bronx, Brooklyn, and uptown Manhattan, spawning a number of similar DJ acts. Among the new breed of DJs was Afrika Bambaataa, the first important Black Muslim in rap. (The Muslim presence would become very influential in the late 1980s.) Bambaataa often engaged in sound-system battles with Herc, similar to the so-called cutting contests in jazz a generation earlier. The sound system competitions were held at city parks, where hot-wired street lamps supplied electricity, or at local clubs. Bambaataa sometimes mixed sounds from rock-music recordings and television shows into the standard funk and disco fare that Herc and most of his followers relied upon. By using rock records, Bambaataa extended rap beyond the immediate reference points of contemporary black youth culture. By the 1990s any sound source was considered fair game and rap artists borrowed sounds from such disparate sources as Israeli folk music, bebop jazz records, and television news broadcasts. In 1976 Grandmaster Flash introduced the technique In 1979 the first two rap records appeared: "King Tim III (Personality Jock)," recorded by the Fatback Band, and "Rapper's Delight," by Sugarhill Gang. A series of verses recited by the three members of Sugarhill Gang, "Rapper's Delight" became a national hit, reaching number 36 on the Billboard magazine popular music charts. The spoken content, mostly braggadocio spiced with fantasy, was derived largely from a pool of material used by most of the earlier rappers. The backing track for "Rapper's Delight" was supplied by hired studio musicians, who replicated
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Rather the officials should have spoken
In the essay the author is attempting to protect the rights of free speech through persuasion rather than through threats and intimidations. In promoting his views, the author cites the example of an incident that took place at Harvard.It is the author’s contention that the university officials should not have enforced their rules on the offending students. Rather the officials should have spoken with the students in order to help them understand the effect that their action would have on the rest of the community. In developing his perspective, the author brings to light the dilemma that the first amendment presents in allowing such displays. However the author also suggests a way out. He is asking the university officials not to enforce any kind of rules on such displays.It is his contention that such a course of action will only generate more interest in such behaviors and therefore a vicious cycle will result. In other words, the author is suggesting that the university of ficial should not create too much publicity in dealing with such an issue.The author’s purpose in the essay is to explore the different ways in which arguments over free speech can be resolved. The incident that he mentions has to do with some students hanging a confederate flag in view.The First Amendment permits this. However it offends other members of the community. Therefore this is a difficult issue to resolve. On the one hand, university officials should not restrict the expression of free speech. On the other hand, they cannot allow freedom of speech to offend other members of the community.The author also mentions that some communities have enacted codes to resolve such situations while others have refused to impose such restrictions. The author’s purpose in this essay is to find a middle way. This is because enacting codes will only generate more interest in the area so that people will resort to more extreme forms of free speech.Refusing to impose restrictio ns will also not solve the problem because in this case the rights of free speech will be abused. The purpose of the author in this essay is to suggest a different way in which the issues raised can be resolved.In promoting his views, the author is citing examples of an incident that occurred at Harvard. This incident forms the core of this essay. Resolving the issues raised in this situation forms the structure of the essay. In developing the structure, the author draws upon the First Amendment to resolve the issue.However he brings to light how the First Amendment fails to resolve the situation that arose at Harvard. Therefore he argues for a greater level of communication with the students in order to help them decide for themselves whether what they did was right or wrong. The author believes that this is the only way for the university officials to resolve the situation with the minimum of publicity.The author believes that the publicity that will result from enforcing restrict ions will have the opposite effect. Therefore the university officials should try to resolve the issue internally by talking to the students. In presenting his views, the author argued the validity of imposing restrictions when such restrictions will only create more interest in the problem.The author clearly sympathizes with the students’ right to do what they did. However he seeks to communicate the importance of talking to the students in order to help them understand why what they could be considered subversive. He brings to light the fact that the students are clearly in their rights to hang the flag as it is permitted by the First Amendment.However he also argues over the inappropriateness of this action. He advises against enforcing restrictions. He believes that this will only create more awareness of this problem so that other students will be interested to create similar situations.Clearly it is in the university officials’ interest to minimize the number of these incidents and to that end, the university officials should resolve such situations privately by discussing the issues with the students.Therefore the author seeks to find a third way other than enforcing codes or doing nothing. In this respect, he stresses the importance of maintaining the balance between free speech and mutual respect. He says that this objective can be met through education and persuasion.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Women Entrepreneurship
INTRODUCTION The emergence of women entrepreneur & their contribution to the national economy is quite visible in India. Women have become aware of their existence, their rights & their work situations. The number of women entrepreneur has grown over a period especially in the 1990s. Women have owned & operated business since the beginning of American history & much earlier in other part of the world. They rarely were recognized or given credit for their effort. Often women were invisible as they worked side by side with their husband in businesses & may have only stepped into the leadership position when their husband died. Many recognized business today are owned & operated by the wife or daughter of the founder. Due to gender discrimination & bias many women choose the option of starting & managing their own business that can impede women’s success in the corporate world. Women entrepreneurship need to be studied separately for two main reasons. the first reason is that women’s entrepreneurship has been recognised during the last decade as an untapped source of economic growth. Women entrepreneurs create new jobs for themselves & others by being different also provide society with different solution to management , organization & business problem as well as to the exploitation of entrepreneurs opportunities. The second reason is that the topic of women entrepreneurship has been largely neglected both in society general & in social science. Not only have women lower participation rates in entrepreneurial then men but they also generally choose to start & manage firms in different industries then men tend to do. Industries choosen by women are often perceived as being less important to economic development & growth then high technology & manufacturing further more research tend to be men streamed & too often do not take in to account the specific need of women entrepreneur. Why women become entrepreneur:- Women often leave the corporate world by starting their own business, to provide additional flexibility & life balance in managing their traditional responsibilities as wife & primary care taker of children. Different theories suggest that there is no set & standard profile that can be practically applied. For every women who is an entrepreneurs or wants to become one they each have their own set of reasons, motivation & many can not be categorized. Female & male Difference:- In comparing the management style of women & men entrepreneurs women display distinctive features & abilities. Women entrepreneurs shows transformational style of leadership. this style encourages positive interactions & trust based relationship with subordinate with whom they also share power & information. Women in non traditional industries value many both as a motivator and the preferred out come yet Buttner & Moore’s research finding indicate that women’s important goals are for professional growth, development, challenge & self fulfilment while men’s are preferred higher income. Barriers against women entrepreneurs:- Capital Finance :- There are many barriers for women entrepreneurs when falling the prospects of starting a new business research finds the primary barriers is the access to capital finance. This could also include start up financing & credit, cash flow management in the early operation & financial planning. Lack of network :- Another prominent barrier that women entrepreneurs face is the lack of network of information, assistance & mentors. Networking is a set of interrelated relationship that mutually benefit or that are involved, through sharing & giving resources, information & data and personal referrals set. Due to the gender difference in access to network women was excluded from many of the formal & informal networks in organization. Apart form that there are various obstacles that women entrepreneurs face some of these are Low risk bearing ability Male dominated society Lack of Education Scarcity of raw material Role of women Entrepreneurs in the global economy Entrepreneurship emerges from an individual’s creative spirit in to long-term business ownership, job creation & economic security. Women bring commitment and integrity because they care about economic empowerment, entrepreneurial development & innovation. As owner of small & edium size enterprise women can supply multinational companies with ideas, inventions, technology, raw materials supplies components & business services, ultimately female business owner will be recognized for who they are, what they do & how significantly they impact global economy. The global impact of women entrepreneur is just beginning to gain intensity. Worldwide the no. of female business owner continues to increase steadily & recent on report concluded that economic de velopment is closely related to the advancement of women. In nation where women have advanced economic growth has usually been steady. By contrast, in countries where women have been restricted the economy has been stagnant. Thus we can say entrepreneurship is the core of economic development. It is a multidimensional task & essentially a creative activity. Entrepreneur is key factor of entrepreneurship in the process of entrepreneurship. Women have to face various problems associated with entrepreneurship & these problems get doubled because of her dual role as a wage earner & home maker. Women in India constitute a larger proportion of total unemployed population & hence it is imperative to find out the entrepreneurial constraint faced by them. In Rajasthan situation of women entrepreneur is very critical they face more problems because they are less educated & not aware of govt. supports. In brief the thrust of the study is as follows To ascertain the various constraint faced by women in their enterprise. To identify different strength and weakness of women entrepreneur. To identify various psychological characteristics of women entrepreneur. To know the problems faced by women entrepreneur in setting their enterprise. To know the opportunities and threat faced by women entrepreneurs in Rajasthan.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Course Description Essays
Course Description Essays Course Description Essay Course Description Essay Course Description This class covers generalist pattern accomplishments in the beginning stage of the assisting procedure with persons and households. Initially, basic communicating and questioning accomplishments indispensable to the assisting relationship within all system sizes are introduced and practiced. Following this basic accomplishment debut, pupils learn the undertakings and accomplishments required in the beginning stage of pattern, including readying, battle, foremost interview accomplishments and instance certification. Students so learn the procedure of roll uping relevant societal, psychological, cultural, economic, biological and religious information from both persons and households utilizing a strengths position. The procedure of analysing and synthesising this information for the intents of job preparation is besides introduced. The stairss of the catching procedure which link appraisal to intercession are besides examined and practiced. Last, instance direction as a signifier of so cietal work intercession is examined from an historical and modern-day position foregrounding the brokering and protagonism functions. Throughout this class accent is placed on the pattern and application of accomplishments through the usage of function dramas and other synergistic exercisings utilizing instance examples representative of the client populations with whom the pupils work. Topographic point of Course in the Curriculum This class is the 2nd portion of the three class generalist societal work pattern sequence. It is taken during the same semester as the first class in the sequence, Social Justice: Practice with Organizations and Communities ( SWGS 6319 ) . ( Students, who have taken SWGS 6320 Generalist Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities, may replace that class for SWGS 6319. ) Course Aims Upon completion of this class, pupils are expected to: 1. Get the basic Renaissance man pattern accomplishments to interpret an apprehension of the interaction of environmental and biological, psychological, societal and religious factors into work with clients. 2. Develop basic accomplishments to prosecute clients in the assisting procedure. This includes the relationship constructing accomplishments of interviewing, communicating and relationship accomplishments. 3. Learn the rules and techniques of roll uping, forming and measuring informations in order to develop basic biopsychosocial and religious appraisals of diverse clients and/or household systems and to analyse the interplay of multiple systems. 4. Guided by a strengths position, develop basic accomplishments related to the procedure of issue preparation, , end scene and undertaking about worker and client s function in the assisting procedure and intercession mode ( s ) and methods. 5. Develop the ability to place programs of action with clients to assist beef up their capacity to cover with issues, based on the appraisal of strengths, resources and obstructions within clients and their environments. 6. Develop a basic apprehension of how the societal worker s self-awareness pertaining to gender, age, civilization, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation influences the witting usage of ego in pattern. 7. Analyze the function of personal and professional values in pattern and the possible ethical issues and quandaries that may emerge. 8. Develop an consciousness of the impact of diverseness on the appraisal and intercession procedure ( i.e. civilization, gender, etc. ) between worker and clients and among a wide scope of clients. 9. Develop an ability to place and run in a broad scope of interventive functions such as facilitator, go-between, advocator, counsellor, accelerator, and societal agent. 10. Develop a beginning ability to implement a program of action, scheme for measuring intercession and program for future activities through the application of critical thought accomplishments. 11. Acknowledge the demand to orient the appraisal and intercession procedure to run into client s specific demands, particularly as it relates to populations at hazard including immigrants and refugees. 12. Have a basic apprehension of instance direction with diverse populations with peculiar attending to the accomplishments of brokering and protagonism when associating clients to needed services.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
7 Strange But (Probably) True Jobs of the Future
7 Strange But (Probably) True Jobs of the Future The career landscape changes with the times. Just as jobs making buggy whips and horse carriages eventually gave way to jobs in the automobile industry, time keeps ticking forward,with some interesting and unusual new jobs predicted for the future. In the world of supply and demand, finding a new job niche is limited only by imagination, so it will be fun to see what the future brings. Food EngineeringAs the world population continues to increase and people need food sources, engineers will be needed to create appealing bio-meat products and cross-bred plants that produce more crops that are sturdier and are more resistant to pests. In addition to engineers, other jobs may become available in this industry: think drone operators to monitor large swaths of planted production areas and agriculturists for urban areas to grow food for local consumption.Virtual Tour FilmographerVirtual tours are already around- all you have to do is go online to take a tour of the Louvre in Paris or the Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum. This business opportunity is growing as people film everything from extreme sports to visits to natural wonders and museums. This type of job will expand in the future as photographers spread out around the globe to film the more and more exciting adventures that you can enjoy vicariously from the comfort of your own home.Crowdfunding OrganizerThe process of crowdfunding, usually accomplished by using social media, is a way for a company to gather start-up funds for a new business or project idea or for a charity to get donations or to kickstart an educational project. Because crowdfunding usually has a time limit to gather donations, a crowdfunding organizer’s job is to maximize donations during that period by offering promotional advice.Privacy SpecialistIn this age of technology, privacy has become harder to maintain, and safeguarding your own privacy is a real concern. A privacy specialist ensures that a cli ent is using the most up-to-date methods to ensure security of digital information such as credit cards and personal identification from theft.Corporate Reorganizer/DisorganizerThis strange sounding job title is for an individual who works as a reorganizer for businesses that haven’t kept up with the times and appear old-fashioned and lackluster. A corporate disorganizer upgrades systems and finds new processes that bring the company up-to-date and streamline its functions, bringing it into a new era.Architectural 3D SpecialistThe architectural 3D specialist will be a busy individual in the future. As 3D technology increases, printable houses can add a new dimension to building. Construction of a house can be accomplished in a day, a possibility that may be used to clear and rebuild in blighted areas or construct new developments in a short time.Custom Organ DesignerNo, this organ isn’t the same kind you might see in an old horror movie. This type of job designs customized organs for people who need body part replacements. As scientists study ways to reproduce organs by using living cells, organ replacement is closer to reality than you might think.New jobs are always being invented, and the future may bring some surprises and opportunities.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ascertaining Organizational Behaviour of Contracting Firms Based on Article - 1
Ascertaining Organizational Behaviour of Contracting Firms Based on the Impact of Cultural Factors - Article Example 124). Constructions companies modify their organisational behaviours on account of its employees’ cultures. Experts argue that the development of a strong organisational culture is essential to the overall success of an organisation. It is rather evident there is a strong connection between people’s cultures and the behaviour within organisations. In the European Union (EU), for instance, behaviour noted in successful construction firms is largely due to the continually nourished and healthy organisational culture that not only appreciates the cultural backgrounds of its workforce, but also upholds such cultural characteristics (Tomek 2011, p. 12). This is, for instance, done by abiding to culturally significant events within the organisation, as well as allowing all persons from different cultures to maintain their unique cultural identities (Gold, Malhotra and Segars 2001, p. 46). Persons of different ethnicities and races have distinctive cultural beliefs, behaviours and ceremonies. Different governments of the EU member states, as well as the EU body, have established definite regulations that protect various aspects of different cultures from interference by other persons or organisations (Toole 2011, p. 37). This means that a construction company in the EU must abide by these regulations or face litigation. The culture of Muslims is to conduct prayers up to five times in a day and go to the Mosque on Fridays. In order to maintain effective organisational structures and employee satisfaction, construction companies must uphold such cultural practices among their Muslim employees. This means the provision for ample time to Muslim employees to attend religious services and conduct prayers without undue hindrance from company management or other members of the workforce. It is of paramount importance to appreciate the kinds of behaviour culture has the utmost impact
Friday, November 1, 2019
Is the Study of Past Military Leaders Valid for a Modern Military Essay - 1
Is the Study of Past Military Leaders Valid for a Modern Military Professional - Essay Example Historical studies move from one war to another, bringing out the list of a number of great military leaders who have changed the order of the world through their courage, strategies and heroic deeds. It is interesting to note that the contribution made by strong military leaders to the twists and turns of history are equal or more stable than religious leaders, intellectuals, scientists or philosophers could make. The most powerful political leaders the world has seen do have a military background. Leaders like Frederick the Great, Ulysses Grant, Napoleon, Alexander the Great and Hitler did start their political careers as soldiers or people who served the military. The observation that the â€Å"most influential leaders in world history have come not from the church, the halls of governments, or the scholastic centers but from the ranks of soldiers and sailors†is not an exaggeration. Wars do figure out in the modern world too, reinforcing the need and necessity for the mode rn military professionals to go back to the historical stories of success and failure, defeat and conquest of the past military captains, and learn either from their destruction or achievements. No doubt, warfare over the past 150 years have undergone a lot of changes: the nature of war has changed drastically with the modern man’s access to all types of advanced technological devices, machines and bombs.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Digital Forensics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Digital Forensics - Research Paper Example A distributed network can be on a broad scale and may involve many enterprise computer networks. Likewise, the currently installed network security controls are bypassed by the worm because distributed traffic anomaly is complex and small to detect. However, combining with multiple small data packets can impose a significant impact, as they all share the same frequency and domain that is already happening in the current scenario. For this reason, a method for detecting threats originating from the distributed network was introduced by (Zonglin, Guangmin, Xingmiao, & Dan, 2009). The methodology includes a detection of patterns of the distributed network along with network-wide correlation analysis of instantaneous parameters, anomalous space extraction and instantaneous amplitude and instantaneous frequency. In the current scenario, network administrators can apply instantaneous amplitude and instantaneous frequency, which is a part of this model, of network transmission signals can i nvade network unknown patterns and categorize them into frequency and time domains separately. Moreover, they can also deploy an anomalous space extraction methodology that is based on network transmission predictions. This methodology will facilitate network administrators to exceed the boundaries of PCA based methods that are already failed to provide strong correlations. Furthermore, the third component that is a network-wide correlation analysis of amplitude and frequency can discover overall network transmission originating from distributed networks, as the current controls are only sensing them in a small amount or quantity. After determining the exact source of the unknown worm, the next challenge is to analyze the infected nodes within the network. It is obvious that without a specialized tool, it is a daunting or almost impossible task to detect anomalies on low levels i.e. network ports. There is a requirement of pinpointing unknown threat activities within the network, fo r this purpose, a powerful tool is known as Wire shark will serve the purpose. Wire shark is a freeware tool that analyzes network packets and processes them for illustrating detailed contents of the packets (Scalisi, 2010). Moreover, the tool contains numerous features that can facilitate the threat detection process. The first step that a network administrator will take is to identify the type of traffic or ports that need to be targeted. The second step is to start capturing packets on all ports of all the switches (Scalisi, 2010). However, there is a requirement of modifying port numbers. As per the current scenario, all the network ports will be scanned including the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) port. The tool has a feature of only scanning specific ports that need to be targeted. However, in a corporate network environment that will not be possible, as an Intrusion detection system (IDS) and Firewalls may conflict with the tool. Moreover, different subnets on the netwo rk will also require complex and time-consuming configurations. Furthermore, the network administrator can always set the time limit for capturing specific network port data.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Essay Globalization Consumerism And Sustainable Development Environmental Sciences Essay
Essay Globalization Consumerism And Sustainable Development Environmental Sciences Essay Sustainable development has been a globally paradigm in different areas. Citizens lifestyle has an important relationship with the sustainability of a city. In living environment area, world-wide experts have adopted the Agenda 21 and tried to find the appropriate way to achieve a sustainable living lifestyle. According to Agenda 21, the major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable pattern of consumption and production, particularly in industrialized countries, which is a matter of grave concern, aggravating poverty and imbalances. However, as the global population increasing, how to balance the relationship between resources supply and demand is still a research question. For communities and individuals, special attention should be paid to the demand for natural resources generated by unsustainable consumption and to the efficient use of those resources consistent with the goal of minimizing depletion and reducing pollution. In other word s, the communities and individuals should look for an appropriate living style towards achieving sustainable goal. Although government has been put much efforts to encourage people to do some reduction of pollution, reduction of energy consumption, and waste recycling, actually there is still a long distance to reach the goal of sustainability, and there should be a series of fundamentally changes for individuals to adopt to pursue a green, sustainable society. Globalization Globalization means quite different things to different people. In general, globalization is a process that promotes world-wide exchanges of national and cultural resources. It includes economic globalization, social cultural globalization, and environmental globalization. In recent decades, the world markets have become increasingly integrated. As Lindert and Williamson 2011 pointed out, world market integration is not a new phenomenon, but it has steadily increased since the 1820s if we exclude the period between the two World Wars. A long-term correlation between the globalization of international markets and environmental degradation is quite obviously. The globalization of markets also brought about the globalization of environmental problems. Global climate change, ozone layer, reduction of biodiversity, over consumption of natural resources, desertification are all global environmental degradation brought after the economic globalization. The industrial revolution use large am ount of natural resources as materials in the process, as well as the deterioration of their quality as a consequence of pollution. The acceleration of economic growth led to the increasing of world population that promoted the deterioration of environment. Lifestyle and sustainability Concept of sustainable development The concept of sustainability means that something is maintained for a period of long time. The concept of sustainable development came out of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment in 1972.() Since the publication of the UN Brundtland Commission report Our Common Future in 1987, the concept of sustainability has become associated with the integration of economic, social, and environmental development to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The conference was held to let all nations agree to act to reduce pollution together to share the resources equally. Since 1972, it has become clear that what we do has an impact on the environment, from the climate change, desertification, and the destruction of forests to the disappearance of species. By introducing the word sustainable, the discussion on environmental development got a social and economic dimension, especially by the inclusion of the Nort h- South dialogue and discussion of the rights of future generations. This finally led to the world community holding the United Nations Convention on Education and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 where the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Framework on Climate Change, the Rio Declaration and 38 of the 40 chapters of Agenda 21 were agreed. The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was set up to review progress in the implementation of Agenda 21 and other UNCED documents. The Commission meets every year and more than 1,000 N.G.Os are accredited to participate in the Commissions work. Concept of lifestyle The concept of lifestyle comes from social science and refers to a bundle of practices or ways of behaving that are meaningful for individual as well for the community. Lifestyle includes different ways of socializing with others and different types of consumption of everything, from houses to clothes, food, and leisure time activities. Lifestyle could reflect individuals attitude and values and at the same time signals these to others through visible, or conspicuous, consumption. Sustainable lifestyle can thus be defined as bundles of practices that are tied together by attitudes related to sustainable development, or as ways of living that in practice lead to sustainable development. In 1992 at the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro, there was an international agreement on promoting sustainable development and thus also promoting sustainable lifestyle. Following the line of the Brundtland report, the conference reached consensus on the so-called Agenda 21 programme, which contains detailed guidelines and objectives, in a nonlegally binding language, and advice on how NGOs, citizens, and other actors can be involved in the process. The slogan was act local -think global and during the 1990s Local Agenda activities were initiated in many countries by both authorities and NGOs. In 2007-08 such initiatives received renewed interest, with global climate being high on the political agenda. Local Agenda 21 was no longer a catchword, though the concept of sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles was then used together with climate discussions. The processes of Local Agenda 21 build on the idea that changes must come from below, from changes in the everyday life of ordinary consumers. Current lifestyle When talking about living lifestyle, tobacco use, poor nutrition, obesity, elevated stress, and suboptimal sleep will come into ones mind, these are major contributors to the pandemic of lifestyle-related conditions, morbidity, and premature death (E dean) Preventable lifestyle-related conditions such as ischemic heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema (largely smoking related), hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and some cancers, are not only leading causes of disability and premature death in high-income countries, but increasingly in middle- and low-income countries. (stop) Compared to the impact of environment brought from lifestyle, the bad lifestyle seems to have much effect on individuals health. However, from long-term sight, bad lifestyle will bring waste of resources, pollution of environment and at last hinder the development of society. When talking about the lifestyle related to consumerism, green consumerism should be advocated. What is green consumerism? In short, who and why buy. current global levels of domestic energy consumption and waste production have been acknowledges as important contribution to detrimental environmental change (United Nations 1998) Political and academic interest in this component of sustainable development implementation has stimulated debates in post-industrial nations concerning the social practices of contemporary consumerism (Macnaghten and Urry 1998) and how we will live in the future (De Young 1993) n response there has been a call for the development of national policies and strategies to encourage changes in consumption patterns (UNCED 1992:64). One approach has been the promotion of environmentally-friendly lifestyles which often take the form of media or community campaigns (for further analysis see Hobson 2001). These campaigns encourage individuals not only to decrease the amount consumed, but also to alter the nature of goods consumed (lUCN/UNEP/WWF 1991; Librova 1999). Changing Lifestyles Towards Sustainability From a policy perspective, it is relevant to discuss how to promote more sustainable lifestyles. Changes can be initiated from the bottom-up, where people experiment with changing lifestyles, or from the top-down, where authorities make initiatives to promote changing lifestyles. Authorities can promote changes by political initiatives such as economic incentives or green taxes and through information and labeling of green products and campaigns focusing on changing attitudes. Furthermore, authorities can focus on establishing the physical infrastructure which supports sustainable lifestyles: public transportation, renewable energy production, recycling waste system, and so on. What follows describes, first, the people who have made radical changes to their lifestyles and, second, evaluations on initiatives to get ordinary people to change their lifestyle in a more sustainable direction. In the last couple of decades, some citizens have chosen more radical lifestyle changes and have joined so-called eco-villages. Some of the catchwords of this approach are closed cycles and self-sufficiency: water and waste should be recycled, energy locally produced from renewable resources, and the technologies organised in neighborhoods to strengthen and revitalize local social life. The ecological vision is followed by the social vision of a holistic everyday life a life that is not split between work, family, and home. In this sense, the eco-villages follow in the footsteps of the collectivist movement of the 1960s and 1970s and are a reaction against the lifestyle in detached suburban houses. Furthermore, in some of the eco-villages there is a spiritual relation with nature and an ethical concern for future generations. The people deciding to build and live in these eco-villages thus establish other physical, social, and cultural structures around their everyday life as part o f living a sustainable lifestyle. In the environmental debate, it has been questioned to what extent this type of experiment is part of a broader solution to sustainable development or whether these structures are only isolated pockets. Some of the alternative technological solutions, such as solar heating or wind power, had their hesitant first beginnings in these alternative environments. However, some of the eco-villages and other grassroots experiments had such alternative visual expressions that might have frightened the not-so-dedicated others from choosing sustainable lifestyles. This raises the question of whether sustainable lifestyles are only for those who want to live an alternative life or whether they should be mainstreamed and made available for a broader audience. In the twenty-first century, however, this debate might seem less topical, as grassroots approaches and more mainstream approaches to sustainable lifestyles appear to converge Many public initiatives have tried to persuade citizens to live a more sustainable life, and there are also examples of studies following the extent to which these types of efforts have an effect. In general, social science approaches dealing with these issues can be divided into psychological and sociological approaches. As an example of the psychological approach, a study performed by Abrahamse and others in the Netherlands followed the effects of an Internet-based tool that used a combination of tailored information, goal setting, and feedback on households direct and indirect energy consumption. An evaluation after 5 months showed that households gained a significant direct energy saving of 5%, whereas there was no measurable effect on indirect energy consumption. It is thus possible to document a small but significant relation between knowledge and action. From a sociological approach, the UK campaign Action at home, which is part of the Global Action Plan that originally developed in the United States during the late 1980s, has been evaluated by Hobson, and this evaluation questions the simple relation between knowledge and change of behavior. The Action at home campaign was a 6-month voluntary programme where households were provided with information, support, and feedback in a local setting enabling local support and networking between participants. An evaluation based on qualitative interviews suggests rethinking the ideas on information, barriers, and behavioural change. Information should be seen as a much more constructivist approach, where people use and develop arguments through conversations with others, rather than by receiving objective knowledge. The focus should be on the whole array of social structures sustaining specific behaviors, rather than on only barriers to action, and finally the understanding of behavioral chan ge should rather focus on how debate can bring unnoticed routines that are never consciously thought of. Though there are disagreements in the understanding of behavior and the role of information between the social and the psychological approach, it is possible to draw some general recommendations on how to best persuade people to change to a more sustainable lifestyle: Communication should be as specific and personalized as possible, and information should be as adjusted to the lifestyle of the citizens as possible, thereby making the advice meaningful and useful for the citizens attitudes and practices. With climate change high on the political agenda, especially before the climate summit conference in Copenhagen in 2009, sustainable lifestyles have gained renewed interest among the public, politicians, and academics. Will this interest be a short bobble followed by resignation? Will it be the start of mainstreaming sustainable lifestyles so they spread and become the norm? Or, will there continue to be a development fuelled by the tension between initiatives by different actors? Sustainability is a contested concept, and developments in the structures and practices of everyday life continue to change and thus provide new challenges for what a sustainable lifestyle is or should be. In the future, there is also a need to continue experimenting, debating, and developing new approaches to sustainable lifestyles Linking lifestyle and climate change literature The concept of lifestyle in the behavioural sciences has been studied in connection with social class [31,81,64 -66,86,87,47 ], culture-specific consumption patterns [ 22,30,52,79 ] as well as individual choice [25,7,6 ]. Social theorists have described how the disappearance of norms and economic limitations, mass consumption and the market have gradually removed restrictions and made the individual lifestyle a more appropriate way to describe differences in action, world views and consump-tion. Research suggests that the consumption behavior of individuals constitute a more or less coherent con-sumption pattern because individual tastes and prefer-ences conform to socially determined structures [13,19]. The fact that conspicuous consumption [17,77] is seen as a status symbol of wealthy people makes the less afflu-ent aspire to emulate this lifestyle [ 5 ]. Individuals use consumer goods to preserve their position in the social hierarchy [ 12]. A convergence of lifestyles has been accelerated by homogenisation in the human system over time and space due to the globalisation of the built environment, occupations, industry, trade and advertis-ing. Lifestyle is also described in an operational sense through the correlation between the level and pattern of consumption and socio-economic and demographic parameters such as age, family size, occupation, income, gender, education and ethnicity. Consequent energy and emission outcomes vary widely ( Table 1) calling for more inclusive action strategy to avoid leakages. The focus of change needs to be on the hotspots and patterns of energy consumption. Attempts to change energy consumption pattern are likely to lead to a change in energy consump-tion behaviour that make up the complete pattern. In the energy literature in the late 1980s, the energy researchers introduced the lifestyle concept into the study of energy consumption and established a positive correlation be-tween better lifestyle and high-energy consumption for both households and individuals. Kaya identity [34] has been used to show how both the individual and aggregate consumption pattern are an important driver of emission level along with the technology choice. Recent literature Suggestion
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